Day 9 of LAUSD vaccine mandate

I went to two dog parks in my area today…

I went to two dog parks in my area today…

9/18/21. Saturday

8:30 – L. leaves for work at the Art Studio.

10:00 – 10:30 - It’s been awhile, but I’m finally able to sleep in today.  I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal and she’s awake and running around. The dog jumps on the couch and rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy three times, then we go outside and I wait for her to go potty. Return inside and pieces of American cheese for her and I make coffee for me.

11:00-2:00 – Blog posts.

2:00-4:00 – I have “socialization homework.” 

Periodically, I embark on experiments where I try to make friends or at least increase my social contacts because, according to my therapist (and I guess I agree), “it’s important to broaden your social circle.” These experiments are largely my idea, sometimes half-heartedly, and my therapist is typically at the helm, available for feedback. 

For you older readers out there, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s difficult to make friends in your 40s and 50s – it’s not me, per se, or at least, that’s what I tell myself. My therapist does NOT agree and says you can make friends at any age.

In the past, I’ve joined a bowling league [we played once a week for 16 weeks-it was fun]; volunteered for a political campaign [we lost by 300 votes]; signed up for a book club [I went several months, but just hated the reading list];  enrolled in a French program and took six classes over the course of 2 years [I didn’t make any long-lasting friends, but I’m now applying for my AA Degree in French. I guess that’s something???]; took Spin Cycle classes at my local gym until Covid-19 hit;  ran for Site Council at my neighborhood elementary school and was one of two candidates selected for the 2-year position – it was voluntary and we met once a month; and applied for a voluntary “Inspector” position through my HOA because they needed someone to walk the community and identify fellow neighbors who weren’t in compliance with regard to things like a dirty window box, or a side gate that needs to be painted [my personal violations]; however, when I applied, my HOA asked for a supporting letter explaining why I was qualified for a volunteer position that was billed as “no experience needed” and I’m actually NOT qualified as I’ve had NO experience in this area and, so, withdrew my application, etc.

I’ve done it all…and…drum roll please…nothing. I’ve made no friends at these activities.

In the end, you have to look to yourself, right? By that I mean, the problem must be me on some level.  My Mom says our family “gives it off like a stink” [this is so funny and I’m laughing as I write this] in that she says there is an aura surrounding each of us (in the family) that says to the larger world, “Get away from me.”

In general, I find people immensely disappointing and am most comfortable with my dog – even though she is an absolute nightmare – and my plants. I also like cats and am contemplating getting a kitten, although not at this time as I am absolutely swamped with work.

So this most recent “socialization experiment” involves dog parks, which was actually my idea and my therapist signed off on it. I see my therapist every two weeks so the goal is to take my dog to a dog park where I am sure to strike up a conversation with fellow dog-lovers.

I researched the dog parks in my area, certain that there were none, but there’s actually quite a few.  I was very surprised. I select two dog parks near my home and drive to both, sans dog, so I can check it out. My dog does not…how can I put this…play well with others so I’m embarking on this with some trepidation, even though this is my idea.

Both dog parks seem fine, although nobody was there, so I pencil in “ visit to the dog park”, WITH my dog, in my calendar for next week.

Return home.

4:00-5:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform.

6:00-7:30 – I have a piece of gluten toast with almond butter and strawberry preserves and some cottage cheese while I watch Nine Perfect Strangers.

7:30-9:30 – Gardening again, but this time I hose down and sanitize the Astroturf AND trim my plants.

9:30-10:45 – I need to get a workout in but I’m procrastinating.  I read two Money Diaries.

10:45-11:45 – I do a 60-minute Insanity Pylometric workout.

11:45-1:45 – Blog posts; and

2:00-4:30 – I accidentally fall asleep in my chair. I hate when I do that.

4:30-5:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 7:00, unfortunately, because contractors are coming. What’s new?



Day 10 of LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 8 of LAUSD’s vaccine mandate