Day 19-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


This just in… strangely, the FDA will base their decision on the safety and efficacy of the next round of boosters on studies involving MICE, not HUMANS, as they’ve done previously. John Morris, M.D., Immunologist at Weill-Cornell Medicine in New York states: “For the FDA to rely on mouse data is just bizarre, in my opinion. Mouse data are not going to be predicative in any way of what you might see in humans.”

Huh. Looks like Pfizer and/or Moderna are greasing some FDA palms. Big Pharma’s gotta keep their shareholders happy which means getting a new booster to market ASAP to increase their profit margin. Because profits are slowing, due to the fact that Americans are tired of getting multiple boosters of the SAME Covid-19 vaccine from more than TWO years ago, Big Pharma’s under pressure to put something new out quickly, even if it hurts people. But they can’t get a vaccine to the market swiftly unless they get the FDA’s blessing on MOUSE trials instead of HUMAN trials.

Big Pharma thought they could keep producing the same sketchy s—t for another year, at least, but Americans are like, “I’ve already had Covid six times. Why bother getting the booster, now?” At last…it’s finally time for Big Pharma to create a new booster because profits are low. Get ready for media hype - funneled by Pfizer/Moderna to various media outlets - concerning a NEW variant that is best prevented by the NEW booster and “coming soon to a pharmacy near you.”

Unfortunately, we won’t know if it’s unsafe until my fellow Americans start dropping dead at their local CVS after the jab is administered. If that happens, Pfizer and/or Moderna will simply say…”Oops”…or blame it on a non-existent, pre-existing condition, until that explanation is also debunked. No one will bring up the fact that the new booster was ONLY tested on mice until a reporter does an expose on the matter in 2026 and by then nobody will care.

“You say none of the MICE died after that last round, Charlie?” Great! “Good to go!” “Lets get ‘er to market!”

I think we’re done here…

If you’re still alive, as of the date of this post, do NOT get the next booster. You’ve made it this far…the next round of boosters will probably kill you, unless you’re a mouse.

8/22/22. Monday

I wake up at 5:00 with a terrible headache, take two Advil, and go back to bed.

7:00-7:30-The dog starts licking my face so I take her out and give her more Korean barbecue for her treat.

-Kitchen duty and I make coffee.

7:30-8:30-I post content for Specialty Class 1A at College No. 1 and then post an Announcement, informing the students that Week 2 content is “published”; I also email them individually. That crazy, OSD bitch emails that she bought a new computer and everything is fine now.

Recall that I had issues involving several Audio lectures with a ‘corruption’ error message. L. designed a special Google link for the Audio lectures, but this week will be the first time I’ve ever used this workaround - I hope the students can access the link. If they can’t, I don’t know how I’m going to load the Audio lectures into Canvas.

I email those students who STILL haven’t signed in on the Discussion Board [it’s been a week since the semester began] and tell them they will be dropped if I don’t hear from them within 24 hours. I listen to What a Day.

8:30-11:00-I go back to bed and have strange dreams about working as a substitute teacher and being reprimanded by another teacher because my hair is dirty which, in real life, it is. Oddly, I lose my shirt while I’m subbing.

11:00-2:00-I wake up at 11:00 and this day is officially shot to hell.

Bullet journal. I’m behind on my entries and I have to check the computer “History” from Tuesday-Friday, as well as catch up for the past two days. This is poor time management on my part.

-l place an Amazon order for an ice bucket for L; an ice pick for L; hot pink spray paint; and some electrolyte tablets for hiking.

Dewey Pest Control calls and explains that the fact that L. and I are seeing spiders around the house is very normal and that we don’t need another treatment this quickly. “Robert”, the Dewey tech, suggests that I wait until my quarterly spray next month because he says my house is very clean. I ask him how he remembered MY house in particular, since I’m sure he has many clients; he said it was the Art Studio.

2:10-2:45 - L. took notes during her meeting with Tucker and co-worker, La, yesterday and she goes over the minutes with me. She says the script I prepared helped.

2:45-4:00-I warm up more of my homemade Hamburger Helper and two pieces of sourdough bread for lunch and read Tell Me Everything.

4:00-4:30-Shower. I listen to Best Laid Plans and wash my hair. While I’m in the shower, L. leaves a cup of coffee from Starbucks on my side table. Awww…thanks L.!

4:30-6:00-I blow dry my hair and put on Athletic Housewife attire. I fully intended to go to my last Striders meet but it’s sooo hot today and I’m feeling a little unsteady and dizzy. Instead:

-I try on two more pairs of Nordstrom pants that arrived yesterday and ONE of the pairs actually fits -a gray pair of tailored, “cigarette” pants; the other pair of pants must be returned (sigh).

-I was re-reading the Curated Closet the other day and the author recommends pulling winter clothes and storing them elsewhere to free up room and mental bandwidth in the closet for the summer season. I pull six sweaters off the hangers and store, then I throw away two items. I add a few more clothes to the Goodwill bag, then put the bag in my car. I put the Nordstrom returns in the car, too.

-I start a load of towels and move two heavy cardigans down to the hall closet.

-I get the mail and go through it.

6:10-6:20-I eat one of my fried fish tacos from Fish Tales and the side of coleslaw that came with the meal.

6:20-9:10-Gardening. Twice, I have to stop working because, for whatever reason, I break out in hives on my butt and legs. Is it the heat? I go upstairs and apply a cold compress.

I sweep, rake, and clean all the beds. Then, I trim the dead flowers and branches and retrain my climbing vines. I listen to Fresh Air and Crime Junkie while I work.

9:0-9:30-more bullet journal.

9:30-9:45 - I take the dog for a walk. A man in front of our garage is on his Iphone and it freaks her out. She’s ready to come in after just five minutes, which is great. I listen to Southern Fried Crime.

9:45-10:30-I water my plants.

10:30-11:00-I check email at College No. 1 with the intention of fielding no more than 10 or 20 emails for the next 30 minutes. Unfortunately, that crazy OSD bitch has sent a series of emails, one after the other, in rapid succession, complaining that she is unable to access ANY of the material from the Canvas shell. I respond at length to every email…separately… and cc Dean LL and T., the OSD counselor.

11:00-11:30-L. surfaces and we talk about her friend, A., who is currently attending medical school for $60,000 per semester. Although her parents insist that she become a doctor [she’s Indian so it was either that or an engineer], they only paid for her first four years of tuition. Now that she is in med. school, she is on her own financially.

L. said she sold two memberships today.

11:30-12:00-I continue responding to the email thread from that crazy OSD bitch.

This bitch sends another email alleging she is unable to access the Google slides [she insists that I convert them to PowerPoint, which is a completely outdated platform. No teacher worth their salt uses PowerPoint, which is why I paid L. $3000 to convert all of my PP slides to Google slides two years ago].

That crazy OSD bitch also alleges that she is unable to play the Audio lecture.

I respond that Google slides has replaced PowerPoint as the most contemporary platform for delivering course content. I explain that I won’t downgrade to PowerPoint - that medium is outdated - and refer her to our IT Dept., so they can advise her as to how to access Google slides. I recognize this complaint for the lie that it is. Google slides have been around for at least SEVEN years - I know of NO student who has ever complained they could not open a Google slide. This is truly an impossibility.

It is also unclear why she is unable to open the Audio lecture when the other students have expressed no issues whatsoever. I know L. has this particular Audio lecture in a different format, but none of the other students have complained about accessibility. I respond to this bitch’s email as well, asking her to explain what happens when she selects the “Play” button.

That crazy OSD bitch sends yet another email, attaching the link to the podcast I’ve assigned in Canvas, and alleging that she can’t open the link. When I click on the link, the podcast opens immediately and begins playing. I respond that the link does, in fact, work. She responds that she “discovered a work-around” [you mean you actually clicked on it, you f—king bitch?] and that the issue is resolved.

12:00-1:30-I continue responding to this asshole and cc’ing the OSD Dept. In the process, HOWEVER, I’m skeptical that these issues even exist.

Recall that this student knows her way around Canvas and is incredibly savvy when it comes to the platform. If you remember, she pulled up the ONLY assignment [out of approximately 50 quizzes, Discussion Boards, a Midterm, and a Final], that was accidentally posted now, when the due date was scheduled for six weeks out. Then, she emailed a screenshot of it to me and cc’d Dean LL, complaining that she didn’t know what to do with this assignment because my instructions were confusing.

Uh, there were no instructions because, CLEARLY, this assignment is due in the future. It’s also noted on the Syllabus and I said as much in my response. It’s obvious that this 10-question quiz was accidentally “published” now, instead of in six weeks, through some technical glitch in the system. BUT, the fact that this bitch was even able to FIND this particular quiz, when it was buried in the Canvas database, in an archived file, and not due for six weeks, leads me to believe that she is actually able to open/access ALL of my material.

In other words, she’s lying.

All the same, I have a discussion with L. about the technical difficulties the OSD student says she’s experiencing to see if they’re legit. L. reviews the list of complaints and agrees with me - there is no reason why this student can’t open a Google slide or play an Audio lecture, especially if no other student in the class has complained thus far.

All of that just took THREE hours out of my day…accommodating ONE f—king student.

1:30-2:00-an email comes in from College No. 2 confirming that there are no VIRTUS classes available. Strangely, I’m instructed to report to my Catholic classroom the first day of class, even though I never completed the training. Huh! Why was it mandatory last week when nobody cares this week?

-I send an email to those students who were NOT in my F2F class at College No. 1 last Thursday and inform them that they will be dropped from the class within the next 24 hours.

-I have a SYNCHRONOUS online class, going live next week, at “Einstein High School”, via College No. 2 [this is not the school’s real name, but I’m calling it “Einstein” to protect the innocent. :-) ]. We will be meeting, live, via Zoom, two days a week, but as you know, I don’t DO Zoom. I send my Audio lectures to the students, via the “Poli Sci Podcast”, i.e., I email them the Audio file, and then I post quizzes on Canvas, in real time, during our meetings. HOWEVER, I can’t do any of this if I don’t have a roster.

I’ve been waiting for the “Einstein” High School Liaison to send me the Attendance, but she has completely dropped the ball. I’m typically chill about these things, but this is one issue that I’ve always found incredibly stressful - if I’m teaching online, I NEED THE STUDENTS’ EMAIL ADDRESSES, especially when they’re still not logged into the Canvas platform. This is a constant problem with these high school classes in that Admissions and Records, at College No. 2, keys them in LAST, after all the regular college students have been added, when it comes to the Canvas shells.

I send a friendly email to my Dual Enforcement coordinator requesting the names and emails for the “Einstein” students enrolled in my SYNCHRONOUS class so I can say hello.

-I check my credit card statement.

2:00-2:30-Kitchen duty and I am sooo hungry. I take two bites of L.s pizza and have a small square of sourdough bread with butter. I’m going to pay for this weight-wise.

2:30-3:00-I pick an outfit for tomorrow and briefly update my bullet journal.

3:00-3:30-Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 20-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 18-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic