Day 13 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California

I finished this book today…

12/27/21. Monday 

9:30-10:00 – Another day of exhaustion.

I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. She’s still asleep on the couch and doesn’t move. I sit next to her for kisses and cuddles and she rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy.  We sit here awhile…then I cue her to go outside and we head to the patio.  I wait for her to go potty and return inside: turkey leftovers for her; coffee for me.

-I unload and load the dishwasher.

10:00-12:00 – I read Dark Hours.

12:00-1:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up.

1:00-3:00 – I have L.’s roasted veges, a piece of my yam dish, and some stuffing for lunch and read Dark Hours while I eat.

L. is finally awake so we pull our planners and coordinate our schedules for January. I buy tickets for Beach Cycle for the two of us.

3:00-4:30 – I take the trash cans in and move the cardboard from the “yard” trash can, where I had to temporarily store it because I broke down so many boxes, into the recyclables where it belongs.  I bring the cushions from my patio furniture into the garage and strip the pillowcases, then start a load of laundry so I can wash the pillowcases AND the dog’s toy’s. Pick up dog poop.  Fill the dog food dispenser. Make another cup of coffee. I put my used ink cartridges, plastic bottles, and the yarn I’m returning to Michaels in the car.

4:45-6:00 – L. and I watch the documentary, Try Harder, about a group of Asian kids trying to get into college; then switch to

6:45-9:00 – The Novice, about a female college student trying out for the rowing team.

L. gives me the rest of her cheese puffs and returns to her room.

9:00-11:30 – I finish Dark Hours.  There is not much to say about this book, other than I Loved It!  This is the 23rd book in the Bosch series by Michael Connelly and I’ve read them all! I’ve also read every book in the Lincoln Lawyer series. Bosch is a retired LAPD detective who – spoiler alert – contracted leukemia very recently - 2 books ago - as a result of a worker’s comp injury involving a hazmat spill that happened years ago. He received the diagnosis after he retired from the force.  Connelly is slowly phasing out Bosch and replacing him with a young female detective name Rene Ballard and Dark Hours is also the 4th book in the Rene Ballard series. Unless you’ve read Connelly’s books in chronological order, a book review from me won’t do Dark Hours justice. Highly recommend, as always!!

11:30-12:30 – Kitchen duty. I ready my coffee and turn off all the lights, then eat two of M.’s cookies.

12:30-12:50 – Bullet journal.

1:00-1:45 – I do a 30-minute Insanity-Max – Friday Fight workout.

1:45-2:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 15 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California


Day 12 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California