Day 16 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”

At the Mission Inn, Festival of Lights today…

Dinner at Mario’s Place…

12/10/21. Friday

 I learn today that Covid-19 attacks fat cells…is this why obesity counts as an immuno-compromised condition when it comes to Covid infections?  

9:00-9:30 – I’m awake, but I lie in bed for transition time. 

9:30-10:00 – I’m up and I pull my suitcase down from the shelf in the laundry room, then go downstairs to say good morning to the animal.  She’s on the couch, asleep on her back, so I sit next to her and rub her tummy until she’s ready to go outside. I cue her to go potty, the dog grabs her toy, and we head out to the backyard. I see that she pooped in two places on the patio (sigh). I stand around, waiting for her to do her business, and then we return inside. Coffee for me; cheese for her. I go to work. 

10:00-11:30 –I check email at Colleges No. 1 and 2, then post the final highschooler grades to the Admissions and Records database at College No. 2.   I create a word document, detailing every student’s grade and percentage, then email it to the high school liaison. 

-I upload my blog post and eat two pieces of Irish chocolate that B. brought back from Ireland, while The Organized Money You Tube video runs in the background. 

-L. leaves for work. 

11:30-12:30 – I have to get a workout in because I didn’t yesterday so I do a 10-minute Insanity-Ab workout, followed by a 30-minute Insanity Max – Cardio workout. I haven’t mentioned it in the past, but working out in the morning typically makes me sick…I feel like vomiting now.

12:30-1:30 – I still feel sick.  Shower. Lotion. I put on mauve corduroys and a black turtleneck. Light make-up. 

1:30-2:00 – I pack for the next two days and bring my suitcase downstairs.

2:00-3:00 – I heat a bag of frozen corn in the microwave for lunch and then pack my  lunch bag with leftover odds and ends. I take the dog out, unload the dishwasher, do the dishes, and bring in more packages that were left on the door step. 

L. returns from work. 

3:00-3:30 – L. touches up her make-up, then we load the car and leave for the Mission Inn. 

3:30-7:00 – We are on the road for the next 3.5 hours. L. and I listen to Maintenance Phase – the Lemonade Diet and A Conversation with one of Blake Bailey’s Accusers, from Slate. 

7:00 – 7:30 – We made it!!  L. and I arrive at the Mission Inn  and I’m shocked to find the hotel is packed to the gills and nobody is masking!!!...except L. and I. All this AFTER the WHO labeled Omicron a variant of concern! The crowds are insane. There are only two tiny elevators for this hotel so I typically carry my suitcase up the flight of stairs.  L. wants to take the elevators, however, and there’s an employee standing outside the elevators who appears to be monitoring and limiting the number of people who can enter the elevator. Side bar: He’s not. 

L. and I are masked with suitcases in tow and waiting.  The elevator door opens, we get inside, and a  60ish-year-old white male with his soccer-Mom wife and kids, pushes his way into the elevator behind us.  The “Dad” yells, “Come on, guys!  Let’s go!” and shoves his way inside, moving L. and I to the back of the elevator. L. immediately turns and bull-dozes her way OUT of the elevator.  I so admire her moxie! I follow behind her as the white dude says to us, “Are you sure?”  His wife looks uncomfortable…good. I’m right behind L. [we’re both masked] and I turn to the white guy and family and say, “Too many people!” as we step out of the elevator. The Mission Inn employee who is supposed to be monitoring the elevators does nothing. 

 L. is pissed and rails against this white-privileged asshole the rest of the night. 

7:30-8:00 – L. and I check into our room and drop off our bags. We have a suite – courtesy of Mom! – and it’s incredible!  I love it!   Then, we walk to my Mom’s room, which is directly across from my brother’s room, and have a cocktail with S. (brother) and M. (SIL) 

8:00-10:00 – Collectively, we walk downstairs, out the door, and across the street to Mario’s Place, our all-time favorite Italian restaurant. My nephew, A., joins us!!! I love this place and. it. is. crowded. If I haven’t contracted Omicron yet, I will here, because…OMG…nobody is masking!  Nevertheless, I have an excellent meal!! L. and I split the beet salad and she orders a cheese board as an appetizer and the Tortellini as her entree. I order the Linguine Cheka which is phenom!!! and wash it down with two excellent glasses of champagne. After, L. orders the best dessert ever…Panna Cotta…and I have a few bites.  It is so good. 

L.’s boyfriend drops by our house to take the dog out and play with her.  He texts us some pics. 

10:00-11:00 – Return to our rooms and I watch Forensic Files [our go-to when traveling], while L. takes her nightly shower. 

11:00-12:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 17 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”


Day 15 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of interest”