Day 5 - Biden said the pandemic is over.
At my F2F classroom tonight…
9/22/22. Thursday
7:30-8:00-I’m up and I go downstairs to get my coffee. The dog is still in L.’s bedroom and it’s so nice being by myself without having her at my heels. All of a sudden I hear the dog barreling down the stairs; she probably heard me and cued L. to leave the room. I take the dog outside so she can go potty; it’s been much cooler, lately. Although I just swept the patio, leaves are all over the place.
8:00-11:15-Coffee for me; cheese for her. I go upstairs. Bullet journal.
11:15-1:00-I sit in the shower, lean my head back against the tiles, and ice my eyes. Lotion and full make-up. I have the last few bites of the Lemon Chicken dish I made.
1:00-1:40-I log onto Canvas at College No. 2 and create a Home Page for Fri/Wed for my Catholic High School class. Once again, I have to readjust the dates on upcoming assignments because this school is on a shortened bell schedule over the upcoming days…it’s either Mass or yet another Catholic holiday…or maybe they’re honoring some Saint? Who knows. I can’t figure it out because…guess what?…I’m not Catholic. What the hell am I doing at this school? I’m employed at two public community colleges!
1:40-2:10-I manually grade two quizzes submitted earlier from that stupid OSD bitch. If she would only complete the quizzes in the Canvas shell like the rest of the students, I wouldn’t have to do this extra work. I then check to make sure I can access Netflix in anticipation of tonight’s F2F class at College No. 1.
I check email at College No. 1.
2:10-2:20-I check personal email.
2:20-3:15-I re-Velcro the stair runner for several steps, unpack my Walmart order, and try to put together my oscillating tower fan. I’m having problems assembling the base so will probably have to leave it for now.
3:15- 4:20-I call Silk Medi Spa and make an appointment for Botox and fillers.
-Then, I order the transcribed documentary for the film I’m showing next week for that stupid OSD bitch. She has requested transcribed copies of EVERY documentary, even though EVERY documentary has closed caption. Closed Caption isn’t enough for her - she wants the transcribed version as well. This is the only student who is requesting both closed captioned AND transcription of EVERY media source. In many instances, a lengthy online search will reveal a buried transcript for the documentary in question. Note: this takes extra time, sometimes an inordinate amount of time, and I resent searching for a transcribed documentary for EVERY media source when ALL of the films I show HAVE CLOSED CAPTION.
An extensive search for this documentary’s transcription revealed nothing. Yuja - the crappy platform that Instructors are directed to for transcription services via College No. 1 - DOES NOT WORK, nor does Yuja transcribe films. As a result, I have to return to, the professional online transcription service that I’ve been using as a result of having that stupid OSD bitch in my class, and pay $75 out of pocket…for this ONE student…who happens to be a total asshole. I already asked Admin for reimbursement for services…they basically told me to f—k off.
-I do a Canvas “course copy” for my upcoming October class.
-I’m paying L. to edit several transcribed lectures for my Core Class so I can re-record them (I’ve used these old AUDIO lectures for as long as I can - there are too many Covid 19 references because I created them in 2020 and I simply HAVE to re-record, BUT I can’t re-record without an updated script. I email the Google slides and Audio Lecture to L. for transcription. I pay her $20 an hour.
-I place a order.
-I open my BofA account and pay the trash bill. Then, I make sure I received the refund for the Nordstrom pants that never arrived.
-I check Chase and note that I finally received the $58 credit from Desert Springs resort (I was there last month).
4:20-5:00-I pack my lunch bag and ready my coffee for tomorrow morning. I also prepare my breakfast for tomorrow morning. For lunch, I defrost a bowl of something?? from the freezer…it appears to be a hash brown onion dish from one of L.s many restaurants that she frequents. I have a few bites and it is sooo good - I add it to the lunch bag.
5:15-6:30-I’m out the door by 5:15, en route to my F2F class at College No. 1. I listen to the Political Gabfest and eat grapes en route. I wear the same dress with the ruffled blouse mid section that I wore to the Catholic High School yesterday.
7:00-10:00-Class is in session. It’s a straight lecture followed by a Netflix episode about politics and media. While the video runs, I take the time to manually convert the Chapter Review and Video/Podcast quizzes from the Canvas shell, one question at a time, into a Word Document, because that stupid OSD bitch refuses to take the quizzes inside the Canvas shell. Currently, the Chapter Review quizzes are only stored in Canvas which means I have to re-type them, one line at a time [each question has four possible answers] in Word…FOR THIS ONE STUDENT!!!.
Class dismissed.
10:10-11:00-Driving home and I have a salad for dinner.
11:00-11:40-I unpack everything, clean out my lunch bag, and add my food items for tomorrow.
11:40-12:30-L. is in the Studio, working on a life size drawing of my Mom in her Halloween witch costume that she used to wear for the grandkids. This project has taken L. 14 hours to create because it’s supposed to be a piece that represents “duration” or a “lengthy time period to complete.” The assignment rubric is vague. L., using colored pencil, has drawn several pieces of intricate fabric for the witch costume using laborious patterns and techniques. The piece is incredible.
Of note, L.’s friend, Kiki, finished filming L. for her (Kiki’s) Prodigy in Progress series. The video is amazing - it’s so professionally done - and features L. discussing her art, her processes, the Studio, and L. working with a private student. I love it!
12:30-1:00-Nighttime routine. Bed. I set the alarm for 5:00 a.m.