Day 13 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Pfizer is working on a vaccine for kids 5 and under…

Pfizer has a vaccine for children under 5; Moderna is close on Pfizer’s heels. Moderna’s 2-dose vaccine is allegedly 40 to 50%  effective at stopping symptomatic Covid-19 in children under 6. Uh…that’s an F minus. Most kids who contract Covid-19 in the Under-5 population rarely exhibit symptoms anyway.  Get this – Pfizer’s vaccine for kids is THREE doses.  Pfizers 3-dose vaccine is 80% effective at stopping symptomatic  Covid-19. Right, right…if Moderna administered THREE doses, they’d probably be at 80%, too. These are “preliminary” findings, however, which means they’re not confirmed.

Does Pfizer’s kid jab really need to be three doses? Or is Pfizer trying to generate more revenue for their shareholders by pretending that a third jab is needed?  The more the merrier… the more jabs, the more money you bring in for the rich Pfizer board members. You can’t “trust the science” when you have unregulated pharmaceutical companies – why would you? The almighty dollar is the “science” when it comes to Big Pharma. #seePurdue

The biggest question is this:  Do you want your 5-year-old and younger pumped full of this barely tested, sketchy s--t?  Believe me, I’m NOT one of those conspiracy, anti-vax nuts. But a 3-dose vaccine that has been tried and tested on ONE sample size as small as 1,678 kids?  I don’t think so. Pfizer says little kids will benefit from the third booster  in the same way adults benefit from their third booster.  Really? How?  Boosters only provide protection for a couple of weeks. The correct terminology is boosters “wane.” And it’s our elders who predominantly die from Covid – almost no children have passed in the pandemic, thank God.  Why do children under 5 need to get vaccinated when, at this point in time (May 2022) all of us are getting infected. Even those of us who got the first 1-2 punch, followed by the booster, the second booster, etc.  We still contracted Covid…

5/24/22. Monday

5:00-5:15-My alarm goes off, but I lie in bed for transition time. I feel…rough.

5:15-6:25-I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal, then I take her outside to go potty. Return inside and coffee for me, cheese for her. I go upstairs.

I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. I change into my sexy librarian uniform. Its a tan, long-sleeved knit shirt, with a machine-made hole in the chest and black pants. Load my bags and I’m on the road by 6:30.

6:30-7:45-Driving. The traffic is horrible, per usual. I put my make-up on in the car. I reach the parking lot at 7:45 and review my lecture notes. Then, I walk to class.

8:00-9:30-Today is a straight lecture on the last chapter. In fact, this is my last lecture - the semester is almost over. Hard to believe that this school is still masking. Yes, everyone, I’m still teaching in a mask.

9:30-9:45-Class dismissed and I drop off the Attendance.

9:45-10:45-Wash, rinse, repeat. You know the drill. The traffic is horrible and I eat my salad on the way home.

10:45-11:30-I get a coffee from Starbucks then spend time looking for the meeting place - Iron Trail Circle - for my Striders group this Thursday.

11:30-12:00-Home and I bring my bags in and put everything away; then

12:00-2:00-I take a nap

2:00-2:15-B. texts that he and Renaldo, his gardener, will be here shortly.

2:15-3:00-Reynaldo and B. arrive. Reynaldo pulls the tree branch down and puts it in his truck. Due to the fact that a giant tree branch fell into the street, it is obvious that my trees need to be trimmed and, while we’re at it, some of my sprinklers need to be replaced. Reynaldo checks out my backyard then gives me a quote of $1300. Wow…but what choice do I have? I don’t think I get it cheaper…my backyard is really overgrown.

3:00-4:00 - B. and Reynaldo leave.

4:00-5:00-I check email at both colleges; then

5:00-8:00-blog posts and I listen to Airtalk.

10:00-11:00-I do the second Insanity - Asylum workout in the series. It’s a 45-minute workout, involving dumbbells and it kicks my ass.

11:00-12:00-I try on the clothes I bought at Kohl’s. They don’t fit so I will have to take them back. great. I clean off the top of my bedroom dresser and straighten my room. Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee. I have tortilla chips and hummus - I know I shouldn’t be eating this late.

12:00-1:00 - Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 14 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 12 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant