Day 12 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California

The average American worker on Day 5 of their Covid infection…Up and at em!!!

Omicron is ripping through our country and employees are “falling out” in droves, infected, sick, and quarantining for the requisite 10 days, as mandated by the CDC. Nowhere is this most evident right now than with the Airlines as more than half of their employees have called off and thousands of flights during the Xmas holiday were canceled.  

To mitigate the dividend loss for their shareholders, on 12/21/21, CEO Ed Bastain of Delta Airlines, a white, male, douche bag, asked the CDC, a public health agency, to roll back their guidelines for quarantining from 10 days to FIVE days, in addition to undergoing a negative Covid test [which you can’t obtain and are largely inaccurate]. “Bastard Bastain” rationalizes that, by Day 5, employees should return to work because employees don’t need 10 days off if they get hit with Omicron and we’re losing too much money from canceled flights [this section should be spoken in a baby voice by a  2-year-old having a tantrum and pounding the floor with his fists]. Bastain adds that it doesn’t make sense that fully vaccinated employees should get 10 days off, because they’re vaccinated. This also doesn’t make sense because individuals who are contracting Omicron are still getting sick…and transmitting the virus to other people. The audacity of this asshole!  

Okay…we all know that the vaccines don’t work the way they’re supposed to in that we’re all contracting Omicron.  Once again, I checked my childhood Immunization Card and this is not how vaccines operate. As children, we were vaccinated against specific illnesses [Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, for example], with the understanding that we would NOT contract that virus and spread it to others.  

HOWEVER, in 2021/2022, we’re vaccinated simply to prevent death…that’s it!! In the meantime, this variant is spreading like wildfire and everyone who comes into contact with an Omicron victim gets sick, whether or not they’re vaxed. Remember…if you’re vaxed with Moderna or Pfizer and you contract Omicron, you almost certainly won’t DIE [the jury is out regarding the J&J vaccine-we’re taking a wait-and-see approach right now]; HOWEVER, many vaxed are still extremely ill after being infected and need more than 5 days to recover. Some people are slain for a month. If the Delta Douche Bag has his way, the majority of his employees will be forced to return to work SICK, symptomatic and not fully recovered and ready to transmit the virus to more unsuspecting people.  

Just check TikTok to see how my fellow Americans feel about this.  The most recent meme shows a zombie [meant to depict an employee infected with Omicron] throwing back the covers and jumping out of bed to report to work at day 5 of infection. 

This request from Delta comes at a time when the Omicron variant is tearing through our country. If Omicron is 3 times (probably more) transmissible, isn’t this the worst time to reduce the quarantine period? I’d like to see Bastard Bastain leave his McMansion for a 12-hour stint in a sealed tin can with wings. If his cuff links are any indication, this guy hasn’t done a solid day’s work in his life. And what does he care if Delta goes under?  He’ll simply walk away with his “golden parachute” of 1.2 billion dollars [insert other wildly inflated sum here], only to be hired by another corporation.  These CEOs run the circuit…fired here, fired there, rehired here, rehired there, run the next company into the ground [see JC Pennys or WeWork as prime examples], collect unfathomable amounts of money for failing and destroying the most recent company, “lather, rinse, repeat.”   

And it’s teachers who are currently being vilified by the media? Why not CEOs

Why is wage-inflation a threat to our economy?  What about CEO inflation

12/26/21. Sunday

This month has been so stressful, what with preparing for the holidays and finishing up the paperwork for my 4 classes.  I. am. worn. out. and can’t find the energy to do anything

10:30-11:00 – I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal, but she’s not there. Usually, she’s waiting for me, but when I call her she shoots through the doggie door and jumps on me to say hello. I cue her to go potty and she turns to go outside again with me right behind her. She does her business and we go inside: pieces of turkey for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs.

11:00-12:45 – I eat one of M.’s cookies and read Dark Hours

12:45-2:30 – Blog posts.

2:30-3:00 – Bullet journal and I have another one of M.’s cookies

3:00-4:30 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. No make-up.  I try on my LuLu Lemon merch to make sure it fits.  Although I typically wear a size 0, the leggings that B. got me are too small and I will have to return them.

4:30-5:00 – I take the dog for a walk.

5:00-6:00 – I have leftover salad from last night’s dinner and add cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, along with a piece of sourdough bread. I listen to Invisibila  - “Friend Therapy” and start a load of laundry.

6:00-7:00 – I sit in my chair upstairs and catch up on new and old podcasts, because my Ipad storage is at capacity.  I curate the podcasts that I’ve saved and start deleting; then

7:00-8:00 – I take the briefest of naps.

8:00-9:00 – I read more Dark Hours; and

9:00-9:20 – hang my laundry.

9:30-11:00 – I do a 15-minute Insanity Max-Abs workout, followed by a 30-minute Insanity Max – Strength workout.

-L. returns from her boyfriend’s house.

11:00-11:30 – I take the dog out, turn off all the Xmas lights, and lock up.  Then, I finish the blog post I started earlier today.

11:30-12:00 – bullet journal.

12:00-1:15 – I upload my blog post and watch The Organized Money videos.

1:15-2:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed.  This is all I could manage to do today.




Day 13 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California


Day 11 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California