Day 8 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California

Paxlovid has arrived!! So what…

The FDA authorized the first oral anti-viral for the treatment of Covid-19 and it’s called Paxlovid… This is a Pfizer product and allegedly reduces the risk of hospitalization or death by 88%. It’s a 3-dose series, twice a day, for 5 days…so SIX pills EVERY day for FIVE days?  That’s 30 pills! And you must start taking the pills within 5 days of transmission. What if you don’t know when transmission occurred?? This course of treatment costs $530, well outside the price range of the average American budget. 56% of Americans are unable to cover a $400 emergency expense and Paxlovid is half of that. Note: this number was reduced to 44% as of January 2022 according to Fortune. Also, so many of us don’t even have health insurance.  

And if the above barriers weren’t enough, Pfizer is only able to make around 66,000 pills in the coming months. Since the course of treatment involves 30 pills per person, 66,000 pills will cover around 1900 people. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates…they probably already have Paxlovid in their medicine cabinet.  The rest of us are going to die… 

This just in…the Netherlands [of all places!] have just implemented mass lock downs because hospital admissions are out of control and there is ‘no room at the Inn.’  The Netherlands?!  Recall that these are the dumb-asses who, in 2020, told their senior citizens to stay home so Covid-19 could rip through the country and create “herd immunity”, a magical term that doesn’t exist, for the rest of the population. 

In fact, Dr. Shriner clarified, yesterday, that herd immunity means  99% of the population is infected, i.e., everyone gets sick or dies, a far cry from how it was originally defined, although I had already debunked this stupid premise 13 months ago. Note: although Fauci has been throwing the term around since the beginning of the pandemic, by January 2022, he will course-correct and start referring to “herd” immunity as “background” immunity. Hmmm… background immunity?  What does it even mean? 

After everyone started dying, the Netherlands decided to implement a few mitigating factors, like social distancing and outdoor activities, although masking never took off… Too little, too late, and the main Public Information Officer (“Dutch Fauci”) said, in retrospect, he may have made a mistake with his sole  focus on herd immunity.  You don’t say… 

The fact that the Netherlands just implemented a mass lockdown is shocking… and frightening. How bad is Omicron?

12/22/21. Wednesday  

8:00 – L. leaves for work.

8:30-9:15 – I’m awake and I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. She’s awake and wagging her tail, probably because L. just left.  I think the dog’s mad because she pooped next to the front door – this is how she typically expresses anger. We go outside, the dog does her business, and we return inside: coffee for me; cheese for her.  I unload and load the dishwasher, then go upstairs.

9:15-10:30 – Blog posts.

10:30-11:00 – I upload the blog posts; and

11:00-11:30 – check news headlines.

11:30-12:00 – I wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on my Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up.

12:00-12:30 – I remove my car cover and put my bills in the mail.

12:30-1:30 – I drive to a UPS kiosk so I can mail L.’s Dad’s presents and eat two of M.’s cookies along the way. The line is long and we’re all locked inside an airless store.  I listen to Organize 365. Everyone is masked in accordance with the mask mandate and the posted signs EXCEPT a white trash Mom and her 20-something, loser son – it’s obvious they’re Trump supporters.  There’s some sort of issue and they remain at the front of the line, complaining to staff about something and infecting us for a half hour.  Get the f—k out of here!

-Standing in this line is so dangerous in light of Omicron transmission and all of us are only here because we’ve been brainwashed by consumerism to ship merch. by a certain date in December due to Xmas commercialism and the fact that most businesses recoup their profits at the end of the 4th quarter. It’s ridiculous.  After 40 minutes, I’m finally finished with this transaction and the packages will ship by 12/30/21 [5 days too late] for a cost of $30.  If I were to conform to social mores and ensure that the gifts arrived by 12/24/21, I would be out $106.  I don’t have it. Would shipping have been cheaper at the Post Office?  I came here instead of the Post Office  so I wouldn’t have to stand in a long line and risk possible exposure to Omicron. But I stood in a long line anyway… 

-Fed Ex calls me in response to the information that L. reported on the Fed-Ex app regarding the missing table and informs me that they are unable to locate the table. I call “bullshit” on this being a “supply chain issue as a result of Covid”, because I actually received ONE of the tables.  This is just basic incompetence.  

1:30-2:30 – I eat the rest of my salad and read My Body is a Big Fat Temple. Then, I compile my grocery list for the sides I’m going to make for Xmas dinner.  I won’t go grocery shopping until after 8:00 p.m., when most people are at home.

-L. is home from work and we talk about how horrible the Art Camp was  and how her supervisor intentionally booked too many students. L. brings me a donut from somewhere??? which I promptly eat.

2:30-3:30 – bullet journal

The stuffing that I ordered from Harry and David arrives and is a much smaller portion than what was portrayed in the magazine. This is a bait-and-switch and it looks like it’s only enough for two people.

3:30-4:00 – I grab my ladder and put up my Xmas flag which I forgot to do.  Better late than never.

4:00-4:45 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to Citations Needed.

4:45-6:30 – I assemble the table and I really like it!  Too bad Table No. 2 isn’t here.  I listen to Fresh Air and leaf-blow the entire garage.

6:30-8:30 – I go to Food4Less to get the ingredients for the sides that I’m making for Xmas dinner, then stop at Home Depot to purchase chain for the “floating” Xmas ornament project that I plan on hanging directly over the table because, see, I’m still holding out hope that the second table will arrive in time. For once, I’m going to think positive and assume it will arrive in the next two days.  Hey, I got the first table and both were ordered at the exact same time…I’m sure the second table is temporarily misplaced on a Fed-Ex truck. I listen to Happier.

-The chain at Home Depot is way too expensive so I decide to convert the “floating” ornament project to yarn instead of chain.

8:30-9:00 – Home and I put all the food away and listen to The Productive Woman.

9:00-10:30 – Since the garage doors I ordered won’t be installed in time for Xmas due to the fact that the hardware still hasn’t arrived, I wrap the old doors with Xmas wrapping paper, turning  them into two giant presents. It looks pretty good! I’m still listening to The Productive Woman

10:30-11:00 – I set up the candelabra on the lone table in the garage for effect. One table is way too small and will not seat 8 people. It looks stupid.

11:00-12:00 – I wrap my remaining presents.

12:00-12:30 – I have a glass of champagne and sit for a moment, exhausted. I’m still listening to The Productive Woman. There are scraps of Xmas wrapping paper everywhere.

12:30-1:30 – I take the briefest of naps.

1:30-2:00- I take my contacts out and clean up the wrapping paper.

2:00-2:45 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Power workout but I pause several times to position my yoga mat and take a few breaths before the reps.

3:00-3:45 – Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee, then turn off all of the Xmas lights and take the dog out.

It’s raining very hard right now. I listen to Hurry Slowly.

3:45-4:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 9 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California


Day 7 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California