Day 12 - All CA students must be vaccinated

At the Five Knolls Dog Park today…

10/12/21. Tuesday

9:00-9:30 – I get to sleep in because I have no obligations today, other than grading papers. I’m awake so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. As soon as she sees me, she rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy. I sit next to her and give her love and attention until she finally jumps off the couch so we can go outside. I check a few of my plants while she goes potty.   I’ve been gone for awhile so my backyard really needs some TLC. Return inside and coffee for me; cheese for her. I go upstairs.

9:30-10:30 – I read Digital Minimalism.

10:00 – L. is developing photos at Otis today and leaves around 10:00.

10:30-12:30 – Grade papers.

12:30-3:30 – I eat some of the salad I made yesterday and scan papers, log grades to the online grade book in Canvas, and return the papers to the students via email.

I take intermittent breaks between scanning papers and posting grades because otherwise I’d go insane. During the pauses/breaks, I handle some “Life Administration” agenda items. I listen to Happier with Gretchen Rubin.

-I check email at College No. 1

-I buy tickets through Bikes and Hikes for a guided Griffith Park Observatory hike for B. and I.

-L. emailed me her Xmas list early in light of the supply chain issues so I order all of her Xmas presents:

   A) Mango shower gel from Bath & Body Works

    B) A pots and pans set

    C) A curtain panel for one of her windows

    -I follow up with the Volunteer position at my local Library…it’s unlikely this will ever get off the  ground…whatever.

 -My Home Security System crashed several weeks ago and, after ensuring that it was not a matter of simply replacing the batteries, I emailed a vendor referral from B. last week.  Unfortunately, the vendor has yet to call me, so I send a follow-up text.

-I submit my final door selection to Elite Building.  There is no turning back now.

-My credit card expired so I update my new credit card information for my monthly AAA life insurance payment.

-I make a credit card payment.

 3:45-4:30 – Shower. Lotion. I put on leggings and a black turtleneck. Light make-up. I curl my hair.

 4:30-5:30 – I collect the dog and we drive to the Five Knolls Dog Park. This is our first time here with other dogs.  I take her off leash and she does well!  We make some friends: “Renee” and her male Shih Tzu, “Squirrel.”  I can’t believe how easy this is!  Spoiler Alert: I never see Renee and Squirrel again and the dog park quickly turns into a disaster over the coming months, although I dutifully continue going once a week.  My dog hates the dog park and refuses to interact with the other dogs preferring, instead, to sit on the bench with me so she can look down on the riff-raff.   

5:30-5:45 – We leave. Driving.

5:45 – 6:15 – Emboldened by the new friends I made at the dog park, I take the dog for a walk in my neighborhood and vow to talk to whomever approaches me.  Typically, the dog goes ballistic – barking, snarling, and pulling on her leash - every time she sees one of my neighbors, or another dog, walking on the sidewalk.  BUT, I guess that’s all show because she did great at the dog park! 

Coincidentally, one of my neighbors has his dog off leash and the dog runs across the street and starts sniffing my dog.  When this has happened in the past, I usually walk away quickly or pick up my dog, but she got along with “Squirrel” an hour ago so why should I avoid this contact? My dog doesn’t like this interaction and wants me to pick her up; however, she’s not growling and snarling at this new dog which is a huge improvement.  My neighbor runs towards us to collect his dog. This time, I don’t turn away. Instead, I pet his dog and strike up a conversation. I learn that his dog is a male boxer named “Brooklyn” – we have a nice talk. Who knew my dog could be a conduit for socialization?  I guess most dog owners realize this. Spoiler Alert: I never see my neighbor or “Brooklyn” again. 

6:15-7:00 – L. is selling more clothes at Runway, a vintage store, and she asks me to pick up the money because she’s still at Otis, developing her photographs. I go to Runway and pick up her $40.

 7:00-8:30 – I put up the exterior Halloween decorations and listen to the Fox Lake podcast. A female neighbor, whom I see frequently, walks by with her dog, “Hannah”, while my garage is open and I’m pulling down Halloween lights from my shelves. This neighbor is always smiling and seems so friendly.  I pet “Hannah” and engage my neighbor in conversation. Wow!  This is really working!  Spoiler Alert: I never talk to my neighbor or “Hannah” again, even though I continue to see them around my neighborhood.  

8:30-9:30 – Kitchen duty.  I clean the kitchen, then cut and peel carrots and cucumbers for snacks. I listen to the Fox Lake podcast. 

9:30-10:30 – I read You Need a Budget in preparation for my upcoming Book Club meeting. I take the night off from my Insanity workout. 

10:30-11:30 – I need L. to airdrop a PSA into the Canvas shell for my high school class tomorrow morning. She is finally en route from Otis and will airdrop the file when she returns. I take a nap while I’m waiting. 

11:30-12:30 – L. arrives and we talk about her day.  Then, she airdrops the file.

**L.’s AA Degrees came in the mail today!  In approximately 8 months, L. earned AA Degrees in Art History and Applied Arts (painting)!!  And all of her classes were virtual!  I’m’ so proud of L.  It was a ton of work in such a short period of time and she was churning out project after project…all of this while working 20 to 30 hours a week. 

12:30-2:00 – Grade papers. I listen to the Fox Lake podcast. 

2:00-3:00 – Blog post 

3:00-3:30 – Bullet journal 

3:30-4:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 13-all CA students must be vaccinated


Day 11-All CA students must be vaccinated