Day 3 - LA County Dept of Health mandates INDOOR masking and OUTDOOR masking at large events

B. and I went to Egg Plantation for breakfast…

B. and I went to Egg Plantation for breakfast…

8/18/21. Wednesday

8:15 – 8:30 - My alarm goes off but I stay in bed for another 15 minutes.

8:30-9:00-I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog, but she’s still asleep on the couch.  When she sees me come downstairs, she wags her tail slightly and rolls over on her back. I rub her tummy several times until she decides when it’s time to go outside. I guess it’s time because she jumps off the couch,  grabs her toy, and outside we go.  I water a few of my potted plants and we return inside; American cheese slices for her and I make a cup of coffee in my Keurig.  While it brews, I unload and load the dishwasher.

9:00-10:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up. I listen to The Daily.

10:00-11:00 – B. arrives  and we load my ottoman and patio chair into the back of his SUV and drive to see “Efrain”, an 80-year-old upholsterer whose house and shop is located in a children-of-the-corn area.  The dog ripped my ottoman in two places, two years ago, when she was a puppy, but she’s finally outgrown that destructive stage so I’m getting it repaired. Additionally, the leg snapped on my wicker patio chair, three inches from the bottom, and this needs to be fixed because the chair is one of a set of four.

Efrain quotes me a price and I ask him to go lower, saying that I’m a single mother, even though B. is with me and is getting some of his own work done regarding a sofa insert. Efrain says he likes single mothers, that his Mom was a single mother, and that she beat him regularly with various objects.  Still trying to ingratiate myself with Efrain and score the discount, I make sympathetic noises, saying, “Oh my God! That’s abuse!  How terrible for you…” Efrain adamantly disagrees, saying, “No!  She made me what I am today. She helped me grow up” to which I immediately switch gears and say brightly, “Spare the rod, spoil the child!”  I get a 15% discount and put $100 down.

11:30 – 12:45 - B. and I arrive at Egg Plantation for breakfast, where they serve over 100 omlettes, ergo the name Egg Plantation.  It’s somewhat crowded [on a WEDNESDAY morning, of all days], but we don’t have to wait long.  Everyone masks and while semi-enclosed, it’s basically outdoor seating, with no doors at the front of the tent and most of the windows open.  It’s such a cool, misty day…I love it.

I get a omlette with cheese, mushrooms, sausage, and olives.  It’s very good, but huge.  I’m only able to eat a third so I take the rest home.

12:45-3:30 – Home and B. and I talk politics. He leaves.

3:30-6:30 – I spend this time doing class prep for my 7:00 class tomorrow.  It’s the first day of school for my Thursday class so I make sure course content is posted and ready to go. I’m taking a few days off for my upcoming Ireland trip in November, so I submit my Notice of Absence sheets to College No. 1, and also email the final grades and attendance for my Summer class to College No. 2 – Admissions and Records. Lastly, I respond to several emails from students at College No. 1 (the first couple weeks of school are always the most hectic).

6:30 – 7:15 - L. returns from work and agrees to take the dog for a walk with me! This is extremely rare for L… usually she says no.

7:15 –2:00 a.m. Insanity – Cardio Recovery is next on the rotation, but it’s not nearly as intense as the other workouts so I skip it with the intention that I’ll do an Insanity workout tomorrow.  L. and I watch Married at First Sight until 2:00 a.m. and eat the leftover cheese from yesterday’s Olive Terrace meal.

2:00-3:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 8:30.


Day 4 -LA County Dept. of Health mandates Indoor masking and OUTDOOR masking at large events


Day 2 - LA County Dept. of Public Health mandates indoor masking and OUDOOR masking at large events