Day 14 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California

A Costco Pharmacist tells B. that if I get the Moderna booster, I’ll have 90% immunity…I’m going to schedule an appointment for the booster…

12/28/21. Tuesday 

9:30-10:00 – I’m still unmotivated to do anything. Up and I go downstairs to greet the animal. L.’s supervisor gave L. a small fringed blanket with a rough texture for Xmas that neither of us wanted…so I put it on the couch where the dog sleeps so she can have her own little blanket. When I come downstairs this morning, the blanket is on the floor and the dog has pulled off several pieces of fringe, chewing them to a pulp.  She’s awake so we go straight to the backyard – I check on my plants while she goes potty. Return inside: turkey for her; coffee for me.  I go upstairs.

10:00-11:00 – Shower. Wash hair. Lotion. Leggings and a sweatshirt. Make-up.

-L. leaves for her boyfriend’s house.

11:00-11:00 – No, that’s not a typo.  B. arrives with Starbucks and he stays the rest of the day, while we catch up on our respective Xmas holiday dinners and politics.

Previously, I shared my concerns with B about the J&J vaccine, i.e., should I start all over with a 2-dose regimen of Moderna or Pfizer?  If yes, do I then get a Moderna booster after 6 months? Am I still considered vaxed when I got the one-and-done J&J 8 months ago? Even after the CDC advised all J&J recipients to get a booster after TWO months? If I get boosted with a half-dose of Moderna, doesn’t that put me right back where I started with J&J, i.e. ONE jab again, but with the Moderna booster, it’s only HALF a jab?

Yesterday, B. spoke with a Costco pharmacist and asked her these questions. She replied that if I get a Moderna booster now, I have 90% immunity. 90%?!  I don’t believe it, but B. clarified. I’ll take a midwife over an OBGYN…a nurse practitioner over a MD…any day. A pharmacist’s word over the two doctors’ opinions I just blogged about three days ago?  Good enough for me…I’ll schedule the appointment. 

5:00-6:00 – I’m able to cobble together a dinner for B from leftovers, while I eat L.’s butternut squash soup and a piece of sourdough bread.

6:00-11:00 – B. and I talk more politics. Then, I show him two of my Insanity videos so he can see what my workouts consist of. B. leaves.

-L. returns.

12:00-1:00 - I have a few bites of stuffing, then fall asleep.

1:00-2:00 – Awake and I go downstairs for kitchen duty and to take the dog out and lock up. I see that L. did ALL of the dishes!! I’m shocked and sooo relieved!!

2:00-2:45 – Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 15 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California


Day 15 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California