Day 14 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

At the dog park…the dog will not get off the bench…

11/3/21. Wednesday

 6:00 – L. leaves for her 18-hour day at Otis.

 9:00 –9:30 -  I’m up at 9:00 so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. My class is on auto-pilot so there’s no rush today. The dog is still asleep but rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy.  I do it twice and cue her to go outside, but she doesn’t want to so we continue sitting together for some time. Eventually, she grabs her toy and we go outside. I see that she pooped in two different places on the patio (sigh). The dog finishes going potty and we return inside. I pick up the dog poop then coffee for me; cheese for her. I go to work. 

9:30-10:00 – What a disaster!  I had the time parameters set for p.m., NOT a.m., and none of the students were able to sign in on the Discussion Board.  They let me know about it, too, but I’m MIA [missing in action] and I don’t respond to them until now, an HOUR later, which is unprofessional. I email every student individually – not an email blast - who emailed me that they couldn’t sign in, apologize for my error and the confusion, and explain that my WiFi was down. I reassure them that they will all be marked present on the Attendance. This is so embarrassing! 

10:00-1:00-Class dismissed.  The students are finished watching the documentary and taking the Video quiz; now it’s time for paperwork.  I take Attendance for my highschoolers and my Asynchronous class at College No. 2 and then I send emails to my Asynchronous students who didn’t complete the weekly Module assignments, informing them that they have been marked absent. I then send warning emails to all students who scored poorly on the video quizzes.

I revert to Specialty Class 1A at College No. 1, take Attendance, and send a last round of emails to the students who still have a D or F in the class, encouraging them to withdraw in the next two days.  I listen to True Crime Garage. 

1:00-2:00 – I eat half a croissant and read Digital Minimalism. The croissant hits my stomach like lead. 

2:00-3:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up. I listen to The Daily. 

3:30-4:00 – I finally have time to return the wrong ivy I ordered two weeks ago so I drive to a UPS kiosk and ship it out. I eat pieces of cheese and rosemary covered almonds en route to UPS and continue listening to True Crime Garage. 

4:00-4:30 – Drive home. 

4:30-6:00 – I pick up dog poop then the dog and I go to the dog park with more negative results. She refuses to leave my lap the entire time. A male/female couple are also there with their two dogs and the man strikes up a conversation with me, asking if the dog is shy. I explain that she’s afraid to socialize with other dogs and prefers to sit on the bench.  He replies, “That’s probably how I would do it…” Funny.

I give up and take the dog for a walk around the park while listening to Happier. She prefers walking around the park to playing with other dogs and doesn’t want to leave, but I’m done.  We drive home after two loops. 

6:00-8:30 – I have a mini-snickers [leftover Halloween candy] and get to work taking down the exterior Halloween lights, while still listening to Happier; then 

8:30-9:15 – I leave for Whole Foods to buy sushi and champagne. 

9:15-10:30 – Return home and I listen to tomorrow night’s lecture for my Core Class at College No. 1 and make changes to a few google slides. L. will have to add new visual material to four slides and slice-and-dice a few seconds off the backend of lecture. I record a brief PSA for the students wherein I explain a few discrepancies in the upcoming material.  

-In a strange twist of fate, tomorrow night will be my last Thursday night class until 12/2/21, the last day of class when we take the Final.  The following Thursday is Veterans Day; I requested the next Thursday off because I thought I would be in Ireland [don’t ask]; and the third Thursday is Thanksgiving. When we meet again, I’ll give a 2-hour lecture, and then administer the Final. I will not have to drive to College No. 1 on Thursday nights for the entire month. This is truly a relief. 

-Due to several holidays falling within this semester and the fact that I requested a couple days off, I will not be able to cover all 15 chapters in the text, which means I need to redesign the Final and remove questions that pertain to the chapters I will NOT be covering. This needs to be done TONIGHT because I’m posting the Final Review  tomorrow, a month in advance, due to the fact that we will not be meeting for 4 weeks. I can’t create a Final Review until I create a revised Final so I start working on this task. I eat my sushi while I work. 

10:30-11:00 – L. returns from Otis and we discuss her day. 

11:00-12:00 – L. goes upstairs to unwind and I go outside to rake and hose down the Astroturf. Continue listening to True Crime Garage. 

12:00-12:30 – At midnight, L. and I touch base per our earlier discussion.  L. adds four visuals to the Google slides, edits the last few seconds of the Audio lecture, then airdrops the new, edited version AND the PSA into three Canvas shells. 

12:30-1:00 – I read Digital Minimalism. 

1:00-1:45 – I do a 30-minute, Insanity Max – Sweat workout. 

1:45-2:30 – I take down the interior Halloween decorations and put them away, while grabbing bites of my remaining sushi. I listen to Up and Vanished – Season 3 

2:30-2:45 – Still hungry, so I dip pieces of popcorn into hummus  and eat it that way. It’s tasty but way too late at night for a carb load. 

3:00-3:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.




Day 15 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 13 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months