Day 2 - Los Angeles lifts its vaccine mandate. A vax card is no longer required.

Spray painted my pots today…

The FDA and the CDC have approved a second booster for those 50 and older. But which age is best? And when should we get it? Do we wait for the shit to really hit the fan [more lethal, deadly variant] before we get the jab? Also, what’s the shelf-life for the second booster? Two weeks?

Dr. Torbati, Emergency Room Physician at Cedars Sinai, says too many boosters may cause a “fatigued” immune system and our immunity depends on which kind of variant is blazing across our country. If that’s the case, why does Big Pharma keep injecting us with the same crap they’ve always used? Isn’t it time for an update? Now, we’re hearing that bi-annual vaccines might be a good idea. Really? Bi-annual vaccines containing the Covid-19 vax from two years ago?

This just in…Ivermectin doesn’t work. No shit.

4/1/22. Friday. April Fools Day

9:00-9:30-I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She pooped next to the front door (sigh) and is waiting for me, wagging her tail. We go outside, straightaway, and I wait for her to go potty. Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs.

9:30-11:00-I read Invisible Corset.

11:00-12:00- I put on my “Athletic Housewife” uniform: yoga pants, sports bra, and tank top. Wash my face, brush my teeth, and put my hair up. I start a load of laundry so I can wash my painting clothes and rinse out my gloves, paint brush, and rags that I’ve been soaking in a bucket over the last couple of days, and lay everything in the sun. Next, I clean my fountain and pick up dog poop, then make a piece of almond butter toast.

12:00-12:30-I take the dog for a walk and listen to Case File.

12:30-1:00-I unroll my tarp, set up my terracotta pot, and spray paint it yellow, while listening to the Slates Spoiler podcast on the movie Deep Water.

1:00-1:45-I take a break and heat up a frozen bean and cheese burrito while reading Invisible Corset.

1:45-2:15-I spray paint another terracotta pot, then take a break and eat dark chocolate malt balls and some of L.s mini-vanilla wafers for some sugar energy.

2:15-2:45-I set up the pallet I was working on two days ago and finish my staining project, leaving everything out to dry.

2:45-4:00-I take a nap; then

4:00-4:30-I hose down the Astroturf and drag the pallet to my backyard. The pots I spray-painted are dry, so I store them in the Art Studio. I washed the pillow cases from my patio pillows the other day so I put them back on the pillows.

4:30-5:00-I make 2 spinach salads and store, while eating a few cheese and crackers and potato chips.

5:00-5:30-I drive to BevMo. More malt balls…more vanilla wafers.

5:30-6:00-Arrive at BevMo and eat my salad in the parking lot while listening to the New Yorker - Politics and More.

6:00-6:30-BevMo is having a sale on champagne. When I finish my salad, I enter BevMo and buy several bottles of champagne at deep discount.

6:30-7:00-I spend $40 on gas. Gas is now at $5.95 per gallon at my gas station (this is the discount you get when you pay in cash, which I always do). “Putin’s price hike”, my ass! I listen to Martinis and your Money and drive home.

7:30-8:00-Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee for tomorrow while continuing with Martinis and your Money then tackle some Life Administration tasks:

8:30-1:00-Life Admin.

-I finish logging my Walmart and Amazon expenditures in my budget spreadsheet for Jan., Feb., and March;

-I update my master 2022 toiletry list to reflect a mascara purchase and an ink cartridge purchase;

-I check the Beach Cycle calendar to see if any spin cycle days work for me. They don’t.

-I order a mini-fridge for L.’s Art Studio, but it is not scheduled to arrive until July. Spoiler Alert: in May, the order will be mysteriously canceled. Supply chain?

-I check email at College No. 1. Staff have been instructed to complete THREE online trainings, ASAP, concerning Cybersecurity, with no notice. I open the link and let each training run on mute - I have no idea what the training is about. When each seminar concludes, I randomly guess on the 10-question quiz until I pass. This s—t never ends. There is sooo much paperwork, sooo many mandatory trainings, class prep, statistical compilations, that adjuncts - and teachers in general - must do off the clock and they don’t get paid for any of it. I’m paid for 6 hours of teaching time per week. That’s it…and it’s bullshit.

-I note that the student from Specialty Class 1B, whom I can’t stand, emailed me on Tuesday that the answers she submitted for two quizzes have not been posted to the online gradebook. She sends a follow-up email on Wednesday. It is now Friday. Oops. I reply curtly, “Your scores were posted to the online grade book,” but neglect to add “an hour ago.” I can’t wait until this semester is over.

-L. surfaces and discusses her horrible last day at the Art Studio. One of the problem students, S., was rude and bullying the other students so L. told him he was disrespectful, which he was. S. started crying so L.’s supervisor, La, calls his mother and actually tells the parent that L. made her child cry and the mom needs to pick up S. early. The mom arrives and L. is forced to have a 20-min conversation with S.’s mom about his meltdown while L.’s supervisor, La, sits at her desk, working on the computer and refusing to intervene. To the bitter end, La continues to give L. the silent treatment. Although this is L.’s last day, she has been a faithful employee for 2 years, and consistently worked/covered weekends for ALL the employees, La says nothing to L. when she (La) leaves at the end of her shift. Unbelievable.

L’.s coworker bought her flowers for a going-away present.

L. ‘shakes it off’ and proceeds to her new employer, “The Club”, where she closed by herself and picked up an extra shift for tomorrow because a co-worker is sick.

-I check course content for my Monday Core Class at College No. 1 and make sure everything is ready. I do the same for Specialty Class 1B.

-I set up course content at College No. 2 for my highschoolers. I learned last Thursday that this high school blocks Netflix so nothing from Netflix can be streamed for the students. That means we can’t watch the documentary I had planned for this Tuesday so I convert to a podcast. Unfortunately, I have to manually upload the podcast quiz (10 questions with 4 possible answers for each). This takes some time.

-I pack my Filoflex folder for next week.

-1:00-1:15-I take the dog out and eat two malt balls

1:15-2:00-Nighttime routine while listening to Spooked. Bed.


Day 3 - Los Angeles lifts its vaccine mandate. A vax card is no longer required.


Day 1 - LA lifts its vaccine mandate. A vax card is no longer required.