Day 17 - BA5 takes the lead

At Pompeii today!!!!

7/8/23. Friday Day 9 on Cruise

6:00 am - 8:00 am - We’re in Naples!! and today’s excursion is called Pompeii Excavations. I’ve been waiting for this excursion, ever since B. and I saw the exhibit in LA, in 2014. The real thing is sure to be incredible. I’m up early to account for my shower and breakfast. Every morning, I make a mental note to order Room Service the night before and every night I forget, so it’s back to the Garden Buffet I go. SOP [Standard Operating Procedure] only this time, I’m not allowed to order alcohol because…’we’re docked?’ So, if we’re at sea, I can order alcohol? Here’s what the Freestyle Daily says today: “Please be advised that in accordance with local laws and regulations, the sale of wine by bottle is NOT permitted while the vessel is in port or proximity thereof. However, guests can still enjoy wine by the glass available on our menus.”

Then, why can’t I order a Mimosa? I will never understand…

8:00-2:00-L. and I meet up with S&M and my Mom outside our cabins at around 8:00 and head to the Escape Theater for our 8:15 meeting time and here is where I tell you that my Mom is…sick. My Mom is coughing, but it’s not like coughing she’s exhibited in the past…it sounds a lot like (to me, anyway)…whooping cough. She dismisses the cough as “allergies”, but I know better. Because I’m a Covid Expert [er, armchair expert], I know instantly she has Covid, most likely the BA5 variant. I am very, very concerned. Not for me…for her. Mom’s never had Covid. Even if you’re vaxxed and double-boosted, it can still knock you for a loop and my Mom’s on the older side. You can get very sick if you contract Covid. The last thing I want is for my Mom to be treated on cruise, in “sick bay”, by some sketchy doctor who attended St. George’s Medical School [don’t let the name fool you - this janky medical school is located in Grenada, West Indies and it’s where doctors go when they can’t get into any other medical school. St. George takes anybody. Here’s a PSA for you - If your doctor is displaying a Medical Degree from St. George, leave the office immediately.]

I will be monitoring my Mom closely from this point forward. We’ve got two days left on this floating “House of Covid” before Mom can return to the states for…sub-par medical care, but I think America’s medical care is better than sick bay on the Norwegian Escape. That’s my goal, anyway…to ensure that we all make it back to California where Mom can get proper medical treatment. It will be a huge problem If Mom is forced to quarantine at sea, or is stuck on the Escape and prevented from going ashore. This doesn’t seem to be occuring like it did in 2020, but you never know….we HAVE to make it back to California.

We take a bus to the site and L. spends large swaths of the day testing Colin while we’re on tour. Pompeii doesn’t disappoint. I had no idea Pompeii is actually an entire city, almost completely preserved by the ash. It’s a wonderful snapshot in time of how people lived their lives in 79 AD. This place is incredible! I’m so glad I was able to see it in person….

Mom mentions that when she and Dad saw the exhibit several years ago, Dad didn’t like looking at the Pompeii bodies because of the trauma they encountered, trapped in their final agonizing moments. He was disturbed by the displays - it sounded like he had to avert his eyes from some of them. I’m touched by my Dad’s reaction. Take a step back and it’s obvious we’re sensationalizing the trauma these people experienced…they were terrified when they died.

My brother casually mentions to me, “Mom’s cough sounds bad - her allergies are really acting up.” Could he really be that clueless? “Uh, Mom has Covid”, I say to him. My brother, startled, says, “But how that can be? Everyone on the ship tested negative for Covid.” I stare at him, incredulously. “Uh, we tested negative NINE days ago, using a test that’s largely inaccurate and doesn’t readily pick up the BA5 variant. Additionally, over 4000 passengers have disembarked, entered numerous countries, and returned to the ship. If they didn’t have Covid when they initially boarded, they contracted it at one of the ports ‘o call.”

My brother says, “Oh.”

I don’t bother adding that a negative Covid test is meaningless. You can have Covid and still test negative if you’re testing during Days 1-5 of contracting it.

We tour a large section of Pompeii. It is sooo hot, but sooo worth it. Our tickets note that there is 1.5 miles of walking in Pompeii. I think we walked more than that.

Back to the ship and we meet for dinner at Taste? Savor?

Return to our room and L. leaves to spend time with Collin. Once again, she doesn’t return until 1:00 am. I watch crappy TV and try to sleep.


Day 18 - BA5 takes the lead


Day 16 - BA5 takes the lead