Day 16-all CA students must be vaccinated

Not much going on today…BUT, I was able to stream a new Kathy Smith speed-walking training…

10/16/21. Saturday

8:00 – L. leaves for work. I wake up, but go back to sleep.

10:00 – Wake up again, but doze off and on for the next two hours. 

12:00-1:00 – Up and I go downstairs to greet the animal.  By this time, she’s been awake for hours and is napping on the ottoman. I still continue the routine though, sitting next to her for kisses and cuddles and rubbing her tummy. I heat up my coffee and we go outside, where I sit at my patio table and read a Money Diary. 

1:00-1:30 – L. and I text each other regarding a Luminary podcast platform where I’m a member – she needs my password, but I don’t have it. 

1:45-3:00 – Return inside. Shower. Spa Day. 

3:00-3:30 – I take this time to go through my cosmetics and throw away what I don’t use. Then, I put some of the cosmetics I’m keeping in my new cosmetic bag I recently purchased.  

3:30-4:00 – I read a Money Diary and eat fritos and hummus. 

4:00-5:00 – I walk the dog. 

5:45-6:30 – B. has been in Texas, taking care of his daughter, J., for the last few days, so we talk about how his trip is going. 

L. returns from the Art Studio. 

6:30-7:30 – I watch another episode of Maid; then 

7:30-8:00- I do a 20-minute Insanity Max Pulse workout. 

8:00-8:20 – There’s an Itunes glitch on my computer regarding my music files.  I go to L. for assistance and she is able to load all of my music onto my computer for easy access. 

8:45-9:00 – I do a 15-minute Insanity Max Abs workout

9:00-9:30 – Recall that my computer is new and I was forced to purchase it after my old computer went to sleep one day and never woke up.  My old computer used to play CDs/DVDs – this one doesn’t.  That means I can’t play my speed-walking Kathy Smith CD/DVD that I listen to when I walk on my treadmill. I spend this time searching for something from Kathy Smith that I can stream and I find a new walking CD!! 

9:30-10:30 – I pull down the treadmill and do a 1-hour, speed-walking program while reading You Need A Budget; then 

10:30-11:00 – I go to work. I record a PSA for Specialty Class 1A

11:00-11:30 – L. splices my lecture and uses her graphic design skills to add two more slides to the Module. Then, she airdrops the new-and-improved lecture into three canvas shells. After, I have a few slices of sausage and some tiny cubes of pepper-jack cheese. 

11:30-12:15 – I watch an episode of Maid and update my bullet journal. While I’m watching, I eat two tiny bites of chicken and a few steamed carrots. 

12:15-1:30 – Blog posts 

1:30-2:30 – I shut down all of the Halloween decorations and do light kitchen duty. Nighttime routine. Bed. Some days, nothing much happens.












Day 17-all CA students must be vaccinated


Day 15-all CA students must be vaccinated