Day 2 - All CA students must be vaccinated

Merck developed a pill to treat Covid-19…

Merck has developed a pill that reduces Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths by half for people recently infected by the virus. The pill inhibits replication of the virus, whereas vaccines trigger an immune response to the virus. According to Merck, “the pill” reduces hospitalizations and deaths by half in high-risk individuals but has less impact for low-risk individuals when it comes to Covid-19 complications. Merck is manufacturing the pills while they wait for emergency authorization from the FDA.

Spoiler Alert: In 45 days, the FDA will still not have provided authorization for the Merck pill. HOWEVER, the UK  will approve the pill for consumer purchase on 11/4/21.

In the midst of this news is the “booster.” Allegedly, older patients’ immunity goes away faster after receiving the 2-dose vaccine, but what is the definition of “older?” The booster was developed for the Covid-19 variant, which burned out and is no longer in existence - it was replaced by Delta.  Then why get the booster?

The MRNA vaccines are designed to be “plug and play” with the idea that pharmaceutical companies can make small alterations to address mutations in the Corona/Covid-19 virus…at least, this is how the MRNA vaccines were sold to the American people…but the pharmaceutical companies never plugged in shit. They just keep marketing the same vaccine for a variant that disappeared.

10/2/21. Saturday

7:00-7:30 – My alarm goes off at 6:30, but I lie in bed until 7:00 for transition time. “Frank”, the carpenter-contractor, is scheduled to arrive between 7:30-8:00, to determine how he will frame out and mount the light panels that I purchased for the wall of the garage/art studio. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed immediately.

7:30–8:00 - I go downstairs to greet the animal and see that she’s asleep on the couch.  She rolls over on her back so I can pet her tummy and give her some attention while she tries to wake up. I sit next to her and oblige until she finally jumps off the couch, grabs her toy, and we go outside. The dog vomited in two locations on the patio. Great. I clean up the vomit while she goes potty. Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me.

8:00–8:30-The batteries that neither B. nor I could locate for the door sensor for my home security system arrived from Amazon so while I’m waiting for Frank, I pull out the ladder and finally replace the “coin” battery with the correct size battery. Fingers crossed…will it work? Drum roll, please…did the new battery fix my home security system?...the answer is…NO.   No change!  The door “chime” still doesn’t work and I’m still unable to arm the system.  What a disappointment.

8:45–9:00 - Frank calls and informs me that he overslept and is not coming today…which ultimately means I could have slept in today. Of course, I don’t want to use this contractor…I mean, seriously…you’re not coming because you overslept? And during our conversation, he said he called to let me know because he’s a “professional.” But, as I’m discovering, as a homeowner and consumer, I’m at the mercy of these contractors and it is too difficult to find someone else, which is extremely depressing. We reschedule for Monday, 10/4/21.

9:00-10:00 – I go out to my backyard, water a few of my plants, and pick up dog poop. Then, I clean the fountain and fill it with water. Even though the plumber was here previously, the faucet is still leaking and driving me crazy.  I hate this vendor, but my hands were tied – my Home Warranty plan mandates that I use the vendor they assign whenever I report an issue. It doesn’t matter if the vendor is sub-par.  For this inadequate service, I pay $775 a year and an $80 co-pay every time someone comes out. The plan only pays for itself on rare occasions like when my hot water heater was replaced and when my garage door and air conditioner were repaired. I listen to Dr. Death – Season 3 while I work in the backyard.

10:00-11:00 – I ordered a stair runner for both sets of stairs and it came yesterday.  I unroll it and cut it in half, then lay it on each section of the stairs. It looks great, but one of the sections is a bit too long so I plan to cut it down to size a little later. I start listening to a new podcast – Happier with Gretchen Rubin. There are numerous episodes I haven’t heard and that will tie me over for several weeks.

11:00 – 12:00 – I dust and clean my ottoman, which was filthy after I picked it up from “Effrain”, and re-insert the drawers.  My Mom bought a scarf for me during a vacation to Romania and I place it over the top of the ottoman for decoration – it looks amazing against the new, ivory upholstery.

12:00-1:30 – I make a piece of gluten-free toast, with butter and cinnamon almond butter, and read Work Won’t Love You Back.

2:00-3:00 – I take this time to compile L.’s “Adult Binder” circa Lisa Woodruff from the founder of Organize 365 and one of my favorite podcasts. L. is an adult so I compile her health records, bank account information, work paystubs, identity-fraud documentation from when she was 9-years-old, her Immunization Card, her Social Security card, passport, etc., hole-punch the documents, and place them in a 3-ring binder, with inserts between the various sections.  I do her taxes every year so I’m keeping her tax documents in my filing cabinet until she finds another tax preparer…but I turn over everything else. These items belong to L. and it is time for her to take possession of them. I put the binder on her bed. I listen to Hurry Slowly.

3:00-5:00 – Blog posts

5:00-6:00 – I assemble the two portable shelving units that I purchased for the garage/art studio.

6:00-7:00 – My Ipad storage is full so I spend this time deleting superfluous podcasts.

7:00-7:30 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to Up and Vanished.

7:30-8:30 – More blog posts.

8:30-9:30 – I do a new Insanity 30-Max routine and a 10-minute Ab workout.

9:30-11:30 – More blog posts.

11:30-12:00 – I shut everything down, but when I check the garage I’m startled to see that L. is there, painting. I didn’t even know she was home!

12:00-2:00 – More blog posts and I accidentally fall asleep.

2:00-4:00 – More blog posts

4:00-5:00 – I do a bullet journal for today’s activities.

5:00-5:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 3-All CA students must be vaccinated


Day 1 - All CA students must be vaccinated.