Day 6 - LA County Dept. of Health mandates Indoor masking and OUTDOOR masking at large events

I teach two HYBRID classes; one SYNCHRONOUS class; and one ASYNCHRONOUS class at two different colleges…

I teach two HYBRID classes; one SYNCHRONOUS class; and one ASYNCHRONOUS class at two different colleges…

8/21/21. Saturday

8:00 – L. leaves for work and takes my car.

10:00 –10:30 -  I have not been able to sleep in for several days due to contractor/vendor appointments and L.’s continuous car problems, but today I finally do. I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog and she’s awake and running around. We head outside immediately and she goes potty, while I water a few of my potted plants. Return inside and gross American cheese slices for her; coffee for me.  I go upstairs.

10:30-12:15 – Blog posts.

12:15-12:45 – I report to my office and upload the blog posts.

12:45-1:00 – I reserve two tickets for B. and I for the Huntington Evening Summer Stroll [Members Only] tomorrow, at 5:00.

1:00-2:00 – Coincidentally, B. arrives just as I’ve purchased the tickets. B proposed purchasing a mattress for my side of the tent as the air mattress I’ve been using doesn’t seem to be working – I wake up feeling like I’ve been run over by a car. He did a lot of research and found the best mattress at Ikea so we decide to stop off at Ikea first, tomorrow, get the mattress, then drive to The Huntington for our 5:00 reservation. B. leaves.

2:00-3:00 – I have passion fruit granola for breakfast and read Bus 57.

3:00-3:30 – I get dressed in my Covid-19 uniform, wash my face, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, etc.

3:30-4:00 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to Film Week on AirTalk.

4:00-6:00 -  I spend the next two hours gardening in my back yard to include sweeping and adding potting soil to my plants. When I’m done with the yard work, I water everything. I listen to To Live and Die in LA.

L. returns from work.

6:00-7:30 - I read a Money Diary and do an insanity – Pure Cardio workout.

7:30-12:00 – I go to work, which means I enter my office and work on my classes. It’s official, and has been confirmed, that I am teaching a SYNCHRONOUS Wednesday and Friday high school class, from 8:05-9:30, and it starts on 9/1/21. This is through College No. 2. I work on the Syllabus for several hours. It’s tedious work because the weekly class content has to be broken down into Wednesday and Friday sections so I have to revamp the Syllabus in its entirety. This might sound easy, but I find it very complicated.

-I need a brain break so I stop working on the Syllabus and do class prep for my upcoming Monday afternoon class at College No. 1. Three google slides need changes so I bring them to L. for edits.

12:00-12:45-I also have an ASYNCHRONOUS class through College No. 2 that starts on 8/28/21, so I go into Canvas and update the various due dates.  This class is completely online and they receive their assignments in weekly blocks, with everything due on Sundays at midnight.  

So, as it stands, my high school Core Class is SYNCHRONOUS and meets online, every Wednesday and Friday, from 8:05-9:30. I have another ASYNCHRONOUS core class, via College No. 2, that never meets. I teach a HYBRID class (Specialty Class 1A) at College No. 1, in person AND online, every Monday from 2:30-5:30, and a HYBRID Core Class at College No. 1, in person AND online, every Thursday from 7:00-10:00.

I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.

12:45 – 3:00 – I make a sloppy joe mix with ground turkey and my own homemade sauce and a casserole dish of rice so L. and I can have sloppy joe rice bowls next week.  Then, I break down a watermelon and prepare the dry ingredients for a new cookie recipe that I’m trying out. Finally, I clean the kitchen. I listen to the most recent season of Dr. Death.

3:00-4:00 – Upstairs and my goal is to finish Bus 57, but I accidentally fall asleep.  I hate when I do that!

4:30-5:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 7 - LA County Dept. of Health mandates indoor masking and OUTDOOR masking at large events


Day 5 - LA County Dept. of Health mandates Indoor masking and OUTDOOR masking at large events.