Day 15 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California

The power went out tonight…

12/30/21. Thursday 

9:30-10:00 – This is some of the worst rain I’ve seen in years! It rained throughout the night and my backyard is flooded in ankle-deep water. The water has collected in the patio canopy and I have to use a broom handle to push up sections so I can drain the water. Of course, the dog is not having any of it and doesn’t want to go out at all.  I have to coax her outside and she runs to the red rock, goes potty, and runs inside.  Coffee for me; a few pieces of turkey for her.

10:00-11:30 –In a panic, before the guests arrived for Xmas dinner, I shoved the dark meat from the turkey onto a plate and crammed it into the refrigerator. I take the time now to break it down into small pieces, but the dog is out of control in the kitchen, jumping all over me and whining for turkey.  I put her in the garage so I can work and end up filling 4 small sandwich bags with turkey pieces, while I listen to Marketplace Money. When I open the garage door to bring the dog inside, I see that she pooped in 3 different places throughout the garage.  I’m assuming she’s mad because I kicked her out of the kitchen – I clean up all of the dog shit.

11:30-12:00 – I read My Body is a Big Fat Temple, then do several loads of laundry throughout the day to include hand towels, couch slipcovers, and the cloth napkins from Xmas dinner.

12:00 –12:15 -  I assess the weather and the rain is out of control.  There’s no way I’m driving to Ventura in this mess – it’s too dangerous. There are still no pharmacies in my area that are administering the Moderna booster, so I schedule an appointment for the Walgreens in Palmdale.  The soonest they can get me in is 1/3/22.

12:15-1:00 – Shower. Lotion. Covid 19 uniform.

1:00-2:15 – I braid my hair and listen to Where do we Begin, with Esther Perez.

2:30-3:30 – I have turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and read My Body.

3:30-5:30 – I upload 3 blog posts.

6:00-9:00 – Life Administration

-B.’s comforter does not fit his Cal King bed, even though it’s a Cal King comforter. I process the return through Overstock.

-B. is running out of podcasts to listen to so I email him 10 options and a few links that I think he’ll enjoy.

-I copy course content for the three classes that are still on the Spring 2022 schedule at College No. 1. I don’t think any of these classes will run due to low enrollment, but that’s the problem in these situations.  Instructors are supposed to create and plan their course content as if the class WILL run, in anticipation of a class that will probably be canceled. I’ve said this before in the blog…I can spend hours of unpaid labor designing my class for the upcoming semester only to be told it’s a lost cause.  When that occurs, the hours that I’ve spent designing the class are UNPAID because I can’t recoup the loss of man power through teaching time. This is yet another example of exploitation at the adjunct’s expense.

-We’re heading into the New Year so I check my various financial accounts to review my balances as I move into 2022. I start with my “457” account.

-I create my To Do list for tomorrow and the upcoming week.

-I review January’s activities and make sure I have tickets/paperwork for everything I’ve scheduled.

-I log the last of my receipts for December 2021

-I total my page count and number of books I read for the year

-I order Friendshipping for next month’s book club meeting.  I was on the waitlist for a week at my local library and…nothing…so I’m forced to order the book.

-I also order more toilet paper and paper towels for my 2022 inventory.

-I place a order.

-After having been with my current tax man for 17 years, he jettisons me in an attempt to pare down his client-load due to “health issues.” I had no idea he’s in poor health…I think he’s in his late 50s or early 60s.  His letter is a pat, form letter, advising me that the clients he kept have been with him for 20 years, so I just didn’t make the cut off.  17 years!!  I’ve been with him for 17 years!!! I have no idea who’s going to do my taxes now. B. gave me a referral so I call the new agency and leave a message.  Then, I follow up with an email.

9:30-10:30 – I have a slice of turkey with a boiled egg and read My Body. I have a few Sugarfina candies

10:30-11:30 – I clean my toilet, pull out my electric blanket and place it on my bed, change a light bulb, and start another load of laundry.

11:30-12:00- bullet journal and I listen to Citations Needed.

12:30-1:15 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Cardio workout.

1:15-1:30 – I start getting ready for bed and listening to Martinis and Your Money when the power goes out for the entire neighborhood! My street is completely dark.

1:30-2:30 – L. happens to be reading Salem’s Lot and is scared so she comes into my room for emotional support.  Although we both have flashlights, she lights several tea candles.

2:30 – 3:30 – I’m terrified of a fire hazard so I stay awake and keep a vigil going…

-At 2:45, the power briefly comes back on again…then goes out.

3:30-4:00 – I give up and go to bed.



Day 16 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California


Day 14 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California