Day 17 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

On a Nature Hike at Placerita Canyon today…

Aerial view of Placerita Canyon…

11/6/21. Saturday 

8:00 –L. leaves for work at the Art Studio.  I’m awake, but manage to go back to sleep for the next hour. 

9:00-9:30 – Up and I go downstairs to greet the animal.  I’m not especially pressed for time this morning so I sit next to her for kisses and cuddles.  I rub her tummy several times and then we go outside where I survey my plants while she goes potty. Return inside and coffee for me; cheese for her.  I see gardening on the horizon today. Note: I used to refer to this activity as yardwork, but this term has negative connotations so I “re-framed the narrative” as “gardening.” It goes down better that way.  

9:30-10:20 – Shower. Lotion. Cargo pants and a long-sleeve, work-out shirt. Full make-up. I listen to Marketplace Morning Report. 

10:20-11:00 – I grab my lunch bag and leave. Driving. I listen to Organize 365. 

11:00-12:00 – I arrive at Placerita Canyon for the Nature Hike that I found in the Santa Clarita Signal. I had no idea Placerita Canyon existed, even though it’s only 20 minutes from my house…this place is very beautiful.  

The Nature Hike is billed as “fun for the whole family” and I don’t know what to expect. It’s very busy here – there’s a lot of foot traffic and it appears that some sort of event is unfolding. I ask some dumb kid sitting at a portable table if the Nature Hike meets here and he has no idea what I’m talking about. I continue to stand around until “a ranger???” exits his office and tells me I’m in the right place.  

A few minutes later, a doddering female, named “Judy” arrives and identifies herself as “the guide.” Two Moms, with five kids between them, also arrive…and then there’s me. We have to go around the circle and introduce ourselves. Everyone masks, even though we’re outside., but I get it…kids aren’t vaccinated yet. Judy takes us on a nature hike on the shortest trail Placerita Canyon has to offer and we barely move along it.  She continuously “trails” off [no pun intended] and word slippage abounds – I suspect dementia or worse, early, onset Alzheimers. Judy has no business being a docent and I don’t like her…she’s stupid.  I know it’s terrible to say that, but it’s true. Her mask keeps slipping and eventually she just pulls it down even though it’s obvious that the Moms care about masking and keeping their kids safe. I also hate one of the kids on this “nature hike.”  She’s fat and keeps complaining – her Mom tries to engage her - with snacks, of course - but it’s not working.  

The tour ends after 1 hour, culminating in a stop at The Walker House, where the Walkers allegedly lived with their 10 children (I think it’s 10 ??) in the late 1800s [think Little House and the Prairie]. Apparently, the Walkers are responsible for Placerita Canyon or have something to do with it??? It’s unclear. The tour, which I hated, is mercifully over…but I loved the canyon. I didn’t see enough of it, however, because the tour was so limited and on such a short loop. There is a Bird Watch scheduled for next Saturday…what the hell does that mean? I’m thinking about going, but it’s sooo early…it starts at 8:00 a.m….on a Saturday… 

12:00-1:00 – I take this time to explore Placerita Canyon on my own a bit more. There are several trails here that might be interesting to hike… 

1:00-2:00 – I leave and drive home, passing the Newhall Farmer’s Market along the way.  These people meet up at the Newhall Library parking lot every Saturday, but there is no place to park today, so I keep driving. I listen to Organize 365. 

2:30-3:00 – Arrive home and I select bedding samples at to send to B. so he can pick which comforter he likes for one of his Xmas presents. I listen to Happier. 

3:00-3:30 – I have turkey chili and read My Caesarian.  

3:30-4:30 – I talk to B. via telephone. 

4:30-5:30 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to the New York Times Book Review

6:00-8:30 – Gardening. I rake the leaves and sweep the patio. I listen to a couple episodes from Fresh Air. 

9:00-9:45- I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Friday Fight workout.

9:45-12:00 – L. and I watch Squid Games and gain an extra hour due to Daylight Savings Time because we set the clocks back. 

12:00-1:30 – L. and I watch another episode of Squid Games.  

1:30-2:00 - My circadian rhythm is messed up from Daylight Savings time so I’m ready for bed. Nighttime routine. Bed.





Day 18 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 16 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months