Day 14 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Yard work today…I cleaned up my yucca plants…

5/25/22. Wednesday

7:45-8:00- I wake up STIFF from my Insanity Asylum workout. I’m up so I go downstairs so I can say good morning to the animal. She’s still asleep on the couch so I rub her tummy three times and take her outside to go potty. My yard needs some work. She finishes her business and we return inside: cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs.

8:00-9:45-Bullet journal.

9:45-10:30-I switch out the couch slipcovers, post this mornings course content, make copies of the Select Comfort info for L.s bed because vibrating feature stopped working (I hole-punch the info and slide it under her door). Then, I water several of my plants. I put the second slip cover in the washing machine, cut a square of my Moms banana bread, and bring it upstairs for breakfast.

10:30-12:00- More bullet journaling. I listen to Death Sex and Money and The Daily.

12:00-12:30-I take the dog for a walk and listen to True Crime Garage.

12:30-12:45 - I clean out the flower arrangements that I received from Mothers Day and my birthday - still blooming.

12:45-2:00-More bullet journaling. I’m behind by several days and need to catch up.

2:00-2:30-I have the last of my leftovers from Whole Foods and listen to What Next. I’m exhausted. There is something wrong with me…

2:30-5:00-I take a nap, while L.’s “private” arrives at 4:30.

5:00-6:00-I finally get a shower in and wash my hair. I take some Advil.

6:00-6:30-I start a load of laundry then talk to L. about her art student’s progress. L. reports that after her private left, our neighbor and his wife walked by our garage and offered to buy a piece of L.’s work! I put the slip covers back on the couch.

6:30-7:00-I go to Kohls to return a few items and do a straight exchange of my T-backed sports bras - I needed a Medium. Employees are masking, but customers don’t bother. Still exhausted and I can barely move my legs as a result of the Insanity-Asylum workout. I will go on record as saying the Asylum series is one of the hardest workouts I’ve done in 10 years and it affects my body and energy levels over the next five days.

When I get home, L. is gone. She went to Solitas with N.

7:00-8:00-I drive to Home Depot for succulent (cactus) fertilizer, hanging baskets, fly traps and spray paint. Same as at Kohls…employees continues to mask. The rest of us…what pandemic?

8:00-10:30-Home and it’s time for yard work. I don’t have the energy for yard work BUT I have to plant the cuttings that my neighbor gave me before they die. I turn my yucca plants into makeshift palm trees by stripping leaves from their base. One of the ‘palm trees’ is in the corner and surrounded by a towering tree so I have to saw off several branches to give my yucca plant more space. Then, I saw an old tree stake in half because I don’t need it anymore. I listen to What Next and Frontline - about the 2020 election and insurrection - while I’m working, followed by an episode of What Next about NATOs transformation. Then, it’s the Ezra Kline show, PBS News Segments, and the Fall Line, addressing a missing Native American woman.

I take the cuttings from my neighbor and replant them in a hanging planter that I installed onto one of my gazebo’s metal trellises. I put more cuttings in a turquoise planter on the other side of the patio, where I have some space.

Still more cuttings are added to L.’s succulent pot in the art studio. These aren’t doing too well - there’s not enough sun.

10:30-11:00-L. surfaces and we talk about Solitas and her time with N. She brings back tortillas, guacamole, and salsa which I promptly eat. Spoiler Alert - by tomorrow morning I will have gained 2 pounds (97) due to the carb load.

I hang my laundry.

11:30-12:30-Kitchen duty. I make overnight oats, then thaw out fish I prepared weeks ago and open a can of beans. I put lemon juice on the fish, add the beans, and place the container in my insulated lunch bag for tomorrow. I eat some of the fish and beans while I prepare the food. The beans are a carb - big mistake.

12:30-1:00-I’m tired so I go to bed. Nighttime routine. My pajama bottoms are still in the drier so I lie down and wait for them to finish and promptly fall asleep.

2:00-2:15-Pajama bottoms are done so I put them on and go to bed.


Day 15 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 13 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant