Day 15 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”

L. gets new tires…

12/9/21. Thursday 

8:00 – My alarm goes off, but I’m too exhausted to get out of bed.

9:00-9:30 – I’m up so I go downstairs to greet the animal.  She pooped next to the front door (sigh) so I’m irritated. I cue her to go outside and she jumps off the couch and grabs her toy. We head to the patio and I stand around, waiting for her to do her business. Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs.

9:30-10:30 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up

10:30-10:45 – I report for a scheduled Zoom call that I thought I made with a legitimate CalSTRS representative concerning my retirement as an adjunct instructor in the near future. After a few questions, I realize that this woman is a financial planner for a hedge fund and that she mistakenly (fraudulently) misrepresented herself as a CalSTRS employee.  I abort the call. I text B. that my meeting is over. 

-L. leaves for work.  Her tire light is on so she drives to American Tire so they will put air in the tires. After, L. drives to work and gets a flat tire – she barely makes it to work on time. L. calls AAA and when he arrives and changes her flat, he informs L. that her tires are bald. L.’s co-worker follows her to American Depot so she can drop off her car and purchase new tires. Then, L.’s co-worker takes her back to work. 

10:45-11:30 – I turn on the interior Xmas lights, finish vacuuming the stairs, turn on the fireplace, and straighten my room. 

11:30-2:30 – B. arrives with Starbucks coffee and discusses the new terrorism exhibit at the Ronald Regan Library that he and his friends recently attended.  It sounds interesting. 

2:30-3:30 – L.’s co-worker drops her off at home for lunch. 

3:00-3:30 – B. and I take L. back to work, after her lunch hour and return home. 

3:30-4:30 – L. texts that her car is ready and the tires were replaced. 

4:30-5:00 – B. drives me to American Tire, I pick up L.’s car, then B. follows me to the Art Studio so I can drop it off in the parking lot. 

5:00-5:30 – Return home and B. has a few minutes of downtime before he has to leave to pick up his granddaughter. 

6:00 – 7:30 – B. leaves. I heat a can of Annies lentil soup and eat the remaining half of the Malibu Farms salad, while reading Deep Work. 

6:30 – L. returns home.  Her shift is over, but she has a Zoom class that runs until 9:30 so she logs in. 

7:30-9:00 – Blog post



Life Admin

-I watch a You Tube Mina Rome vegan cooking channel while I log my receipts for November/December.

-I order two more rugs for L.’s “stations” in the garage

-I update my Master Inventory 2022 spreadsheet. 

-Several Xmas presents arrived so I break down the boxes and put them in the recycling trash can

-I check email at College No. 2. The high school liaison confirms that I’m teaching F2F, Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:00-9:30, and the semester starts on February 12.  I send an email asking if I can teach on Monday and Wednesday instead.

-I check email at College No. 1

-I answer a question from Kellie at Elite Builders concerning the hardware that I purchase.

-I compile the semester grades for my highschoolers and prepare a memo to that effect. 

1:30-2:00 – Shower. Wash hair. 

2:00-3:00 – Braid hair and read Deep Work. 

3:00-3:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.

















Day 16 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”


Day 14 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”