Day 43-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

F2F class tonight…

9/15/23. Thursday

8:45-9:00-I’m up and the dog is lying outside my door. We go downstairs so I can take her outside. Cheese for her; coffee for me.

9:00-10:15-Bullet journal.

10:15-11:30-Blog post.

I spend this time catching up on class prep because there will be no time to do it on the back end tonight; I have to go straight to bed when I get home from my F2F class.

11:30-12:00-I log into College No. 1 and try to figure out the new procedure for registering for our CE [continuing education - these classes are referred to as “Flex” classes]. Depending on how many classes I have, I typically need to complete 9 hours of CE every semester. Suddenly, there’s a new UNuser-friendly database where we’re supposed to submit our hours and nobody knows how to use it, nor was staff told in advance that this was happening. Cornerstone is the new database and the directions for navigating it are contained in a very thick online packet that none of us has time to read. If the old system was fine, why are we reinventing the wheel? Yet another task for which I am not compensated.

12:00-12:10-I log onto Canvas at College No. 1 and check course content for my F2F class tonight.

12:10- 12:45-L. is awake and crying because most of last night she experienced significant burning after inserting a Monistat “ovule.” OMG! I feel terrible for L. She ranks her pain as a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, but I actually think it’s much worse. Poor L. She has a Zoom appt. at 7:00 pm with a doctor who will allegedly prescribe antibiotics. HOWEVER, I know, somehow, that this appointment will not occur because our health care system is so f—-ked up.

L. has plans to visit Collin Two-Hatchet in Kansas within days, but I tell her not to go. Currently, L. has no diagnosis and we have no idea what’s wrong, especially since a UTI was ruled out. But, L. doesn’t want to forfeit her $500 Air BnB deposit that she put down for the rental in Kansas. I’m shocked that Collin is NOT paying for the Air BnB, BUT I tell L. I will reimburse her the $500. Unfortunately, L. says she is still going to Kansas.

I explain to L. that if she ends up in an Out-of-Network hospital she will have astronomical medical bills. Although I’m concerned for L., I’m also afraid that any medical care she receives in Kansas will somehow affect me. I know she’s an adult, but she’s also my dependent and on my health insurance…will her medical bills somehow attach to my health insurance and turn into my responsibility? It’s unclear.

-I give L. Advil, recently expired antibiotics, and some UTI meds that turn your pee neon orange. She takes one Advil and leaves for I don’t know where, in significant pain. I’m very concerned about L.!

12:45-1:15-I log into College No. 2 and my online high school students finally HAVE ACCESS TO CANVAS!! I email my 8 students, then try to recreate the Attendance so I can take roll.

-I update Attendance for my online class at College No. 1.

-I update Attendance for my F2F highschool class.

1:30-1:40-I buy tickets for Carved at Descanso Gardens

1:40-2:00 - I check my Wayfair order to see when Table No. 2 will be delivered. The database notes that the table is NO LONGER in transit and will NOT arrive tomorrow, on 9-16, as expected. Damn.

-I order a library book that one of my students recommended - Just Mercy.

2:00-2:10- I place a order for a standing oscillating fan (mine broke); titanium straws; a USB extender; Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention; and a new copy of the Federalist Papers. I also order a black ink cartridge, but this order is arbitrarily canceled by Walmart - no explanation.

2:10-2:20-I log into my Chase account and make a payment.

3:30-4:00-I make a batch of scrambled eggs with red onions. This is my first meal of the day. I make sure I have items for tomorrow morning’s lunch bag and I ready my coffee for tomorrow.

4:00-5:00-Shower. Lotion. Full make-up

5:15-6:45-I put butter on a slice of bread from the gourmet loaf that L. bought and eat it as I drive to College No. 1. Traffic is horrendous and there are multiple accidents along the way. I eat some of my lemon chicken leftovers, as well as some old toffee peanuts that were lying around. I listen to The Political Gabfest.

7:00-10:00-Arrive for my F2F class. Tonight is lecture and a documentary. While the video plays, I log into Canvas for my F2F class at College No. 2, tomorrow morning, and update the Module Home Page. There’s an email from HR informing me that I’m being evaluated this semester! F—kers…I was just evaluated last year. This is unacceptable.

10:00-10:15-Class dismissed and I walk to my car. I put my key in the ignition and it barely turns over so I call L. and tell her if I’m not home by 11:00, send out a search party. I ask L. how she’s feeling and she says the burning has somewhat subsided. Good - glad to hear it.

Drive home and I eat a pre-made salad that I made a few days ago…the tomatoes are too mushy and too old. I switch to cucumber slices with Tanzania dip that L. bought.

10:15-11:00-The car holds…I make it home.

11:00-12:00-I quickly unload everything, repack my lunch, and leave the dishes in the sink. I check on L. and she is showering, her suitcase packed. I thought she was leaving on Saturday, or maybe not at all, but she is leaving for Kansas tomorrow according to plan. Due to the fact that she’s sick, I think this is a terrible idea, but she’s an adult woman allowed to make her own decisions.

-I do a 15-minute Insanity Ab workout, followed by a 30-minute, Insanity Max-Sweat workout, but I have to tap out after 15 minutes I feel so exhausted. What is wrong with me? Is it Long Covid?

12:00-12:30-Quick nighttime routine and I’m in bed by 12:30. I set the alarm for 5:30.


Day 44-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 42-Monkey pox is the new pandemic