Day 11 - Biden says the pandemic is over
A lot of “Deep Work” today…
9/29/22. Thursday
-8:00-9:00- I’m up so I take the dog out and give her cheese. Then, I unload the dishwasher, grab a bag of ice, and return upstairs. I lie down and put ice on my eyes. I have a throbbing pain in my right eye, after having had Botox injections yesterday. I take two Advil.
-9:00-10:30-bullet journal. I use ‘‘Deep Work’ techniques and try hard to focus on the task at hand.
-10:30-12:00-It’s obvious that I have a limited capacity for “Deep Work.” At this point, I’m good for 90 minutes of sustained focus but that’s really pushing it. I take a break and start packing. Then, I start a load of laundry.
12:00-12:15-I have the rest of my leftover Impossible burger (it’s about 2 bites) and six French fries and listen to the Deep Questions podcast.
12:15-1:00-Bullet journal and I continue listening to Deep Questions.
1:00-1:45-Shower. Lotion.
1:45-2:45- I do a 15-min Insanity Max - Ab workout and a 30-minute Insanity Max - Sweat workout.
3:00-5:15-I try to incorporate some of Cal Newport’s Deep Work techniques during this block of time while I create the Syllabus for my new accelerated 8-week class at College No. 1. (the class starts next week). When I do ‘Cntrl H’ to check my computer history, I note that I consistently jump from one activity to another, like paying bills, booking tickets for a show, then back to the task, then ordering things from Walmart or Amazon instead of “staying the course” and focusing on the project at hand. This is largely due to the fact that so much of the ‘knowledge work’ I must complete is boring; I need the distraction.
HOWEVER, this time I make it a point to create the Syllabus in complete silence; I direct all my focus on this project and am surprised to discover how difficult it is. I want to click on tabs or do anything but create this 8-week Syllabus! I suppose this is why Cal Newport recommends time blocking. If you know you have a set number of hours to complete a particular task/assignment/deep work, then, allegedly, you are less likely to be distracted because you know the end is in sight. Conversely, if there is no concrete end to the task, according to Newport, your brain will continuously ask for a break, saying How about now? How about now? I’m having difficulty keeping my mind on track and focusing on the deep work; it keeps bouncing BUT I prevail and finish the Syllabus.
-I check headlines.
5:30-5:50-I go to the dry cleaners and pick up the skirts I dropped off earlier this week.
5:50-6:14-I drive to BevMo and pick up champagne.
6:14-6:40-I drive to CVS to redeem a 50% and 30% coupon for razors because the 50% coupon expires today. I pick up razors for L. and I but when I get to the cash register I’m told that the 50% coupon that I have specifically for razors only applies to generic CVS razors. This coupon is the only reason that I’m at CVS today and I think this “generic” explanation is bullshit! I continue with the purchase but I’m pissed. The 30% coupon still applies but I wanted that 50% coupon, too. Spoiler Alert: A few days later, I will write a complaint letter to CVS, include a copy of the misleading coupon, and ask for a refund. Nobody bothers to respond.
6:40-7:25-I drive to Sprouts and buy snacks for my upcoming mini vacay: Lara bars, almond butter packets, zucchini, chicken jerky, and grapes.
7:25-8:10-Return home and I put everything away.
8:10-9:00-I record the Audio Syllabus to accompany the 8-week Syllabus that I just designed.
9:00-9:20-I log the due dates for the Inquizitives in the new 8-week shell, then review the Home Page for this week’s content for Specialty Class 1A.
9:20-9:50-I check email at College No 1 and ready course content for Sunday.
9:50-10:10- I transfer money from my savings account to my checking account and pay a bill.
10:30-10:40-I check email at College No. 2, then update the gradebook for my F2F high school class.
10:40-10:50-I post a Discussion Board prompt for my new accelerated 8-week course.
11:12-11:30-I field more emails at College No. 1 and answer questions about the upcoming Socratic Seminar assignment in my Specialty 1A Class.
11:30-11:40-I check headlines; and
11:40-12:30-continue with off-and-on packing.
12:35-1:15-Nighttime routine. Sunless tanning. Paint my nails. Bed.