Day 10-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic

I went birding today…I saw a Bewicks Wren…

8/13/22. Saturday

6:15-6:35-I’m up and so is the dog. I take her downstairs with me so she can go potty. Coffee for me; cheese for her. I go upstiars.

6:15-7:30-Shower and I wash my hair. Then, I sit in the shower and ice my eyes. Lotion and light make-up, while I’m blow drying my hair. I put on cargo pants and a tank top.

7:35-8:00-I grab my Binos, bird guide, backpack, and my lunch bag and I’m out the door by 7:30. En route to birdwatching, I eat my leftover yogurt concoction (with apples, walnuts, and honey).

8:00-9:15 -Birding on the Ecology Trail at Placerita Canyon, but only two of us showed. Ken is the docent on point today. Gary, an excellent birder and photographer, tells me that birds don’t sweat when they get hot-they pant (like a dog). Just as he says this, I see a crow panting on the top of a telephone pole with my Dad’s binos! It’s really panting! Later, on trail, I see a Bewicks Wren.

9:15-10:00 - Once birding is over, I try to check out a possible hiking trail at Bear Valley that Awshook suggested, but I end up turning around. I make it halfway up the mountain in my car, but the road is winding through cliffs and I don’t have cell service, so I abort the mission. Return home and I have a Cherry Pie Lara Bar.

10:00-11:00 - Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee for tomorrow, then water four of my plants. I take out a tiny “Petri dish” from the freezer - what the hell is this? - and thaw it in the microwave. It happens to be a long grain rice, olives, and goat cheese mixture.

11:00-11:30- I boil eggs and also make a large batch of scrambled eggs with pepper jack cheese, that I divide for the next couple of days.

11:30-12:30-I eat my eggs while watching the rest of the Fair Play documentary.

-While the documentary plays, I take a screwdriver and a chop stick and try to unclog my bathroom sink drain. Yes, I’m still working on it. I can see the debris and I make some headway, but the drain is still clogged. As a result, I pour the remainder of the Green Goblin draino down my sink and let it sit all day.

12:30-2:30 - I take a nap.

2:30-3:00-I read the Currated Closet.

3:00-12:30- The 7:00-10:00 pm, F2F, evening class starts on Thursday and I have nothing prepared because I was certain the class wouldn’t make enrollment. Now, I have to scramble to get the Canvas shell up and running by the deadline. I work steadily for the next nine hours.

-I listen to Audio lectures and note the edits in writing -a lot of the material is outdated.

-Simultaneously, I change the dates for every single quiz I’ve assigned for the semester inside the Canvas shell. Each quiz has 3 dates [“Available”, “Due”, and “Until”] that must be changed for the new semester. This means 60 dates have to be manually changed.

-I load a Video quiz into the Canvas shell.

-I check links for all documentaries and podcasts to ensure that they’re still accessible.

-I post new wording for the quiz introductions.

-I update the Discussion Boards and the Socratic Seminar assignments for Specialty Class 1A.

-The Canvas shell for my F2F class is largely ready, but I should edit five of my AUDIO Lectures for future classes.

L. returns from work at The Club. She had 8 tours today and is exhausted. I take a break and she tells me about her day and shows me her sales stats in comparison with the other employees. L.’s stats are far better than her colleagues, even though she only works one day a week. Her co-workers are burnout losers.

-12:30-2:00-I create a F2F Syllabus for my Thursday night Core Class; then

-I create a new Home Page in the Canvas Shell.

3:00 - 4:00- Nighttime routine. Sunless tanning. Per the Green Goblin draino instructions, I bring a huge measuring cup with boiling water upstairs and dump it down the drain. I repeat this twice.

The drain is cleared! It works! This is a great product! I’m so proud of myself!


Day 11-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 9-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic