Day 14 of LAUSD vaccine mandate

B. and I at The Local today…

B. and I at The Local today…

9/23/21. Thursday

9:00-9:30 – I’m up and I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. I sit next to her and rub her tummy until she’s satisfied, then she grabs a tennis ball and we head outside. I water a few of my plants while she goes potty and, once she’s finished, we head inside; cheese for her and coffee for me.  I go upstairs.

9:45-11:10 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up.

11:10-12:30 – B. arrives and we go to The Local for lunch. Staff is masked and there are hardly any customers in the restaurant so we dine inside. I forgot to write down what I ordered, but my lunch is great. B. gets something??

12:30-4:15 – Return home and B. and I talk politics.  B. leaves.

4:15-5:00 – Although my Canvas shell is ready, I’m being evaluated tonight so I check course content to make sure I don’t need to make any last minute adjustments. I also respond to a few emails.

5:00-7:00 – I leave early so I will have time to set up my class before my evaluator arrives.

6:40-7:00 - In class and I pair my Beets speaker, insert my “mobile mouse”, publish the Discussion Board and course content, and make my Google slides available for the current students. I instruct the online students to watch the 15-minute video clip first, before they open the Audio Lecture.

7:00 – 7:15 – I play the video clip.

7:15-8:00 – I Lecture on Chapter 6. My evaluator shows up around 8:00, as I’m heading into Lecture for Chapter 7.

8:00-8:30 – Lecture and I engage the students in a dialog and discourse regarding political events that made an impact on their lives. Several students engage while my evaluator takes notes.

8:30-9:30 – My evaluator leaves and I immediately start the documentary. Then, I send a “Check-in Email” to the online students asking where they’re currently at in Lecture. Two students don’t have Netflix and can’t watch the documentary.  Really? Who doesn’t have Netflix in this day and age?  I send them the alternative assignment, then I personally respond to all the Students who responded to my check-in email. I take Attendance from the Discussion Board and email those online students who did NOT sign in, notifying them that they were marked absent and will receive a 0 on today’s Video Quiz.    

The documentary rolls on for my F2F students.

9:30-10:00 – The documentary is finished and it’s time for students from both classes to take the Video Quiz. I wrap up everything then check the Video Quiz scores for my online students. I send an email blast to those students who scored a 6 or lower on the Video Quiz asking them what happened and, essentially, accusing them of NOT watching the video and randomly guessing.  I remind them that students who fail to “actively participate” can be dropped from the class.

10:45 – I leave.

10:45-11:30 – Driving

11:30-12:30 – I bring all of my bags in from the car and start cleaning the kitchen immediately.

12:30-12:45 – I finally have a moment to go through a small, plastic 2-drawer storage unit in the garage, where L. stores colored construction paper. I save the colored paper and put it in my office and ditch the plastic 2-drawer unit in the trash.

12:45-1:00 – I load all of my spray paint cans into a small box for L. so she can use them on the graffiti wall at Otis.

1:00-2:00 – L. and I talk about her day and the problems her friends are having making friends and adjusting to college, namely  C., J., and N. Thankfully, L. loves college and has already made two good friends, with whom she spends a lot of time. L. says she looks forward to going to her college classes every week. I’m so relieved that Otis worked out.

2:00-2:45 – I absolutely have to water my plants.

2:45-3:00 – I told two students from tonight’s class that I would respond to them when I got home, so I grade one student’s alternative assignment and submit a work order to our publisher on behalf of another student.

3:00-4:00 – I set my highschoolers up for tomorrow’s class and update course content. Then, I place an Amazon order for batteries for my Home Security System; a new-to-me Insanity product called 30-Max; mascara,  and underwear

4:00-5:00 – Nighttime routine.

5:00-5:30 – I log my bullet journal and set my alarm for 7:30 [unfortunately]. Bed.


Day 15 of LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 13 of LAUSD vaccine mandate