Day 4 of LAUSD’s vaccine mandate!

The Pexi-glass barrier…the bubble that prevents Covid-19…

The Pexi-glass barrier…the bubble that prevents Covid-19…

9/13/21. MONDAY

5:00 – L. leaves for her long day at college.

9:30-10:00 – I’m up and my Shingles sites have started to scab over.  They are not nearly as painful as they’ve been over the past several days. I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog.  She’s asleep so I rub her tummy three times then sit next to her and wait for her to wake up.  She eventually rolls over, jumps off the couch, and grabs her toy. Outside we go and I see that she pooped on the patio (sigh).  I clean it up while she goes potty. Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go to work.

10:00-12:00 – I have class today at 2:30 so I start class prep.  I listen to my previous lecture and review the accompanying Google slides.  Then, I review the Chapter Review and Video quizzes the students will be taking today and make a few changes to the Discussion Board prompt.  I check emails and respond to several students.  Then, I confirm my appointment for tomorrow at 11:00 with my evaluator. I put my Beets speaker, Netbook, and expandable folder in my school bag.

12:00-1:00 – Shower. Lotion. I put on a blouse, long skirt, and ballerina slippers. Moisturizer. Under-eye concealer. I listen to The Daily.

1:15-2:30 – I put my school bag and lunch bag in the car and leave.

Driving. I eat the salad that I packed yesterday and top it off with apple slices and almond butter. I finish putting on my make-up in the car and listen to Citations Needed.

2:30-5:35 – Back in the previously condemned Lecture Hall and I note that more pexi-glass dividers have been installed along the top of the counter so that the entire counter and sink – it is unclear why there is a counter and sink in this classroom -  is surrounded by 6-ft panels of plastic. Studies show that pexi-glass panels don’t work. In my classroom, when the students want to talk, they walk around the pexi-glass inserts so that they are now standing face-to-face with me.  They’re not conscious that they’re doing this…they’re simply moving past a barrier so they can talk to me. It’s as if the pexi-glass inserts aren’t even there. Additionally, when they answer questions in class, they pull their masks down as they’re speaking so I can hear them, thereby defeating the purpose of wearing a mask.

Today, we have lecture and two separate videos on surrogacy: 1) My F2F students watch one video; and 2) my online students watch a separate video.

Spoiler Alert: This decision to watch two separate videos results in a complete mess regarding the grade book, with students from both classes taking video quizzes for a video they never watched. I send numerous emails to the ONLINE students asking the following question: “Why would you take a Video Quiz on a documentary you have never seen?”  They’re too stupid to formulate an intelligent response. The most common answer is, “I panicked – I thought I was missing the assignment.” This, even after I sent an email blast an hour in advance reminding them which video they would be watching, then a second email blast AFTER the video was over, informing them of the name of the Video Quiz that would be posted in the next few minutes. But, like I stated earlier, they’re too stupid to figure out what they’re supposed to do and most of the ONLINE students ended up taking both video quizzes, even though they only watched ONE video.

I will never do this again.

5:30-6:00 – I take attendance, email the students who did not sign in on the Discussion Board, and ask those students who received a low score on the Video Quiz what happened?  Didn’t they watch the video?

6:00-7:00 – Driving. I talk to B. and eat carrots and hummus on the way home.  When the conversation ends, I turn on Hurry Slowly.

7:00-7:15 – I change my clothes and;

7:15-8:00 – take the dog for a walk.

-L. returns from college.

8:00-9:00 – I run to Whole Foods before they close to pick up the last few remaining items from my grocery list that I couldn’t find at Sprouts when I went grocery shopping the other day. L. puts in her order for water, mango salsa, and tortilla chips. I also buy sashimi for dinner.

I stop by the ATM to deposit the $10,000 check disbursed from L.’s 529 account.

9:00-10:00 – I have sashimi for dinner and read a Money Diary.

10:00-10:20 – I do a 15-minute Insanity – Cardio Abs workout.

10:45-11:30 – I start a 1-hr Insanity – Cardio Plyo workout, but have to abort after 30 minutes due to muscle fatigue…my legs feel like lead and I’m having trouble getting through the workout.

11:30-2:00 – Blog posts

2:00-2:45 – I upload the posts to Square Space. At this time, my right eye is throbbing and I have severe eye strain.  This might be  attributed to the awkward angle my head and right eye takes every time I look over my shoulder at the Shingles’ rash on my hip. Yet more evidence of the chain reaction that’s causing my body to fall apart. Great.

2:45-3:45 – Nighttime routine.

3:45-4:00 – Update today’s activities via bullet points.



Day 5 of LAUSD’s vaccine mandate


Day 3 of LAUSD’s vaccine mandate!