Day 10-Biden said the pandemic is over
Taught at the Catholic High School today…why hast thou forsaken me?
9/28/22 - Wednesday
5:45-6:45-It’s the same morning routine. I take the dog out and give her cheese, then bring my coffee upstairs. I’m running late and this is going to turn into a huge problem. Shower. Lotion. I wear a black and white dress with patterned roses throughout the material. It has a square neck and a flared skirt, above the knee, and I wear low heels. I happen to love this dress.
6:45-8:30-Traffic this semester is the worst I’ve ever seen. Leaving at 6:45 was a huge mistake. I listen to Cal Newport’s Deep Questions on the way.
8:30-10:05-I barely make it. The bell rings just as I’m walking into class. Why is it so often that when things are not going well, more bad s—t seems to happen. The lone IT employee did not come in today, which means he did not turn on my computer and log in before I arrived, which means I’m unable to log in because Admin never bothered to give me a user name and password. The reason Admin never gave me the codes was the following: “Oh you don’t have to worry about that. Billy will log you into the database on the days that you’re teaching.” Well, where’s Billy now?
I call the Office and speak with Cecilia at the front desk. This is a young 20-something, who is especially sinister. When I tell her I need the user name and password to log into the computer, she says cheerily, “Sorry, I can’t help you!” When I ask to speak to the Vice Principal, whom I know and like, she says he left for a meeting and won’t be back for hours. The upbeat, happy way she delivers these messages is disturbing. When I tell her that I can’t access ANY of my material and, thus, have nothing to teach, i.e., no content, she responds, “Yeah, that’s really too bad…” When I ask if there is anyone who can lend me their username and password for the next 90 minutes, she says, enthusiastically, “Nope! Can’t help you.” I hang up on her.
I leave my classroom, which I’m not supposed to do, and walk across the hall to another teacher, whom I don’t know, and ask him if he will log into MY computer with his user name and password. He does.
I start lecture. An important section of this module calls for a documentary to be streamed on You Tube. Unfortunately, You Tube has a firewall up today, which never happens, and I can’t play the documentary. A student suggests I try Netflix. I do and the video starts playing. I give her 5 points Extra Credit under the column, “You Got A Gold Star Today” in the online gradebook. I update my bullet journal while they watch the film. One of my students says she likes my dress.
10:05-10:30-As I’m leaving, the Minister AND Maintenance Man (Dual hats - he is one in the same) informs me that, from this point forward, I will need a key fob to open the gate to the parking log. He has a fob for me so I follow him to his office. Papers and junk are everywhere - it’s impossible to work in this space and it looks like a hoarder’s house. It is so chaotic and disorganized that I almost gasp when I enter his office. This room is grounds for termination…he’s a Minister?!
10:30-12:30-I drive to my Medi Spa appointment, in Encino, park in a residential area, and take a nap.
12:30-1:30-I get Botox and lip injections; they really hurt! Right after the injection, I feel a throbbing pain in my right eye. That “jab” might have gone too deep. Abel says he likes my black velvet, Prada purse as I’m leaving.
2:30-3:30-A student from the class I was just at emails me to say I did not forward the make-up quizzes to him. Students these days love to send me screenshots as proof of…something?? Most of the time, I can’t even see the screenshot…it doesn’t come through in its entirety. But in this particular case, I could care less what kind of screenshot he sends me because I sent the f—king quiz to both him AND his friend [they’re both football players] and his friend received it. So, yes, I sent it.
I email the make-up quizzes to him, again, with instructions to ask David, his friend, for help accessing them because not only did David receive the quizzes, he has also already completed them. I’m sick of dealing with this shit.
-I switch to College No. 1 and respond to a question about the Socratic Seminar assigned in Specialty Class 1A.
3:30-6:00-My face hurts so I lie down and try to take a nap. My right eye, in particular, is painful. Exercise is not an option today, per Abel. Good.
-L. surfaces. She had a second interview at Reformation and got the job! She brought home several items from Portos and says I can have an empanada and a potato ball as she walks upstairs for her Zoom class at Otis.
I take a nap. When I wake up, it’s dark. I go outside, in my backyard, and using a flashlight, I pick up dog poop.
6:30-8:00 - I sweep all the remaining debris from the fountain and clear the mess that Cesar made. After, I spend time rearranging the rocks that he threw in a pile; I try to artfully display them the way they were before Cesar destroyed this section of the yard. The fountain is caked in mud so I clean it out. I notice my garden lights aren’t coming on, so I go to the garage and reset the timer.
8:30-9:00 - I take the dog for a walk. L leaves for Target and I ask her to get sandwich bags and cheese for the dog. I spend some time folding and storing a large tarp that B. returned.
9:00-10:30-Dog walk is over. I return to the backyard and spray down the AstroTurf. I soak the beds, water all of my plants, and spend too much time coiling both hoses and putting them back in their containers.
10:30-11:30-Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee and fill the dog food and water dispensers. I eat a few pieces of L. Pirates Booty and approx 15 M&Ms. I shut down L.’s Studio.
11:45-12:45-Nighttime routine. I jump in the shower, wash my hair, and then blow dry. Then, I apply color while listening to Maintenance Phase.
12:45-1:15-While the color sits, I start packing.
1:30-2:30-Back to the shower where I rinse out the color. I blow dry my hair and put in product; then put my hair in curlers. Bed