Day 11 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

L.’s “reference piece” for her private’s birthday party. This isn’t L.’s actual work BUT you get the general idea…

5/22/22. Sunday

8:45-L. leaves for her shift at The Club. It ends around 12:00, then L. is scheduled to run a painting party for her private’s birthday (and their parents) from 3:30-6:30. She will buy a gift for the birthday girl between shifts.

9:30-10:30-I wake up, but go back to sleep.

10:45-11:00-At 10:45, I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. L. already took her out so all I have to do is give the dog her treat. I cut up more cheese, then wipe down the refrigerator, and return the place mats and floor mats to their proper places.

11:00-11:30 - I pull up Performing Arts Live to see what’s going on in SoCal and also send the link to L.

11:30-12:00-I revisit the June issue of Inside SCV to see if there are any activities occurring in my community.

12:00-1:30-bullet journal and I write short essays about Covid for my blog.

1:45-3:00-I have a phone convo with B.

3:00-5:00-It’s time for lunch. Spinach salad and I read How to be an Anti-racist in preparation for Monday’s book club meeting.

5:00-6:00-I lie down and listen to Radio Rental. I’m so exhausted. What is wrong with me? Long Covid?

6:00-6:45-I take a shower. Lotion. Athletic Housewife attire. I put on leggings and a long black Fila tank and tennis shoes, while listening to The Sunday Read by The Daily.

6:45-7:30-My Kohl’s cash expires today so I have to use it. I need more razor-back tank tops but also end up getting a sleeveless top, a dress, and a fedora in accordance with my Currated Closet project. I hate taking the time to try things on. I listen to Reveal and Will Be Wild while I’m shopping. Spoiler Alert - when I finally have time on Tuesday to try things on, nothing fits except the dress (sigh).

7:30-8:00-I get gas. It’s still barely under $6.00 a gallon at MY gas station. Everywhere else in CA it’s at $6.00.

8:00-9:00-Return home and L. also returns from the painting party. The dog runs out of the garage right into the arms of my creepy neighbor who is constantly taking solitary walks in our community. HOWEVER, it turns out that he is nice and friendly. He pets the dog and talks to her until L. and I can run over and pick her up. Looks like I misjudged him. You can’t be that bad if you’re a dog lover, right? I suggest to L. that we walk the dog together and she AGREES! What?!

Her private’s birthday party went well and L. made $200 plus a $50 tip for doing around 3 hours of work. Unfortunately, L. REFUSES to order business cards and, thus, passed out nothing at this event. I cannot tell you how irritating this is. She has missed so many opportunities to pass out buisness cards and generate business for herself.

9:00-11:00-Blog posts and I have The Organized Money videos playing in the background.

11:00-12:00-I’m sore from yesterday’s Asylum workout but I don’t think I got enough cardio in so I do a 15-min Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 15-min Insanity Max HIIT workout. I really need to create a Home Page for my online students’ next week of assignments but figure I’ll do it tomorrow morning.

12:00-1:00-I sit in my chair for a minute and fall asleep

1:00-1:30-Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee for tomorrow. I have some of L.s lime tortilla chips, which is a mistake. Too many carbs.

1:30-2:00-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 12 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 10 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant