Day 24 - Mask mandate RESCINDED. We do NOT need to wear masks.

Attended a sound bath today…

3/24/22. Sunday

L. And T. are still housesitting at T.’s mom’s house

8:00-8:30-I’m awake but I lay in bed for transition time.

8:30-9:00-I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. She’s still asleep, so I sit next to her and rub her tummy until she’s ready to go outside. Finally, she grabs her toy and we go outside where I water the other half of my plants while I wait for her to do her business. Return inside and coffee for me, cheese for her. I go to work.

9:00-12:15-I go to work. L. finished transcribing the Chapter 10 Audio lecture and updating the content, so I break the chapter into two parts. Then, I edit the transcription and select musical clips for each slide. Once I have everything ready to go, I record the new Chapter 10 Audio Lecture-Part I.

12:15-12:40-I change into my “Athletic Housewife” attire (turtleneck, yoga pants, Airbirds tennis shoes); then

12:40-1:10-I drive to the Newhall Library for the Sound Bath and Guided Meditation class.

1:30-2:30-If you’re wondering what a “sound bath” is, so was I. This particular activity was advertised in conjunction with the library’s “One Book, One City” program for the month of March and comes on the heels of the “Mediation Moon Hike” that B. and I recently attended. Recall that the book in question for my city is The Nature Fix.

I had no idea what to expect but the website directed all attendees to bring their yoga mats, which I did. We were placed in a medium-sized, dimly lit, conference room inside the Newhall Library and instructed to unfurl our mats and lay down. It was somewhat disconcerting because the majority of the people in attendance didn’t mask. I’ve already had Omicron, but I hate breathing other people’s air, so I masked. Lying next to me was a soccer mom who seemed pretty cool.

A meditation instructor walked to the front of the class and told us to close our eyes as she led us through a few guided mediation exercises. Then, we were encouraged to clear our minds and relax as she created various sounds via pots, or “basins”?? She softly banged gongs and swung chimes, but also created interesting tones and vibrations by rubbing the sides of the various bowls she brought with her. The vibrations were interspersed with the strange sound of rushing water that she somehow manifested in the conference room.

It was very soothing, until the cool soccer mom lying next to me started grunting and breathing heavily. She moaned every time she adjusted her position, as if she were in great pain. She interfered with my meditation and I wished she would leave - it was hard to enjoy the sound bath because her constant moaning and groaning kept interrupting my relaxed state. If you’re in that much pain, why did you come? You knew we’d be lying on the floor! Of course, this loser had to take a seat right next to me…I tried to tune her out.

The sound bath ended before I knew it and I actually felt more relaxed…considering. I finally opened my eyes and noted that there had been some sort of bait-and-switch. The cool soccer mom was gone - where did she go? - and in her place was some severely disabled woman with a walker…the one behind all the noise. great. I leave.

2:30-3:00-I drive home and listen to Fresh Air.

3:00-4:30-Home and I edit Part II of the Chapter 10 transcription and, once again, select musical clips for each slide. Then, I record the new Chapter 10 Audio Lecture-Part II. I make a note that L. needs to update five google slides.

4:30-5:30-I upload Chapter 10 - Parts 1 and II to the Canvas shell for College No. 1, then update the course content for my Core Class tomorrow.

-I check Email at College No. 1

-I upload Chapter 10 - Parts 1 and II to the Canvas shell for College No. 2.

-I check Email at College No. 2

5:30-6:30-Next, I update the course content for Specialty Class 1B. I still need to post an extra credit assignment and record 2 PSAs [Public Service Announcements].

6:30-11:00-B. Arrives with food from Presto Pasta. I ordered chicken and veges with a meatless marinara sauce (no pasta) and it’s quite good! B has something…? B. and I talk politics.

L. And T. surface and she updates my slides. They leave again (housesitting).

B. unloads some flower pots for my backyard and leaves.

11:00-12:00-I read Nature Fix and accidentally fall asleep.

12:00-1:30-..and I’m up. I continue reading Nature Fix.

1:45-2:05-I do a 15-min Insanity Ab workout; followed by

2:15-2:45-a 30-min Insanity Max - Tabata Power workout.

3:00-3:15- I take out my contacts and wash my face.

3:15-3:45-Bullet journal and I listen to Southern Fried Crime; then

4:00-4:30-I finish my nighttime routine. Bed


Day 25 - Mask mandate RESCINDED. We do NOT need to wear masks.


Day 23 - Mask mandate RESCINDED. We do NOT need to wear masks.