Day 19-all CA students must be vaccinated

“Frankie”…the terror of the dog park…

10/19/21. Tuesday

8:30 – 9:30 – L.’s brakes are out and she wants to take her car in as early as possible so she can have it by the end of the day, as she has school tomorrow.    I. am. exhausted. 

I get dressed, put the slipcovers in the drier, and go downstairs to greet the animal. It’s too early for her and she doesn’t want to go outside. I sit next to her on the couch and she jumps in my lap for kisses and cuddles. Eventually, we make it to the patio where I walk the property and check on my plants while I wait for her to finish. The dog pooped in two places on the patio so I clean it up (sigh). Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs and lie down while I wait for L. to get up. 

10:45-11:15 - At 10:45, L. exits her room and announces that she’s ready to drop off her car. I could have slept in an extra two hours this morning, but say nothing. I follow L. to Trident Auto, where they know her by name because her car is there so often.  That should tell you something. 

L. proposes we go to Starbucks – she pays for my coffee. 

11:15-12:00 – Home and L. and I catch up and talk for about an hour. 

12:00-1:00 – I write a blog post and have two cookies with my second cup of coffee. 

1:00-2:00 – I read a Money Diary then do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Sweat Intervals workout. 

2:00-4:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up.  I wipe down my bathroom counters and mirrors and tidy my bedroom. 

4:00-4:45 – I check email at College No. 1 and several of the students are still disputing their Inquizitive scores, even though the evidence is irrefutable and shows that they are liars and thieves. The Help Desk for my Publisher also chimes in on the students’ fraudulent claims.  Slowly, ever so slowly, the students start dropping the class. it’s about time. 

4:45-5:15 – L.’s car is ready and I drive her back to Trident. The brake job is expensive, but L., her Dad, and I split it three ways. 

5:15-5:45 – Return home and I turn on the Halloween lights, inside and out.  Then, I put the leash on the dog, shove her into the car, and drive to the same dog park where we went last week. 

5:45-6:10 – The magical experience I had at the dog park last Tuesday is not replicated. “Frankie”, an 8-month old, black female pug, tries to make friends with the other dogs but is a bit overbearing, following my dog everywhere, until frustrated, she tries to bite Frankie.  My dog keeps jumping up on my leg, begging me to pick her up, until I finally do. She sits next to me on the bench and looks down on the other dogs from her high perch, where they can’t reach her – she doesn’t budge from the bench the rest of the time.

I think I’ll label this outing a disaster. 

6:10-6:30 – Drive home…defeated. 

6:30 – 1:30 – B. arrives and we go out for dinner at Presto Pasta and I get chicken alfredo.  B. gets something???  I have leftovers which is always a good thing… 

Return home and B. and I watch two episodes of Maid. B. leaves. 

1:30-2:30 – Nighttime routine and bed. I set my alarm for 7:30.










Day 20-all CA students must be vaccinated


Day 18-all CA students must be vaccinated