Day 11 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

L. is a Bratz Doll for Halloween…I’m just myself…

10/31/21. Sunday. Halloween!!! 

10:00 –11:00 -  At B.’s house this morning and I’m actually able to sleep in until 10:00.  I take a shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up. 

11:00-12:30 – B. picks up Starbucks and donuts and then we eat outside at his patio table and look at his golf course backyard. I leave. 

12:30-1:00 – Driving home. 

1:00–1:30 – I unpack, restock my overnight toiletries, and start a load of laundry. 

1:30-2:30 – I take the dog for a walk; then 

2:30-3:30 – I have leftover salmon and baked potato from last night’s dinner. 

3:00-4:00 – L. is still at work, but she wants to carve pumpkins when she gets home, before the trick-o-treaters arrive.  I prep the pumpkins and scrape the insides so L. can start carving as soon as she gets home. I listen to my Chapter 9 audio lecture for Specialty Class 1A while I work.

4:00-4:30 – I turn on the interior and exterior lights and ready the house for Halloween, then start poking holes for the design I’m going to carve in the pumpkin. I’m still listening to the chapter 9 audio lecture. 

4:30 -5:30 – L. returns from the Art Studio and immediately jumps in to start carving her pumpkin. I finish mine and L. is close behind.  I kind of mess up on the ghost and have to use a needle to secure an arm.  Admittedly, L.’s pumpkin is better than mine, but she’s an artist so I guess it should be. In fact, for the last two years, L.’s pumpkins have been better than mine and it’s irritating. L. says it’s not a competition, but everything’s a competition, right? We put flameless candles in each pumpkin and set them on the doorstep. They look amazing so we send pictures to B. and ask him to pick the best one – he politely demurs and says they both look good. 

5:30-8:00 – L. was originally scheduled to meet with her Otis friend, M., so they could go to a frat party  for Halloween and L. and M. ordered Bratz doll costumes for the occasion. I can tell that L. is exhausted so I gently suggest she stay home tonight instead of driving all the way to LA.  Shockingly, L. agrees.  She dons her Bratz costume, puts on a ton of costume make-up, and we walk around our neighborhood, looking at the Halloween decorations for the next two hours.  I’ve already seen the decorations since I walk the dog almost every day, but they’re new to L. 

Of interest: due to Covid, people don’t open their doors and hand out candy anymore.  They put the candy on a pedestal or table on their porch for the kids to take.  There are various signs in front of the candy bowls admonishing kids not to take more than one piece of candy.  One of the signs says, “Please take one…Hey!  I said one!”  Kind of funny. 

8:00-10:00 – Home and L. and I watch the first episode of the new season of Halloween Wars  on the Food Network channel, only to discover that they have removed the pumpkin carving component!! Without pumpkin carving, the show is lackluster at best so L. and I abort and convert to Squid Games. 

10:00-11:00 – L. orders a pizza [I have one slice] and we watch the first episode of Squid Games. I really like the series!  So far so good. 

11:00-12:00 – Time to break everything down. By that I mean, I turn off the interior and exterior Halloween lights and move my small table bearing the candy bucket inside.  All of the candy is gone. I also put my trash cans out. L. gets ready for bed because she has an early day tomorrow. Kitchen duty and I pack my lunch bag for tomorrow and lay my clothes out. 

12:00-1:30 – I set up the Discussion Board for my 2:30 class tomorrow and ready course content. Unfortunately, I have to create new questions for tomorrow’s chapter review quiz to ensure that the quiz questions are moving along in conjunction with the material on the  Google slides.

-I switch to College No. 2 and sign my contract for Spring Semester 2022.  Yet again, I sign my vax card and re-submit it to the special website College No. 2 created because they were unable to process my original submission – we can’t teach unless we show proof of vaccination. College No. 1, you ask?  They’re in a red district and they don’t give a s—t.  Adjunct instructors have no idea who’s vaxed and who isn’t inside of our classrooms. I listen to Radio Rental while I’m working.

-I check email at College No. 1

-After reviewing the google slides and listening to the entire lecture, I determine that the lecture is sound and doesn’t need to be spliced. Additionally, no changes need to be made to the slides. L. has no adjustments to make.

1:30-2:00 – I read Digital Minimalism and have some cheese puffs that L. bought a few days ago, unfortunately.

2:00-2:00 – I do a 10-minute Insanity-Abs workout;

2:30-3:00 – followed by a 30-minute Insanity-Strength workout, but I tap out after 20 minutes. I’m tired tonight.

3:00-3:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 7:00


Day 12 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 10 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months