Day 7-Biden said the pandemic is over

My so-called life…

9/24/22 - Saturday AND 9/24/23 - Sunday [a combo]

I’m calling this weekend, The Lost Weekend. What the hell did I do? Where did the time go?

9:30-12:00 - On Saturday, I’m up at 9:30 so the dog and I go downstairs so she can go potty. I get my coffee and return upstairs for Spa Day. I wear jeans, my new, white, off-the shoulder blouse, and flip- flops.

12:00-8:30-B picks me up and we spend the rest of the day together. We talk politics, then have salmon and baked potatoes. At 8:30, B. gives me a large bag of Halloween candy and drives me home.

9:00-10:00 - I’m exhausted today and maybe a little sleep-deprived. Nighttime routine. Bed.

2:00 am. - I went to bed too early and wake up at 2:00, but am able to go back to sleep, listening to a podcast.

9:00-10:45- I’m up for real this time and read Just Mercy and How to Win Friends and Influence People; then

11:00-11:30-I talk to B.

1:00-2:30-I take a shower. Lotion. Light make-up. Athletic Housewife attire.

2:30-4:00-I make large batches of scrambled eggs with cheese AND overnight oats in preparation for the coming week. Kitchen duty

4:00-4:30 - The beds are very dry in my backyard so I do some troubleshooting and run the sprinklers to assess the problem areas. Per usual, the front sprinkler is bubbling all over the patio. I soak the beds but now the patio is drenched.

[This block of time is gone…who knows what I did…]

9:00-9:30-I take the dog for a walk.

9:30-11:00 -Cesar is coming tomorrow to fix the sprinkler and install L.’s showerhead. I take this opportunity to do some yardwork.

11:00-11:30-Kitchen duty.

[same with this block of time…it’s a mystery…]

2:30-3:30-Nighttime routine. Bed. The dog sleeps with L. tonight.

Some days, nothing much happens. What a waste of a weekend, although I was able to spend some time with B. at least…


Day 8-Biden said the pandemic is over


Day 6-Biden said the pandemic is over