Day 11 of LAUSD vaccine mandate

The Pfizer vaccine is a lie…

The Pfizer vaccine is a lie…

US Health agencies cannot decide if a Pfizer booster is necessary. ONE study in Israel found that the Pfizer vaccine starts losing its effectiveness after 6 months.  Since the entire Jewish population was vaccinated with Pfizer, the Israeli government was on it.  They started a booster program immediately because they actually care about their people.

The jury’s still out on Moderna and J&J.  Surprisingly, new studies have found that Moderna holds up better than Pfizer with a longer shelf-life and more antibodies present at the 6-month mark. J&J?  Crickets.  Nothing from them. Pfizer keeps pushing their booster agenda [of course they are – more money for Big Pfizer Pharma] with “Uncle Joe” first saying “Boosters are NOT necessary”, then saying a week later, “Boosters ARE necessary, but only for people 65 and older and the immuno-compromised”, then saying, a week after that, “Boosters will be available for all Americans by September 27.” 

While Uncle Joe was talking out of both sides of his mouth, the FDA rejected Pfizer’s application for authorization to administer the booster to all American citizens, stating a lack of evidence concerning the booster’s efficacy when injected in the arms of the regular US population. Not to worry, though, because Rochelle [CDC] then overruled the FDA panel’s decision adding that 65 and older and immuno-compromised should get the booster NOW, but also adding, for good measure, that ANY member of the general population who believes they’re at risk of a Covid exposure could also qualify for the jab.

What a shit show!

This is a far cry from the Tiered Model a mere 8 months earlier, mandating that the oldest members of our population AND health care workers were first-in-line and at the top of the vaccination pyramid, with restaurant employees in the middle [in homage to the mighty dollar] and TEACHERS at the bottom of this Ponzi scheme.

Remember when Uncle Joe was telling the American people that schools were safe and teachers didn’t need to worry about being vaccinated?  Yeah…safe for kids…NOT for adults. Everyone was so flummoxed when teachers across the country balked, saying they wouldn’t report to school without being vaccinated.  Of course, the hand-wringing from the Conservatives, accompanied by the blame-game, started in full force...”We need teachers back in the classroom, ASAP!” They’re just lazy!” ”What’s wrong with them?” Don’t they know it’s safe to return to the classroom.“ “They got a taste of working from home and now they want to teach from their couches.” “We’ve got to get these kids back in school!” All of this rhetoric at the same time that teachers were dying in Georgia as a result of Gvr. Kemp’s executive order to keep the schools open no matter what, in addition to his “no-mask mandate.”

As soon as teachers were moved up the vaccine pyramid, on par with RESTAURANT WORKERS, they returned to the classroom.  It’s amazing how that works.   

This booster stuff is so sketchy.  For starters, only Pfizer has it and it’s the same vaccine Americans received previously.  What happened to the “mRNA splicing” that was touted as “revolutionary science” and would be utilized by Big Pharma whenever a new variant came to town.  Yet another one of Covid’s greatest hits…you remember, right?  mRNA splicing supposedly involves taking a small piece of the new variant and inserting it into the current vaccine, then mass-producing the new version, all of which would happen at a rapid pace.  Within weeks, even.

Then, Delta hit and felled thousands of my fellow Americans while Big Pharma stood around with their pants down, doing NOTHING. Oh…that’s right…I almost forgot…Pfizer sprung into action, announcing, “Hey guys – how about a third dose…of the same shit you’ve already had?” It’s so obvious what Pfizer is doing. At least Moderna isn’t making a blatant cash grab. Where’s the mRNA splicing technology that was heralded as revolutionary? Where’s the Delta vaccine? And why did we have to rely on an Israeli study to tell us there’s a 6-month expiration date on the Pfizer vaccine? Shouldn’t Pfizer know the shelf-life of their own vaccine? 

If Pfizer is recommending a booster, it’s because they found out months ago, from their own trials, that individuals only have a 6-month window of protection once they get the jab. However, I’m willing to bet that Pfizer buried that finding. Instead, Pfizer re-framed the narrative, encouraging boosters instead of telling the world the truth…that their vaccine is ineffective. 

Remember the anecdotal vaccine rankings just a few months ago? Pfizer was the gold standard.  If you got the Pfizer jab, well, you could rest assured that you were protected from Covid for the rest of your life. Moderna was a close second, followed by the measly J&J.  The new ice breaker question was “Which vaccine did you get?” with the Pfizer recipients lauding it over the J&J crowd, who hung their head in shame because they got the “crappy” one and might die. Do you ever wonder who created these anecdotal rankings? Was it Pfizer inserting fake news into the lamestream media to distract from the fact that their vaccine is actually the LEAST effective?

Seriously, people, would you have taken the Pfizer jab if you knew you would only be protected for SIX months? Nobody would have. When I look at my Immunization Card, starting in the 1970s [I’m dating myself], the vaccines I received gave me lifetime protection. Why isn’t 6 months of protection from a life-threatening virus considered a FAILURE? Instead, people are running to get more of it in the form of a “booster”, when Pfizer is giving us no information, whatsoever, as to how long that will last.  If the original vaccine only lasts for 6 months, how long does the booster last?  1 month?

B. got the booster last week.


6:00 – L. leaves for Otis.

8:30-9:00 – I’m up and I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog.  I think L. already took her out, but it appears that the dog went back to sleep and is waiting for me.  I rub her tummy three times, but she won’t get up so I sit next to her and coax her awake. Outside we go and I water a few of my potted plants while she goes potty. Return inside and gross, sliced American cheese for her; coffee for me.  I go upstairs.

9:00-10:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Make-up. I listen to The Daily.

10:00-11:00 – I publish course content for my Asynchronous class at College No. 2 and take attendance based on the work the students completed last week.

-Cesar arrives and I take him upstairs so he can get started on the curtain rods.

-I switch to my highschool class and make sure the course content is ready for their Wed. and Fri. classes. I also adjust the Discussion Board prompts.

-I check email at both colleges and respond to a few students.

11:00-12:00 – Cesar finishes and charges me $90 for the job – L. zelle’s me half.  I never haggle with Cesar because he and his crew have been doing these minor jobs for me for the past 15 years.  There are no other handyman who:  a) will take the time to do such a little job; or b) I feel safe having in my house. The curtain rods look amazing! He did a great job.

-I review my script for today’s lecture, check the Google slides one more time, and make sure the Chapter Review Quiz is tracking with the slides. I’ll be evaluated in two hours and I have some anxiety about that.

12:00-1:00 – I change into dress pants, a fitted black tank top, and I add a long gold necklace.  I top everything off with a wedge shoe with gold accents. There’s an egg McMuffin in my lunch bag that I made and packed yesterday, along with some odds and ends, but I’m not hungry. I load up the car with my school bag – contains Netbook, Beets speaker, and Filo Folder for the four classes I’m teaching, which are really SIX because of the Hyflex model; my lunch bag; my backpack; my make-up, for touch-ups; my Hydroflask, etc., and I leave.

1:00-2:30 – Driving.  I listen to Citations Needed. I’m not hungry.

2:15 – arrive early and set up shop before my evaluator arrives. A female student says she likes my outfit and tells me I look incredible. [smile emoji here].

2:30 –5:30 – Lecture.  I move to the front of the class.  This is out of character for me because I’m usually standing next to my computer which is on the far right side of a huge laboratory table and sink, but the students don’t seem to care and say nothing about it. Since my evaluator is here, I move front and center, standing in front of the huge pexi-glass Covid shields that surround the counter. There’s no podium so I hold my notes in one hand and advance my slides with my mobile mouse with the other, while I’m talking. Only 8 students came to the F2F version of the class today – 3 of them couldn’t make it because they’re either sick or have car problems.

I engage the students in a dialogue and discourse concerning why Democracies form and they’re engaged and ask questions. This is a somewhat lively group – they’ve always been that way.  It goes well and my evaluator leaves at 3:00. I think I “crushed it!”

I finish lecture and we watch a video for the last half of class, followed by a Video Quiz. I update Attendance during the documentary and send email blasts to the students who did not sign in on the Discussion Board.

5:30-5:45 – I email the online students who received low scores on the Video Quiz and ask them what happened?  Did they actually watch the video? I leave.

5:45-6:45 – I eat the egg McMuffin while I drive home and listen to Hurry Slowly.

6:45 – 7:00 – As soon as I get home, I change; then

7:00-7:30 – walk the dog.

8:00-8:30 – L. is home and we talk about her day. L. agrees to go with me and the dog tomorrow to the two dog parks I found on Saturday so I can test them out and see how the dog does.

8:30-9:30 – I unwind by reading two Money Diaries; then

9:30-9:45 – I do a 15-minute Insanity Abs workout.

9:45-10:15 – Recover; and

10:15-11:00 – switch to a 1-hr Insanity Plyometric workout, but I have to abort after 45 minutes.  Too tired.

11:00-12:00 – I read Work Won’t Love You Back.

12:00-1:00 – Nighttime routine and I listen to Southern Fried Crime; then

1:30-2:30 – I water my plants and listen to Spooked.

2:30 – Bed.





Day 12 of LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 10 of LAUSD vaccine mandate