Day 7 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

The big event of the day…I want to go back to South Dakota…

The FDA just authorized a Covid-19 booster shot for 5 to 11-year olds. Seriously…why would a 5-year-old need a booster? It appears that the younger the child, the less symptoms they experience upon contracting Covid. They almost never get sick. After my terrible experience with the Moderna booster, I would be incredibly skeptical pumping my child with still more of that sketchy s—t. A booster gives you around 2 months of protection so what’s the point? Health officials talk about “broadening protection for all individuals.” A two-month window? Why do we insist on calling them boosters or even vaccines when immunity lasts a mere 60 days [is it really 60 days?…maybe it’s 30 days…]

Think about it, dear reader. Prior to Covid, would you have ever bothered to schedule an appointment, take time off work, drive to your doctor’s office or a pharmacy, and receive an injection of questionable medicine, outdated by 2 years [because Big Pharma is still pumping us full of the original Covid-19 vaccine] so you can have a solid 45 days of protection?

Not me.

5/18/22. Wednesday

8:00-L. Leaves for work at The Club.

9:00-9:30-I’m still trying to ease back into my current life after having been in South Dakota for several days. Currently, I don’t want to do anything. I lie in bed for 30 minutes of transition time.

9:30-10:30-Kitchen duty. I didn’t clean the kitchen last night, so I take the time to do it now: unload the dishwasher, hand wash the dishes, and make my coffee.

10:30-12:00 - I have a kitchen cabinet that holds some of L. and my taller glassware as well as “juicer” appliances, like our Nutribullet; however, several items, such as our reusable Starbucks Venti cups, have to lie on their side because there is not enough space between the shelves. The cups roll around and are generally unsightly.

I pull all the glassware and appliances out of the kitchen cabinet and adjust the shelves so it will accommodate our taller, Starbucks reusables as this was a project that L. and I discussed previously. The shelves are heavy and unwieldly and I have difficulty maneuvering them without another set of hands. After I pull them out, I can’t figure out how to adjust the heights so I watch a You Tube video, then back to the project.

I wash the shelves and adjust accordingly. Then, I return our glassware and appliances to the cabinet and arrange in accordance with shelving heights. It looks so much better now and our glassware is finally organized.

-I put away my laundry

12:30-2:00-L. did a great job keeping up with the watering while I was gone, but I still need to sweep the patio and water all of my plants. I also install the bird sculpture and authentic Tahiti wooden chimes that my ex-husband gave me for my birthday.

2:00-4:00-I thaw a barbecue chicken bowl with rice, peas, and corn, that I made previously, take it upstairs, and read Women in the Picture: What Culture Does with Female Bodies.

-L. returns from The Club and we discuss her day at work.

4:00-5:00-L. scheduled a “private” for this time block so I rearrange a few items in the Studio to make it appear more spacious, dump her trash, leaf-blow the garage, and light scented candles.

5:15-7:00-I do a 15-min Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 30-minute Insanity Max-Friday Fight workout. I have to keep stopping but I eventually finish.

7:00-8:00-I take a shower and listen to The Daily.

8:00-9:00-I take the dog for a walk then spend some time cracking open my garage-door remote control in order to replace the battery.

8:45-10:00-I finish Women in the Portrait.

10:00-12:30-Blog posts and I go through last weeks mail. I also listen to the dog episode on the series Explained - featured on Netflix - while intermittently watching it, because it was a recommendation from Sarah (Striders’ group) two Thursdays ago.

I research where the Circle J Park is located because that’s where my Striders group is meeting tomorrow and log the address.

12:30-2:00-Kitchen duty. I make two spinach salads with celery, tomatoes, cheese and boiled eggs. Then I roll turkey wraps with red bell pepper slices and slice an apple for my lunch bag. Ready my coffee. I listen to Counterclock.

2:00-2:45-Nighttime routine. I lay out my outfits for tomorrow and set my alarm for 5:00. Bed. Like I said…I’m still trying to return to my current life and taking it slow. Some days nothing much happens…


Day 8 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 6-BA2.12.1 is the current variant