Day 27-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

Bike ride today…

On 8/25/22, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was interviewed by PBS reporter Amna Nawaz to discuss a major overhaul of the CDC. According to Walensky, “these changes will modernize operations and improve health messaging amid criticism over how the CDC managed COVID-19 and the Monkey pox outbreak.”

I’m focused on transcription these days so here is a transcribed portion of that interview. As you read through it, ask yourself “Does any of this make sense?! (other than the constant use of the word ‘nimble.’) **Note: I don’t want to torture you by providing the entire transcribed interview. Here’s approximately 30 seconds…

Rochelle: “What I will say, though, is one of the things that we are asking for is long-term, sustainable resources, resources that are nimble. So, if we have many different line items that are disease-specific, it is hard to be nimble for those in a moment where we have a new public health outbreak.”

“It is the case that we don't know what the challenge, the public health challenge of tomorrow will be, but if we have a nimble public health infrastructure that is sustainably funded, that is disease-agnostic, that focuses on our work force and our lab and our core capabilities, then we have the opportunity, whatever is thrown our way, to pivot and be in really good shape.”

So a lot of what this reset is going to do is to elevate those key public health components, those key public health infrastructures, like our work force, like our data modernization efforts, like our testing and laboratory capacity, so that those really are overarching import at the CDC and truly public health across the country.”

What?! What exactly is she saying?

Oh, wait, I know the subliminal message that’s being conveyed here: the CDC is a joke!

8/30/22. Tuesday

7:00-8:00-the dog wakes me up so I take her downstairs to go potty. Cheese for her, coffee for me. Upstairs, and I sit in the shower, ice my eyes, and drink my coffee. Lotion. No make-up because I’m going on a bike ride. I put on Athletic Housewife attire: a T-back tank; bike shorts; my biking shoes; and my helmet.

8:00-8:30-I pack my bike bag with snacks and leave.

8:30-9:45-I take the paseo behind our house, then bike to Copper Hill, take the back paseo at that location and exit on Decoro, at which point I ride down McBean to my house. I eat a Lara Bar along the way.

10:00-10:30-I put everything away and read War Torn while I wait for B. to arrive for Patio Coffee.

10:45-2:30-Patio Coffee. B. shows up with Starbucks and donuts - I eat a pear and one of the donuts.

2:30-3:00-I talk to B. about my upcoming trip to the Integratron and my hotel stay at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort. B. says he would like to go, too, which would ultimately help me because that means he would drive - I won’t need to rent a car or buy gas. We agree to go together and I show him the websites for the Integratron and Desert Springs. The only problem is that the Integratron is now sold out…B. might have to wait in the car while I enjoy the sound bath. B. leaves.

3:00-4:30-I take a nap.

4:30-6:30 - Life Admin

-Per B.’s request, I email him the link to the Integratron. I also send B. a link to a podcast called the Abortion Wars, wherein several Canadian abortion providers are murdered by a serial killer. I also send B. a link to Lotus Land (I bought a ticket for myself - B. said he has never heard of it).

-I sign up for the Books and Brews book club (yes, the book club that I never attend…why do I keep signing up?)

-I review an October event called Carved at Descanso Gardens.

-I confirm that L’s car insurance payment was processed via the Liberty Mutual website.

-I place an order at for the following items: spray paint; the book Afterlife for the Books and Brews book club that I never attend; hair color; and L’Oréal “Deep Dark” sunless tanning.

-I check and confirm that the documentary that I uploaded to their site [Wombs for Rent] was transcribed.

-I check my personal email and note that there is a new exhibit at the Getty. I might go.

-I email a link to the Financial Gym [financial consultants for young people] to L. and encourage her to join.

-I register for the Fall Season of Hiking and Striders.

6:45-7:40-I finish the Wombs for Rent Video Quiz, then load it into the Canvas shell for Specialty Class 1A.

8:00-11:15-The first day of class for my Catholic High School is tomorrow. I still need to create the Syllabus and update the Canvas shell. It’s crunch time, even though none of the students have access to Canvas at this time.

-I finish the Syllabus.

-I print out a Mapquest for my Catholic High School.

11:15-11:40-I download the Chapter 4-Part 1 [Specialty Class 1A] transcribed Audio Lecture from the Yuja platform and review it while listening to the original Audio so I can edit the transcription.

Even though College No. 1 has represented Yuja as our “go-to” transcription service, the transcribed documents are filled with errors. I still feel uncomfortable emailing the transcribed Audio lectures to that crazy OSD bitch when the transcription looks like “word salad.” At the same time, I, as an Adjunct Instructor, shouldn’t have to edit ANY transcription - we already do too much). The transcription should be deemed complete and error-free upon receipt. And by edit, I mean a complete re-write of the majority of the sections. In reality, the INSTRUCTORS are transcribing all things Audio; NOT Yuja. College No. 1 is totally gaslighting us!

Editing transcribed lectures is starting to take an inordinate amount of time…time that I can’t afford to use for transcribing.

11:40-12:30- Kitchen duty. I ready my lunch bag and coffee for tomorrow.

12:30-1:30-Nighttime routine. Sunless tanning. I pick an outfit for tomorrow and set my alarm for 4:45 and, Surprise!, I’ve gone to bed way too late…again. Why do I keep sabotaging myself like this?


Day 28-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 26-Monkey pox is the new pandemic