Day 12 - Mask mandate RESCINDED. We do NOT need to mask indoors
Get this…yesterday, Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, Infectious Disease Specialist and Professor of Medicine at UCSF Medical Center, whom I like and respect, verbally posted a BOLO [be on the lookout] for the “Deltacron Spawn”, a hybrid of Delta and the Omicron variants. Dr. Hong defines this horror movie sequel as follows [direct quote]: “Deltacron is the spawn of Delta and Omicron that got together in somebody’s cell as Omicron was taking off and there was enough Delta left, and what happened, by chance, is that these two viruses infected the same person, infected the same cell, they mated and they had children. And those spawn are Deltacron.”
BTW, Shenzhen, China is inundated with the Omicron variant. How’s that “Zero Covid” policy working for you?
3/15/22. Tuesday
I’m on autopilot today…wash, rinse, repeat….
4:45-5:00 – My alarm sounds. I get up, turn it off, and go back to bed for the next 15 minutes.
5:00-5:15 – I go downstairs to get my coffee and tiptoe past the dog because she’s still asleep and I want her to stay asleep, but she doesn’t. As soon as I start the microwave, she jumps off the couch, walks over to me, and puts her paws on my thighs to say hello. My coffee is done and we go outside so she can go potty. I wait on the patio until she does her business, then we return inside: coffee for me, cheese for her. I go upstairs.
5:15-6:00 – Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes while listening to The Daily. Lotion. I wear the same outfit I wore yesterday to College No. 1.
6:00-7:00 – Driving and I eat my yogurt, apple, and walnut mixture for breakfast while en route. I listen to Best of Both Worlds and put my makeup on in the car.
7:00-7:40 – I park in the elementary school parking lot, finish applying the rest of my make-up, and eat what’s left of my yogurt.
7:40-8:00 – I walk through the office and stop in front of the standing thermometer [“Temperature Normal!”], sign in, and make my way to the classroom. This school is still masking.
8:00-9:30 – Today is a straight lecture so I’m talking the entire time.
-L. leaves on the later side for Otis today.
9:30-11:00 – Class dismissed. I drive home in terrible traffic and listen to The Accused while eating zucchini slices, hummus, and dark chocolate malt balls.
11:00-11:30 - I bring in all of my bags and change into work-out clothes.
11:30-12:00 – I read Nature Fix.
12: 00-12:30 –I do a 30-minute Insanity-Sweat workout.
12:30-1:00-Recuperate and read What Color is Monday
1:00-1:30 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to True Crime Garage.
1:30-5:30-I crash and take a nap.
5:30-6:30-I microwave two bags of rice, then freeze my tuna steaks for multiple future dinners. I pack my lunch bag and ready my coffee; then
6:30-7:30 – I eat a tuna steak with turmeric rice and read the Nature Fix.
-L texts that her teacher loved her screen-printing assignment. It took her 4 hours to finish it in the “lab”, but she did it and is pleased with the result.
7:30-9:00 – bullet journal
9:00-10:30 – I grade the last Socratic Seminar paper.
10:30-11:30 – I scan and upload the paper, post the student’s grade, and email it to the student. Then, I update the Canvas shell, email three quizzes to a student, and post a Chapter Review Quiz at College No. 2. I have The Organized Money playing in the background.
-L. returns home with her screen-printing assignments in tow – they look amazing! T. stops by with flowers and ramen for L. Very thoughtful.
11:30-12:30 – More Organized Money while I input my receipts and update my budget spreadsheet for February and March
12:00-1:30 – bullet journal
1:30-2:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 6:30.