Day 10 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”

Bird Watching today…

12/3/21. Saturday

6:00 –6:15 -  My alarm goes off but I stay in bed an extra 15 minutes for transition time.

6:15-6:30 – Downstairs and the dog is out. of. it. I put my coffee in the microwave [2 minutes] and she jumps off the couch and staggers into the kitchen so I can pet her while I warm up my coffee. It’s ready so I cue her to go potty and we head to the backyard. She does her business and we return inside: cheese for her.  I go upstairs with my coffee. 

6:30-7:30 – Shower. Lotion. Light make-up. Bird watching uniform [T-shirt, large hooded sweatshirt over the T-shirt, cargo pants, black tennis shoes, gloves, ski hat, and I bring my Bird Pamphlet]. 

7:30-8:00 – I drive to the Placerita Canyon Nature Center for birdwatching.  

8:00-10:30 – Arrive and Marlo isn’t here today but we are joined by a married couple named Tim and Linda.  I instantly like Linda and she gives me great suggestions for other places where I can see birds.  Cliff and Ahshok are late and have to run down the trail to catch up with us.  Ahshok’s wife, Ruth Ann, is a docent and keeps coming up in conversation; she never attends the Saturday bird watching group, however. Gary is here, as always, with his telephoto cannon-camera and Rosemary is our guide (docent) today.  Don (her husband) couldn’t make it because he hurt his knee and might have to undergo another knee replacement. 

It’s very cold and silent in the canyon, but beautiful. I can breathe. The birds aren’t out yet because the bugs aren’t out yet, so there is nothing for them to eat, according to Gary. Nobody says much for the first hour of bird watching – we just slowly follow Rosemary along the Botanical Trail.  She’s older and moves at a slow pace, using a walking pole. The trail leads deep into the canyon, but Rosemary times it so that, by 9:00, we reach an elevated hill right when the sun comes out – I can feel the heat and the birds start chirping. I eat some trail mix along the way. 

Today, we see a Golden-crowned Sparrow; a Spotted Towhee; a Bushtit; a Wrentit; and a California Scrub-Jay. We hear, but don’t see, an Allen’s Hummingbird and a Red-shouldered Hawk.  Gary knows all about birds and recommends the documentary, Murder by Crows; he discusses how intelligent crows are and how they remember individuals who have hurt or slighted them.  I mention The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock and the group pounce on me, saying the movie is all hype and birds would never act that way, nor would a crow be able to kill a small child [insert smile emoji here].  Although it’s a work of fiction, they are greatly offended by the movie. 

The group likes the laminated pamphlet I purchased on Amazon – Sibley’s Backyard Birds of Southern California – and they keep referring to it while we bird watch, even though everyone, including me, has the Ibird Pro App. It’s just easier to use the pamphlet as a point of reference.

10:30 – 11:00 - Bird watching is over and I drive home.  I eat some zucchini slices from my lunch bag. Really glad I went today. 

11:00-12:00 – I read Deep Work. 

12:00-1:30 – I compile semester grades for my Thursday Core Class at College No. 1 – both the online and F2F sections – then post them to Admissions and Records.   

Life Admin


-I order two separate “work benches”, that will move together to form one, long table for the Xmas Dinner I’m having in the converted Art Studio.  This year’s theme is “Xmas in the Garage.”  The two tables should arrive next week. 

-I research seating and settle on two, long, white vinyl benches that I can place on either side of the table.  The benches are from Wal-Mart and are scheduled to arrive on 12/23/21 (uh-oh).  Once the benches arrive, I plan to put fake, grey “pelts” over them for seating, like Malibu Farms does [one of my favorite restaurants]. This is going to be great! 

-I order a box of assorted pink ornaments for my “floating chandelier” idea that involves suspending ornaments a few inches above the table.  I have a vision!   Every time I say that, L. and my ex (her Dad) walk away because my “visions” never involve easy implementation - it usually means additional work for them. 

-I also order a box of bread mix, toothpicks, and a third space heater for my “Xmas in the Garage” event. 

-I order gifts for L.’s Dad. 

-And I order still more containers from the Container Store. As you know, L. refuses to provide any input with regard to the art studio conversion, so I’ve been forced to purchase a series of containers in small, medium, and large sizes in an attempt to figure out which sizes are best for L.’s art supplies. Thus far, I’ve placed three separate orders for varying sizes, which is fine, except every time I order these containers it’s a separate $8 delivery fee. Additionally, I’m charged a fee to return the containers so it’s cheaper to keep everything, even though some of these sizes don’t work. Anyway, it’s a big mess. 

-I place my monthly order. 

-I’m so sick of engaging in consumerism and buying all these commercial goods – I feel like vomiting. 

4:00-5:00 – I have the last taco from L.’s food truck order a couple nights ago and read Deep Work. 

5:00-6:00 – L. returns from work and we talk about our day. I freshen my make-up.

6:00-9:30 – B. arrives and we go to Thai Dishes. We split the spring rolls for an appetizer and I order the shrimp tempura; B. has the pineapple-fried rice. The food is very good. When we’re finished, we drive to a couple locations and look at Xmas lights. 

9:30-1:00 – Return home and B. and talk politics.  He leaves. 

1:00-2:00 – I start reading Deep Work and accidentally fall asleep in my chair. 

2:00-2:30 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Sweat workout, but only make it 20 minutes instead of 30.  I’m tired today. 

2:30-3:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 11 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”


Day 9 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of concern”