Day 13 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”

Errand day…

12/7/21. Tuesday 

9:00 – I’m still in bed when Mom arrives for her day with L.  They’re going to see the Murasaki exhibit at the International Film Museum followed by lunch at Malibu Farms. I go back to sleep. 

10:30-11:00 – I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog, but she’s been up for over an hour, since my Mom arrived, running around downstairs and barking. When she sees me, the dog jumps on the couch and rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy. I rub her tummy three times, she grabs her toy, and we go outside. I see that she pooped on the patio (sigh). I wait for her to go potty and we return inside: cheese for her and I make a cup of coffee for me. 

11:00-12:30 – I read Deep Work

12:30-1:30 – Shower. Lotion. I put on a long-sleeved shirt and leggings. Light make-up.

1:30-1:45 – I eat two pieces of shrimp tempura from the Thai leftovers I brought home a couple days ago. 

2:00-3:00- Mom and L. return so I talk to them for the next hour.  Unfortunately, they were unable to see the Murasaki exhibit because my Mom didn’t have her Vax card, BUT L. and Mom will try again next Tuesday. They were, however, able to have lunch at Malibu Farms. 

Errand Day 

3:00-4:00 – I drive across town to drop off my recycling and receive $10.75.  I eat a few pieces of dark chocolate dipped in almond butter along the way.

4:00-4:45 – I have $10 in CVS coupons so I purchase razor inserts for my 2022 inventory.

4:45-6:00 – I drive to Kohls to return a pair of tights. After standing in the Returns line for some time, I accidentally produce a CVS receipt instead of the Kohls receipt for the tights. The Kohls receipt is in my car so I have to leave the line, walk all the way to the parking lot, retrieve my receipt, and report back in line. What a waste of my time!  This is so irritating. I return the tights and receive $6.75 in Kohls cash. Note: I never get around to using the Kohls cash and by the time I realize I still have it, the cash is expired.

6:00-6:30 – I drive to BofA to deposit a check.

6:30-7:30 – To Home Depot to see if they have door hardware in stock, but they don’t! I still need door knobs and deadlocks for my two doors before they can be installed.

7:30-8:00 – Drive home.

8:00-8:30 – I take the dog for a walk.

8:30-9:30 – Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee.

9:30-10:15 – My order arrived, as did my bread mix and toothpicks. I unpack the items and put everything away.

10:15-11:00 – I take a short nap.

11:00-12:00 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Friday Fight workout and it totally kicks my ass.

12:00-3:00 – I go to work.

-I compile the Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for my Core Class at College No. 1, which means going through the students’ answers for every question on the Final, checking their responses, and then establishing whether the student meets, exceeds, or does NOT meet the objectives. I finish my compilations and upload the data to the SLO database. This class is officially over.

-Damn!  I just realized that I forgot to publish course content for my Asynchronous class at College No. 2!!! I was supposed to publish it midnight on Sunday!!  This is the first time during this semester that I forgot – the students must be freaking out. I quickly post course content and make a few changes to the Final Review, then check email – only TWO students reached out to ask about the course content. When all is said and done, nobody cares. I send an email blast and post an Announcement to the Canvas shell informing the students that the Final is next week.

-Tomorrow is the last day of school for my highschoolers. I post a farewell message on the Discussion Board, then review the questions on the Final to make sure they coordinate with the class content from the last half of the semester. My review is complete and the Final is ready for the students – I publish the Module.

-I check email at College No. 2 and respond to the same student who keeps making up bogus questions about the weekly course content in an attempt to prove that he’s actually listening to lectures. He’s not. We’ve already had a conversation about the fact that he completed a Podcast Quiz and a Video Quiz, back-to-back, in a time span of three minutes, for 3 hours of media content, minutes before the deadline. I’ve dutifully answered his stupid questions, week-after-week, but I’m sick of it. Instead of responding to his question, I write “see Chapter 13 Google slides 4-7.”

-I’m still waiting for a response from the high school liaison concerning my Spring 2022 high school assignment. I requested the name of a contact person so I can verify when the semester starts AND if this is a F2F assignment.

-I sign up for the Striders class, offered through the City of Santa Clarita. This is a walking group that meets every Thursday night from 6:30-7:30 p.m., and starts 1/11/22.  I feel kind of dumb, signing up for this class.  The group walks at night…where on earth are they walking?  Is it a lit path?

-I contact the Hiking Coordinator for the class I’m unable to enroll in because of my numerous Tuesday scheduling conflicts [Docent Naturalist; Hiking class; 2022 Spring Semester class] and ask her if she runs other hiking groups on the side.

-I order more Xmas gifts: arch supports for L.’s Dad and a shoulder heating pad for B. from Sharper Image.

-I order two gray, fake “animal” pelts for the benches that I ordered for the garage and that are currently enroute from Walmart.

-I add another book of stamps to the order because the first book of stamps I ordered never made it.

-I also order a butterfly necklace to commemorate my 2022 socialization experiment [social butterfly].

-I order the Insanity – Max Abs video from Ebay because this is the only platform where it is sold.

-I check my personal email and see that Kellie sent me a few hardware samples.  I review the links and make my selection.

3:00-4:30 – I take the dog out, lock up, and complete a bullet journal.

4:30-5:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed.  I set my alarm for 8:00



Day 14 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”


Day 12 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”