Day 17-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic

B. and I went to Concerts in the Park tonight…

We saw Twisted Gypsy, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band…

Dr. Sam Torbati, co-chair and medical director for Cedars Sinai Emergency Department, says Covid cases are decreasing across the country and hospitalization admissions are on the decline. Dr. Torbati says if you’re fat OR have diabetes [and who are we kidding? Most fat people have diabetes], your lungs are more likely to give out from Covid-related complications, resulting in a hospital admission [can we say ‘ventilator’? at which point, you’re really fucked]. At present, this is the demographic most affected by Covid-19…

But don’t forget the elderly…they’re also at risk. Oh, that’s right…we DID forget them, two months into the pandemic. Within days, they were the first members of our society to go down, but by July 2020, we made sure to protect our basketball players. Remember, when we put the NBA [22 teams!!] in a Covid bubble at Disney World [Orlando, Florida]? Not one basketball player caught Covid! (what a relief [sarcasm emoji here]. Remember, how we watched the NBA play-offs while simultaneously observing Covid 19 ravage American nursing homes and rip through our senior population? Our elders languished and died ALONE, without family members or friends to help them to “the other side.” If they were lucky, a helpful nurse held up a ‘tablet’ so they could Facetime their spouse of 40 years before they passed.

Thank God the NBA players were unaffected.

Is anybody else disgusted by our capitalistic society? I can barely stomach this country…

8/20/22. Saturday

6:00–I wake up and all the lights are on. I turn everything off, put my mouth guard in, and go back to sleep.

8:00 - L. leaves for work.

8:30-9:30-I start working on my bullet journal

9:20-I go downstairs to take the dog out. She’s asleep on the ottoman but I notice that L. put the gate up so I text/ask her, “Why?” Then, I take the dog out and heat up my coffee. For her treat, the dog gets Korean barbecue leftovers from the family reunion L. recently attended at her Dad’s house.

9:30-10:15-I talk to B.; then

10:15-12:30-bullet journal. When I’m finished, I start my automatic bread maker because I’m making a sourdough loaf.

I go upstairs for a moment and note that the dog peed outside L.’s door. She was in a hurry and didn’t do a good job cleaning the piss so I come behind her and do double duty.

12:30-12:45-I thaw the last of L.’s rigatoni for lunch; then

12:45-1:10-I take a shower.

1:10-2:30- I do a 15-minute Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 30-minute Insanity Strength workout.

2:30-3:30-Shower. Lotion. Full hair and make-up. I put on a sleeveless sundress (Garden Society Member). It’s light sage with a black and white floral print and I add my my black and white rose ballet flats.

3:30-4:00-I phone in an order for takeout to Fish Tales. Then, I pack my lunch and beach bag for tomorrow.

4:00-4:30-To Fish Tales and I pick up my grilled fish tacos and an order of pot stickers.

4:30-5:00-Return home and I add these items to my lunch bag.

5:00-8:30- B. arrives and we go to Concerts in the Park to see Twisted Gypsy, the Fleetwood Mac cover band. The concert is incredible! They sound just like Fleetwood Mac.

8:30-9:30-I had originally planned to go to B.s house after the concert but I’m too tired so I ask him to take me home instead.

9:30-10:30-I’m trying something new...going to bed at a decent hour. Nighttime routine and sunless tanning.

10:30-11:30 - I lie down with ice on my eyes and listen to a podcast. At 11:30, I wake up again, shut everything down, and go to bed.


Day 18-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 16-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic