Day 13-Biden says the pandemic is over
Huntington Beach Bike Path…
Cabo Cantina…don’t go here.
10/1/22. Saturday
9:00-10:30- The Ayres has a free breakfast so B. picks up eggs and bacon for me while I get ready. Shower. Lotion. Light make-up. I put on my biking uniform.
10:30-12:00-We hang out for awhile then B. secures the bikes to the rack on his SUV and we leave.
12:00-4:00-The original plan is to bike 26 miles from Seal Beach?? It’s unclear and I’m not familiar with this neighborhood, but the one weekend we picked to come to Huntington Beach is the weekend of the Pacific Air Show, and yet…the air show doesn’t even take off from this location. You can see the “specks” flying in the distance and that’s about it - I have absolutely no idea why the beach is jam-packed with RVs, and tons of people in general, when there is almost nothing to see at this location. This event appears to have been marketed and advertised for weeks and everybody knew about it except B. and I. There is no place for miles for us to park and unload our bikes - we have to pay for parking at one of the public beach parking lots.
-In total, on this day, we end up biking much less than we had originally anticipated. Just 8 miles on the strip and the strip is so congested with people, we can barely move/bike; it is too difficult to traverse this area. Halfway through we stop at Cabo Cantina and it is crowded, too loud, and filled with flies. I get taquitos and the food sucks. Although the taquitos are way too greasy, I eat all of them because I’m hungry. Then. it’s back on the bikes.
We ride back to where we parked, B. re-installs the rack, then we put the bikes back on the rack, and return to the hotel room. Once we’re back at the hotel, we take the bikes off of the rack, B. then remove the rack “because someone might steal it”, and we wheel the bikes back to the hotel room. All of this is a pain in the ass.
4:00-8:00-The plan is to scope out Cappys [I call it Crappys], a restaurant near a hotel we previously stayed at years ago, to see if we can find beach parking for tomorrow. Although we have Bs GPS, he gets turned around and we can’t find Crappys and end up in Laguna Beach, driving endlessly around. Eventually, we find Crappys and we know how to get there tomorrow morning. Looks like we can park and have breakfast there, then grab our beach gear, cross the road, and set up camp for the day, leaving our car in the parking lot.
8:00-10:00-We return to the hotel and buy mini-bottles of champagne. I’m not that hungry so I eat some of B.’s cheese and cracker snack packs he brought along for our mini-vacay. I also have a Lara Bar and a mini-bottle of wine. More Forensic Files. Nighttime routine. Bed