Day 17-Biden says the pandemic is over
Numerous emails from that crazy OSD bitch….
College No. 1 has contracted with a third party vendor called Public Safety and Economic Growth [PUBSEG] to monitor Covid cases. Unfortunately, College No. 1 failed to give the employees in the on-campus Health Office this information.
Last semester, an anonymous student exposed the class to Covid - of course nobody provides the name so I have no idea where the student was sitting on that day. The Health Office notifies me of the exposure and says the students, and myself, have to “self-isolate” for TEN days. Great! That meant I didn’t have to appear for my 2:30 F2F class…you remember last semester’s 2:30 class, right? The Hybrid class where only 3 students, the same three losers, continued to report to the brick-and-mortar when all the other students got wise and attended the class online? Yeah, that class.
On the heels of the Health Office email, I get another email from PUBSEG, informing me that a student exposed the class to Covid, and that my students and I have to self-isolate for FIVE days. Wait, what?! That means I will, in fact, have to appear for my afternoon class! Damn! I email PUBSEG (remember…this is the THIRD-party vendor) and explain that the Health Office at College No. 1 instructed me to “self-isolate” for TEN days and that I am diligently following their instructions. Currently, I’m on Day 4.
PUBSEG responds immediately: “FIVE days.” In other words, get back in the classroom. PUBSEG doesn’t bother to sign their emails…I suspect AI.
Now that you know the backstory, I get an email from PUBSEG, today, informing me that my classroom was exposed to Covid NINE days ago. Uh, really? A notification NINE days out when we’re supposed to self-isolate FIVE days after exposure? I’ve just infected everyone I came in contact with for the past nine days. But, here’s the kicker. I put in for that particular day off 12 weeks prior…the class never met on that day. So, here’s the question: How the hell is a THIRD-party vendor supposed to effectively monitor Covid outbreaks when they’re not even on site? Oh, that’s right…they CAN’T. How much did College No. 1 pay for this sketchy service?
5:30-6:30-The dog is with me and we go downstairs so she can go potty. Return inside: cheese for her; coffee for me.
Back upstairs and I shower and ice my eyes. Lotion and business attire.
6:30-8:00 - Traffic is horrible. I arrive in the parking lot on time; and
8:15-8:30-walk to the classroom.
8:30-10:05-Class is in session.
10:05-10:30-Now it’s out of session. Rinse, wash, repeat.
I return to the parking lot; and
10:30-11:30-drive home.
11:45-12:45-I put all my bags away and eat my Nicks leftovers, while reading Foreverland.
1:00-3:00-I take a nap.
3:15-3:45-I check email at College No. 1.
Last week, that crazy OSD bitch went off the rails and started emailing me almost every day. I won’t discuss ALL of the emails in this post, but here’s a few of her greatest hits. Lets go back a little further in time:
9/7/22 at 11:09 am
She writes:
“What is your opposition to giving me extra time? Your prior email suggestion leads me to believe you want me to drop your course and try another semester. Please do not push off my requests.”
**I never said anything remotely resembling the above comments, although I thought it. On this day, and for the remainder of the semester, I begin vigorously defending myself, responding to every email and refuting every comment within 24 hours. As I’ve said in the past, if I go down I’ll go down swinging…and swinging HARD!
9/19/22 at 8:59 am
This email is written in mostly caps, indicating that crazy OSD bitch is screaming at me about something involving the Midterm. The email is largely incoherent and she accuses me of arbitrarily changing the Syllabus, which is a complete lie. Yes, dear reader…if you haven’t already figured it out, this bitch is a f—king liar.
By 9/22/23, her emails take a more sinister turn and she starts making numerous allegations that I am not in compliance with her Accommodations Request; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; or Title II of the ADA. I won't bother quoting these allegations in this post…she cites these lies constantly and they’re (yawn) boring. Per usual, I refute every allegation and provide concrete examples of how I’m in compliance. If this sounds time consuming, it god damn, f—king IS time consuming; there are no hours left for my personal life until I get this bitch removed from my class…but Spoiler Alert, that won’t be for another 30 days…
9/29/22 at 4:14 pm
Here’s a quote from a page-long rant about which platform to use when she emails me her paper:
“You indicate to send to you; however…the instructions are vague since one can perceive to email to you through the MyCollege email or through the Canvas email system.”
**The instructions were NOT vague. I asked the students to email me their papers. They did, including this crazy OSD bitch. What’s more, she’s been emailing me all of her quizzes because she refuses to take them on the Canvas platform like all the other students. I’ve received and graded every quiz regardless of the platform she uses - there has never been an issue.
9/30/22 at 11:04 am - 2 pg., single-spaced email.
This section of the email is, yet again, addressing which platform she should use for emailing assignments. Note that this bitch has been emailing her assignments to me for the past 30 days! She wrote this portion of the email AFTER submitting her paper, via email of course, and AFTER I had already confirmed receipt of her paper:
“I ask direct questions…I would expect a direct response. Not a badminton game. For me, the Syllabus is ambiguous because there were no instructions between which alternative to use. That is all I am trying to do is receive clarification from YOU to which ONE I should use. That is not too difficult to ask. I view a Syllabus as a legal document, clear and concise.”
In yet another section of this email, she writes:
“Respectfully, I am asking you not to compare me to your other students.”
***This is an attempt to present evidence that I am discriminating against her by comparing her to the able-bodied students in the classroom, which I never did. Also, it is not ambiguous to tell the students to email me their papers, because IT DOESN’T MATTER WHICH PLATFORM THEY USE!!. I routinely check BOTH platforms because, as an Instructor, we have to.
I call this bitch out at every turn, usually beginning my emails with, “I respectfully disagree with your assessment. The truth of the matter is that simply did not occur…” and then continue citing concrete examples that obliterate her lies. Dr. LL is cc’d on everything; he does absolutely nothing.
Did I mention that this bitch has the highest grade in the class? It’s obvious she’s certifiable…she is absolutely nuts.
3:40-6:30-I grade the Socratic Seminar papers; then
6:30-6:45-check email at College No. 1 and order next semester’s textbook through the NEW complicated Bookstore Requisition e-form that we are forced to use.
6:45-7:00-I check headlines; then
7:00-7:30-I check email at College No. 2
7:30-9:00-I change into workout clothes and do a 15-minute Insanity-Ab workout, followed by a 30-minute, Insanity-Cardio workout.
9:00-11:00-grade papers; then
12:00-12:20-I check headlines.
12:20-1:00-I upload a blog post.
1:00-2:00 - Nighttime routine. Bed.