Day 12 - Mask mandate REINSTATED by LA County Dept. of Health

Not my bike, but close enough…B and I go on a 90 minute bike ride today…

B. and I went to Guidos today…

2/27/22. Sunday 

8:00-8:20 – I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She’s asleep, but rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy. I sit next to her for kisses and cuddles, then produce her toy and cue her to go outside. We head for the patio and I check my plants while I wait for the dog to do her business. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I grab a bag of ice and go upstairs.

8:30-9:45 – Shower. I sit in the shower, lean my head against the tile, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. I put on my biking uniform and bike shoes, then transfer a few items into my smaller bike bag, while I listen to Today Explained.

9:45-10:00 – I eat some overnight oats.

10:00-11:30 – B. arrives, puts air in my bike tires, and we leave for a 90-minute bike ride on the City’s paseos. I tell B. that I don’t want to go over 2 hours, but he responds that it shouldn’t be a problem because I’m in shape. I say, “I told you. I think I have Long Covid.  After physical activity, I usually have to lay down.” He laughs in my face and doesn’t say anything else about it.

11:30-12:00 – B. and I return. While he’s here, I quickly leaf blow the garage, then Velcro a few more of the stairs for my stairrunner project. I’m still not finished with this repair.

12:00-12:30 – B. and I leave and I ask him to swing by Runway so I can collect the money for the items I dropped off. When we arrive, I’m dismayed to learn that I didn’t receive ANY MONEY, even though I submitted my best bag of items. They returned everything! Spoiler Alert: L. later tells me that customers have to report back to Runway within a few hours of dropping off their clothes. You must pick up your clothes on the same day, otherwise the penalty is $0 reimbursement.  I didn’t know the rules and picked up my clothes two days later.  As a result, I earned nothing.

12:30-1:15 – B. and go to Guidos, a hole in the wall restaurant which makes the best Italian food! B. orders a pizza and get the chicken parmigiana meal. The chicken is breaded perfectly and it’s one of the best chicken parmigianas I’ve ever had. For the first time since I’ve had Omicron, I feel like eating.

1:15-2:30 – B. and I have lunch and talk politics. He breaks out the champagne so it’s like a nice brunch.

2:30-4:00 – I propose we to go to Menchies (a yogurt place) so I can use my BOGO coupon. I pick up B.’s yogurt because mine is free ($8.00).

4:00-9:30 – Return and I propose watching KIMI even though I’ve already seen it because I think B. will like it. When it’s over, he rates it a B. After KIMI, we watch two more episodes of The Servant, which I have grown to hate. I don’t want to watch this series again.

9:30-10:00 – B. drives me home.

10:00-12:00 – I spend this time trying to finish Professional Troublemaker for Bookclub tomorrow. I hate this book.

12:00-12:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 13 - Mask mandate REINSTATED by LA County Dept. of Health


Day 11 - Mask mandate REINSTATED by LA County Dept. of Health