Day 6-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

J&J recipients are f—ked…

On 10/21/21, the CDC released new booster guidelines. The following individuals are now eligible for a booster shot at 6 months or more after their initial series: 

65 years and older (check)

Age 18+ who live in long term care settings (check)

Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions (check)

Age 18+ who work or live in high-risk settings (check)

If you got the J&J Covid-19 vaccine two or more months ago (wait! what!? Insert ‘record scratch’ sound effect here)   

I’ve written about this in previous blog posts, but get ready for my ultimate vent. If some of this is redundant, I apologize, but this is BULL SHIT.  Apparently, unbeknownst to the 18 million Americans who received the J&J, the Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine was actually supposed to be part of a 2-dose series. Prior to being vaccinated on April 8, 2021, I researched the vaccines extensively and chose J&J for the following reasons:  

1) It didn’t need to be frozen.  Having worked in state service for 25 years, I could only imagine some stupid, burned out, MA [Medical Assistant] administering jab-after-jab and failing to appropriately thaw the Pfizer/Moderna vaccine appropriately by the time it’s my turn when I’m in the 250th car in the injection line;

2) J&J is a reputable company.  Sure, there was that carcinogenic talcum powder that we were sprinkling on our babies for years AND J&J’s role in the mass distribution of Oxycontin, proclaiming it non-addictive all the while contributing to the Opioid crisis, but…you know…J&J was the least culpable of the three Big Pharma entities.  Let’s not forget the many lawsuits against J&J when men started developing breasts after taking Risperdal for bipolar disorder.  But…hey…a few blips over the course of the company’s history as they simultaneously produced drugs allowing gay men to live, NOT die, with HIV, created an effective Ebola vaccine, and produced new drugs that are well on their way to eradicating TB. 

All of the above when compared to Moderna, who has done…nothing… ever since their 2010 founding; and  

when compared to Pfizer, who, in an effort to deliver the goods to their dividend holders during a slow financial quarter in 2016, raised the price of a pair of Epi-pens from $100 to $600. You know how much it costs to produce an Epi-pen? $30.  That’s it! 

True, the company “Mylan” was responsible for the rate-hike, but their parent company, Pfizer, condoned and approved it and the lawsuits were ultimately filed against Pfizer. For those of you who don’t know what an Epi-pen is, it’s a shot of epinephrine that treats life-threatening allergic reactions and is injected primarily into little kids [although adults use them, too] after they’ve accidentally eaten a peanut and their throat closes up; or they stepped on a bee; or were stung by a wasp.  All schools are mandated to have Epi-pens at the ready and parents with allergy-prone children keep Epi-pens in their purses, diaper bags, and various locations around the house for easy access.  

So, in 2016,in order to obtain an Epi-pen “deuce”, parents across the mid-to-lower economic strata with little to no health insurance AND schools, had to personally shoulder the increased cost of the Epi-pen for no other reason than to satisfy Pfizer dividend holders during an off year. This doesn’t happen in other countries because…why?  Pharmaceutical companies are regulated in other countries. 

I could NOT, in good faith, let this company touch me. I hate Pfizer and they can kiss my ass.  As soon as I heard that Pfizer had developed one of the vaccine options, I was, like, “Next.” 

3) Public health officials encouraged my fellow Americans and I to get whichever vaccine was available at the time. “Just get vaccinated”, they said.  “It doesn’t matter which vaccine”, they said.  “They’re all good”, they said. Which turned out to be a huge lie.  Astra Zeneca doesn’t work and South Africa stopped administering AZ to its people well before the EU got on the bandwagon and did the same. Due to “Operation: Warp Speed”, the Trump-Biden Administration acquired millions of AZ doses, but started quietly unloading them, with the help of dirty Covax [Bill Gates corrupt vaccine distribution “charity”], onto third-world countries where even larger numbers of people died after believing they were protected. “This is a global pandemic that affects us all”, they said. “We need to ensure that Kenya and Zimbabwe, [insert third world country here], etc. are vaccinated because it ultimately affects America and the international community”, as we gave their citizens sugar water (AZ) so more people in developing countries could die.  

-With all my research, pouring over peer-reviewed journals, “white papers”, and Google MD (LOL), nowhere did I EVER read that J&J was originally supposed to be a 2-dose vaccine. And I mean nowhere. I knew going in that it wasn’t as effective as Pfizer and Moderna [only 66% efficacy], but I was okay with that. Note: the efficacy of the flu vaccine is between 40% and 60% and we’re encouraged to get it every year – I never do.

HOWEVER, public health officials are now telling us that the J&J was always developed as a 2-dose vaccine. What? Since when? It’s only now that I realize that the J&J was only 66% effective because the second dose was never administered! After the first dose of Moderna, the efficacy is 70% and then increases to 95% [after the second dose], which I suspect would have been the same for J&J had the second dose been administered to me and 18 million of my fellow Americans who took the “one and done.”   

What the hell?!! Why were we told this was a 1-dose vaccine? Was this some type of cost-savings mechanism? I’m NOT anti-vax…but I am anti-stupid.  Who came up with the horrible idea of administering just ONE dose of the J&J? As an aside, after the first dose of Pfizer, the efficacy is only 50.8%, then increases to 92% once the second dose is administered which means the efficacy of the first J&J dose was actually quite high…imagine what the efficacy would have been had both doses been administered… 

I feel completely betrayed. 

Also, look closely at the CDC’s recommendation. J&J recipients should get a booster within 2 months of getting the J&J vaccine, NOT SIX months, which is recommended for those in the categories who got Moderna and Pfizer. This leads me to believe that by June 4, 2021, the 66% efficacy I received from the one dose of J&J was already gone and I’ve had no protection ever since. Of course, the CDC doesn’t want to clarify the 2-month booster recommendation because it would create a panic among the J&J patients.  Better to let the 18 million of us die or contract “long haul covid” then to spread fear among my fellow Americans – this would hurt the Biden Administration’s chances of a second term. 

NOW, 6 months later, when any immunity I had is long gone, I’m supposed to get a half-dose of Moderna [the booster] and call it a day? I won’t be protected at all…if ONE dose of the Moderna vaccine is 70%, the half-dose I would receive will give me just 35% efficacy, or virtually nothing.  Vaccines actually fall out of “trial” with an abysmal efficacy rating of 35% or lower because that’s simply not enough  protection.  

In order to be safely and fully vaccinated, I need to start all over with the 2-dose Moderna vaccine, but because NOBODY has advocated this strategy, I can’t find a pharmacist or doctor who will administer a new, 2-dose vaccine when I was already started on the J&J. 

As a result, I am probably going to die…or at the very least, get incredibly sick…maybe with long-lasting side effects. 

10/26/21. Tuesday

10:00 – 10:30 – Awake and I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal.  She’s awake and running around so we go outside straight-away. I see that she pooped in two places on the patio so I clean it up (sigh). I turn on my Keurig and make a cup of coffee. 

10:30-11:30 – I  go upstairs and read Lady Parts. 

11:30-1:00 – I start a load of laundry, dust my room, and wipe down my bathroom.  I listen to True Crime Garage. 

1:00-1:45 – I heat up “rice medly in a bag” and take bites of it in between putting together another storage rack for the garage/art studio.  I finally finish, lug it downstairs, and put it in the garage for .’s paint supplies. 

1:45-3:00 – Shower. Lotion. Jeans, a blouse, and boots. Make-up. 

3:00-5:00 – B. arrives and we go to Happy Hour at BJs. I get two glass of Chandon and the mozzarella sticks.  There’s so many of them that I have leftovers (Yay!) 

5:30-6:00 – Driving 

6:00-10:00 – Home and B. and I watch several episodes of Maid

-During this time, L. leaves for TJ’s and buys ingredients to make a butternut squash soup. At some point, L. returns, makes the soup, but leaves a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, although the butternut squash soup is amazing.

-B. leaves. 

10:30-11:00- I shut down everything and take the dog out.  I’m too tired to do anything else, but I’m not sure why as I’ve done virtually nothing today. 

11:00-11:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed




Day 7 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 5-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months