Day 13-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic

Patio coffee with B. today…

8/16/23. Tuesday

9:00-9:15-I lie in bed for 15 minutes of transition time.

9:15-9:30-Up and the dog is outside my bedroom door waiting for me. I take her outside and wait for her to go potty. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I go upstairs.

9:30-10:30-I sit in the shower, ice my eyes, and drink my coffee. Lotion and Athletic Housewife attire: I wear leggings and a tank top.

10:30-11:40-I drive to Starbucks and pick up B.’s order and my regular coffee then drive to B.’s house. I was supposed to be there an hour ago so I am massively late.

11:40-3:00-Today is Patio Coffee with B. and we talk politics. It’s 90 degrees but we’re in the shade. When it hits 94, I start feeling sick and request that we go inside.

-Yesterday, the OSD Dean [Dr. LL] emailed me and requested that I call him regarding that crazy OSD bitch. I call him around 12:00 and we have a conversation. He is very supportive and something he says stands out for me: “I’ve seen OSD students try to manipulate the system and bully Instructors and I think it’s disgusting!” I feel like I have an ally in my corner.

Spoiler Alert: In the coming weeks, I discover that Dr. LL is a liar. I will speak with him just once more. In my greatest time of need, when I reach out to Dr. LL and ask him to remove this student from my class due to the constant harassment I’ve endured, Dr. LL will inform me that he doesn’t have the authority to remove an OSD student from any class, even though he is the Director of the OSD Department and OSD students are under his purview.

In desperation, after two months of near constant abuse, I will refer Dr. LL to this crazy bitch’s most recent email where she makes horrible allegations about my teaching ability. I will beg Dr. LL to “do something” about this abuse. Dr. LL will do…absolutely nothing. I never hear from him again.

-B. and I move to the kitchen and talk politics.

-1:30-A vendor arrives to fix B.’s home security alarm sensors.

-3:00-4:00-At B.s suggestion, we leave for Happy Hour at Lucille’s in separate cars. As usual the mall parking lot is full. It’s incredibly hot.

4:00-5:30 - I have a Pellegrino, the pulled pork sandwich, and a side of macaroni and cheese. Everything is just ok. Although the pulled pork is good, there are no other condiments or sauce on the bread except pickles.

5:30-6:00-I’m home by 6:00.

6:00-7:15-I water my plants and bring in my trash cans.

7:15-8:00-L. surfaces and we talk about possibly going out to breakfast tomorrow because she says she’s not working until 1:00. We make plans to go to Tartine.

8:00-8:45-I take the dog for a walk.

9:00-I go to work (report to my home office).

-L. texts me from her bedroom that she has to work at 8:00 am tomorrow (NOT 1:00 pm) and wants to know if we can go to Tartine at 1:00 instead. I say okay.

9:00-9:20 PM-There’s a change that needs to be made to the Chapter 2 Audio lecture regarding a time discrepancy; L. needs to remove the words “last week.” After this change, the Chapter 2 Audio lecture for Specialty Class 1A is complete.

9:20-1000- See above. The same dilemma pertains to the Chapter 4 Audio lecture so I make an editing note. L. makes the change and this lecture is perfect, too.

10:00-10:45-I check email at College No. 2 and find an extra credit assignment that a student submitted. Instead of sending it through Canvas like everybody else, he sent it through the regular Outlook account ten days ago and I’m unable to open it. I email him immediately and say it is unclear why he sent the assignment on the wrong platform, I can’t open it, and grades are due TOMORROW. He immediately sends it via Canvas. great. I thought I was done grading this shit.

-10:45-12:00-I listen to the Chapter 7 Audio lecture, in conjunction with the Google slides, and note the edits for L.

-I record a PSA

12:00-1:00-I listen to the Chapter 3 Audio Lecture, in conjunction with the Google slides, and note the edits for L.

I tighten up the Module for Week #2 for my Specialty 1A Class.

1:00-1:30 - This semester, I’m assigned to teach at a private, Catholic High School. The only problem is that I’m supposed to complete some sort of catechism training before I’m allowed in the classroom. This training is allegedly completed online, through a software program called VIRTUS, but first I must register. I’m supposed to select the “territory” where my Catholic high school resides, but there are so many choices on the drop down menu, I have no way of knowing which territory to select. I send an email to the Dual Coordinator asking for clarification. Frustrating.

1:30-2:20-I upload the revised Audio lectures for Chapter 5; Chapter 6 Parts I and II; and Chapter 7, Parts I and II into the Canvas shell.

-I tighten up the subsequent weeks of content in accordance with the Audio lectures I just uploaded.

2:20-2:45-I check personal email and read news headlines. That’s a wrap.

2:45-3:30-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 14-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 12-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic