Day 10 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Paxlovid…do you you really want to take 30 of these horse pills only to re-contract Covid all over again?

According to Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, Infectious Disease Control for UCSF Health Division of Infectious Diseases, San Francisco, everyone will get Covid. Not to worry, though. We have so many interventions that nobody’s going to die. Paxlovid, for example. This sketchy anti-viral actually causes rebound infections. Yeah, you read that right. If you’re infected with Covid, “take three Paxlovid and call me in the morning” BUT understand that you run the risk of catching Covid a second time. If “you take 30 Paxlovid and call me seven days later”, it’s likely you will be infected all over again, just when you think you’re cured. Keep in mind that the Paxlovid treatment consists of 30 pills in 5 days. 30 pills?! I can’t even be bothered to take one, daily multi-vitamin…

Don’t forget that you have to take Paxlovid within 5 days of having symptoms. If you have Covid and you’re asymptomatic, you’re f—ked because you won’t know when to take Paxlovid. You might be thinking, “Well, if I’m not having symptoms, then I never needed Paxlovid”, but a recent study shows that taking a course of Paxlovid might help prevent Long Covid.

Long Covid is rarely discussed. The emphasis is always on the fact that vaxxed people who contract Covid won’t die. But, my rallying cry has always been, “What about Long Covid?” Do you want to be incapacitated for the rest of your life? Prevented from participating in the activities you love? Unable to work? Other than death, Long Covid has been the most formidable outcome of all the variants…it is not addressed nearly enough…as usual, nobody cares.

5/21/22. Saturday

8:30-9:00-I’m up so I go downstairs and take the dog outside. She goes potty and we return inside. Cheese for her, coffee for me. I unload the dishwasher and go upstairs.

9:00-10:30-I listen to Air Talk, update my bullet journal, and work on commentary for my blog.

10:30-11:00-I put on leggings, a tank top, and my flower hat [Athletic Housewife attire]. I have a slice of my Moms banana bread, then…

11:00-11:40-I take the dog for a walk along the paseo and listen to Film Week.

11:40-1:00-I am spent and I can’t figure out why. Long Covid? I don’t understand why I’m so tired. I eat the rest of my Umachi Ramen from yesterday and listen to the New York Times Book Review.

1:00-2:30-I start a load of laundry then lie down and continue reading How to be an Anti-Racist for my book club meeting on Monday.

2:30-3:15-I work on adjusting my new jump rope I ordered. I have to unscrew the handles, pull the rubber pieces of the jump rope to a length that suits me, strip the pieces of tubing with wire cutters, splice it, then replace the ends, etc. What happened to the days when you bought a jump rope for your kid from the grocery store? I also watch my Insanity Asylum workout video as I adjust my jump rope to see how their jump ropes hang in comparison.

3:15-4:00-For some reason, I’m exhausted after adjusting the jump rope. I move the towels to the drier, start another load of laundry, then back to my bed where I read more How to be an Anti-Racist. I make another cup of coffee but it’s not working…

4:00-5:15-L. returns from T’s house and starts a load of laundry. We discuss her and T’s date-night yesterday, the movie, Men, that they saw and their dinner at Pacific by Noru. She brings up a bag of chips which of course I eat until finally telling L., “Get these away from me.”

There is lots of drama at The Club where L. is working now. Fat A. signed up a member for a second, 7-day, free trial and the s—t hit the fan because La, in Membership, recently told the Front Desk girls that they are no longer allowed to sign up guests for free trials. Additionally, Fat A. is always late and lies about it. According to L., Bre and Fat A. got into it when Fat A. wouldn’t let a guest report to the tennis court even when the tennis instructor, who was waiting for said guest, said it was okay. L. and I strategize about moving her into the Membership Dept. That’s where the money is.

5:15-9:00- It’s a Herculean effort, but I go downstairs to try and get some personal work done.

Life Admin

-I go to the Warby Parker website and order 5 pairs of glasses to try on.

-Then, I go through my Recall Election pamphlet, research the candidates, and make my selection. I spill my coffee and it goes all over my desk and onto my ballot envelope. I hope they still take it.

6:00-L. leaves for drinks at Solitas with her former co-worker.

-I upload two blog posts.

-I print out a little note on purple paper and cut it with scrap book scissors to make a decorative border telling my neighbor I have room in my garden for succulents and/or any cuttings she wants to send my way after our conversation on Wed. Then, I put it in her mailbox. I also pick up my own mail.

-L. Zelles me the money for her car insurance payment and I pay the first installment. I watch Organized Money videos on You Tube.

-I place a order and add the Peach champagne to the cart that L. requested.

-Finally, after almost 10 months, my mortage payment is adjusted accordingly and I now pay $2897 as a result of my property tax increase. It’s no longer $2957 every month.

-I pay my Spectrum bill. I have no cable, no TV, and basic WiFi and yet I’m billed $80 a month. It’s ridiculous.

-I update my IPad Calendar for June and log in the Huntington Summer Stroll evenings over the next several weekends, the Botany Nature Hike at Placerita Canyon, and the Summer Moon event at Central Park.

I update my to-do list.

9:00-9:30-L. Is back from dinner at Solitas with her former co-worker, C., and we discuss what’s been happening at the Art Studio. C. is now being targeted by Management because SHE takes too much time off and doesn’t cover other people’s shifts. Recently, C. also had four wisdom teeth pulled and had to take time off for that as well - the brass didn’t like it.

L. is directing a painting party for the birthday of one of her privates and needs to create a “reference piece” for the party - it’s a Willy Wonka chocolate bar that she’ll demo as the finished product.

-I start my last load of towels and napkins.

9:30-11:00-I prepare forms, SASEs, and post-it notes in accordance with this STRS-Cash Balance/Defined Benefit retirement disaster, copy everything, then prepare the envelopes. I also have to figure out the dates I worked at the school districts and the colleges. This takes so much time! I’m irritated and resentful but I’m done with Step 1. I watch Mina Rome Vegan videos as I work on this task.

11:00-12:00-I go outside to my backyard, fill the bucket with Simple Green and water, then sanitize the AstroTurf, one bucket at a time. In between, I water my plants, and hose down two rubber placemats AND two floor mats from the Studio because the dog peed on one of them. I listen to Organize 365, Be Wealthy and Smart, and Marketplace Morning Report.

-12:00-1:00 - I change into my workout clothes attire, set out the rope ladder, and grab my jump rope for my new Insanity Asylum video. The jump rope is only the warm up and it’s unbelievably hard. I’m winded within seconds and it’s difficult, largely because I don’t have enough space for the jump rope. I do my best and put in 100% effort, but I keep tripping over the jump rope, especially during the high knees portion and I’m not that good with the rope ladder that I have lying on the floor. Doing push-ups in and out of the spaces is hard and I guess I’m not coordinated enough??? Maybe with practice I’ll get better… I’m a little discouraged and tap out after 20 minutes when it’s actually a 45-minute program. I’m not sure I got enough cardio in today because it wasn’t consistent. Pretty demoralized about it…

L. surfaces with the completed reference piece, i.e., the chocolate bar. It looks amazing! She used gold glittery paint on the inside to represent the Willy Wonka golden ticket.

1:30-3:30-I sit in my chair for a moment after my Insanity - Asylum workout and immediately fall asleep.

3:30-4:30-Downstairs and I take the dog out before I go to bed. She’s confused as to whether or not we are starting our day or ending our day and wants cheese as a treat so I give her a few pieces. Then, I have some cottage cheese and chips with lemon pepper seasoning. It’s too late to be eating but I’m starving. There are no dishes today. Nighttime routine. Bed. I listen to episodes of Radio Rental.


Day 11 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 9 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant