Day 20-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

I watched Monstrous today…it was…okay.

5/31/22. Tuesday

5:15-5:30-My alarm goes off, but I sleep in until 5:30 for transition time.

5:30-5:45 - I go downstairs and the dog is out of it. When I start microwaving my coffee, she staggers over and puts her paws on my legs to say hello. We go outside and I wait for the dog to do her business. Return inside and cheese for her. I carry my coffee and a bag of ice upstairs.

5:45-5:50-I’m still at 97 pounds. Damn.

5:50-6:30-I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. Today, I wear a long-sleeved purple blouse and a floral-print long skirt. I put all my bags in the car and I’m out the door by 6:30-very late for me but this is my last week at this high school so who cares?

6:30-7:50-Driving. Traffic is horrible and there’s an accident in the carpool lane on the 5. I eat a peanut butter cookie from Insomnia, put my makeup on in the car, and listen to the Best of Both Worlds.

7:50-8:15-Arrive at the school and walk in. The ‘safety officers’ are actually doing their job today and are manning the front gate, probably as a result of the Uvalde Texas shooting - they still don’t ask me for ID, though. Two of my students stop me in the hall regarding missing assignments. What am I supposed to do?…the semester is over.

I report to class but, strangely, Mr. G is the only one in the classroom. I discover that the students are on a modified testing schedule and are not coming to class today - nobody bothered to tell me. I leave and run into the Principal who says she forgot to tell me about this week’s modified school schedule and how there is no point coming in this week [Tuesday AND Thursday], because the students will not be in class. I woke up at 5:15 a.m. this morning, drove in rush-hour, gridlock traffic, and spent $24 in gas…for nothing.

I walk to my car and drive home.

8:15-9:30-Driving. Because it’s so early, traffic is absolutely horrible. I eat grapes and cucumbers on the way home and listen to The Accused.

9:15-9:30-When I get into town, I stop at Starbucks; then

9:30-9:45-I get gas. It’s at $5.89 a gallon if you pay cash.

9:45-10:30-I drive to the automated carwash and get my “biannual” carwash [j/k...I wash my car more frequently than once every 6 months…okay…not really]

10:30-11:00-I drive to the ATM and pull out money for the tree trimming scheduled for Thursday.

11:00-12:00-Home and I bring in all of my bags and put everything away. Then, I make scrambled eggs and add some of L.’s cheese. I finish my Starbucks.

-I change my clothes and go to work (enter my home office).

1:00-2:00 - I check email at College No. 1 and update my students’ scores on four quizzes that she emailed me. Then, because the Principal told me the students are on a modified testing schedule, I review the Final, update the instructions to the Final, change a question, and post it to the Canvas shell. I send an email blast to the students that the Final is ready and post the same email as an Announcement.

-L. surfaces and shows me how to access my new google gmail that she created for me. I asked her to create this account so she could load ALL of my Google Slides (from the four classes that I teach) into this account. Prior to this, ALL of the Google slides were housed at College No. 1. I don’t think I’ll be at this school much longer, so I need to transfer my slides to my own, personal account. All of my slides are now centrally located and, truly, it’s a relief.

2:00-2:30-I check email at College No. 2.

2:30-3:30-I start loading my Chapter Review quizzes into my hard drive at home for Specialty Class No. 2. This involves manually typing every question, along with the four corresponding answers, by hand, into a Word document, on my personal computer. Similar to my Google slides, all of the Chapter Review quizzes that I created for this class are housed in the Canvas shell at College No. 1. As I said earlier, I hope to leave College No. 1 because I’m sick of working there. I listen to the Fall Line and load three quizzes into Word documents.

3:30-4:30-I rent the movie Monstrous and update my bullet journal. B. calls and says “Reynaldo”, the tree trimmer, is now coming tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. great.

4:30-5:30-I continue loading my Chapter Review quizzes onto my personal computer, then finish watching Monstrous. This movie is…okay.

6:00-8:30 - Because Reynaldo’s coming tomorrow and I don’t want his crew to TOUCH my Banks Rose bush, I pull out my ladder, trim the surrounding branches near my rose bush, and sweep up the mess. I cover the rose bush with old sheets so the tree trimmers know what to avoid. Hopefully, they won’t TOUCH my rose bush.

8:30-9:15-I water my plants and pick up the dog poop so the workers won’t step on it tomorrow when they’re trimming my trees.

9:15-10:00-Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee.

10:00-10:30-I cut up apple slices and eat with peanut butter while I watch the next Insanity-Asylum video that I’m about to attempt.

10:30-11:30-I change into workout attire and do a 45-min Insanity-Asylum Vertical Pylo, consisting of lots of jump roping and jumping. It totally kicks my ass and I am completely spent at 30 minutes, pausing several times. Jump roping is difficult because there is not enough room in my bedroom for this activity.

11:30-1:00-I dust my room, wipe down the counters, and vacuum the stair landing, my bathroom, and my closet. I also clean my bathroom mirror and toilet.

1:00-2:00-I listen to Radio Rental. Then, nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 6:00 because Reynaldo and B. are coming at 7:30.


Day 21-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 19 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant