Day 19 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

I hiked the Ventura Botanical Gardens today…

Ventura Botanical Gardens…

5/30/22 - Monday - Memorial Day

8:30-9:00-I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. We go outside and I pick up dog poop while I wait for her go potty. I water a few of my plants and then we return inside. While my coffee is warming in the microwave, I give the dog cheese and unload the dishwasher.

9:00-10:00-Upstairs and I’m at 97.5 pounds today. Damn. I shower, but I try to be quick about it - no sitting down. I wash my hair and ice my eyes. Lotion. Blow dry my hair. No makeup today. I listen to Be Wealthy and Smart, The Best Laid Plans, and Crime Junkie. Time for Athletic Housewife attire - gray leggings and a long gray tank top, with my new gray Adidas zip-up hoodie [orange stripes up the sleeves] and my orange Airbird sneakers.

10:00-11:00-I scan the three extra credit assignments I graded, post grades, and email them to the students. Then I post course content and check overall semester grades. I chop a cucumber and add to my lunch bag. After, I load my car and add a jacket in case it’s cold.

11:00-11:20-I stop at the gas station and fill up for $30. If you pay cash, gas is $5.89 a gallon. It’s $6.00 if you use your ATM.

11:20-12:20-I drive to the Ventura Botanical Gardens and eat apple slices and almond butter along the way. I listen to Air Talk.

12:20-1:30-Arrive at the Ventura Botanical Gardens. This place is a series of terraces, with old stones serving as stairs and built into the mountains at every turn. It reminds me of ancient mezzanines… some of the wild flowers are beautiful. The gardens are never open on Mondays but today is a special holiday and it’s also free. Even so, almost no one is here. The views are incredible - anytime you hike up a mountain, wherever you are, the views are incredible, which is why people hike. BUT, these views are especially beautiful because the ocean is the centerpiece of the view. I’m so glad I came.

1:30-2:30-I leave. Driving. I listen to a Front Line expose about Big Oil. I eat a barbecue chicken-rice-corn-pea dish that I cooked and froze previously, a boiled egg, and the crumbs of a leftover brownie along the way.

2:30-2:45 - Home and I unload my bags and put everything away. I take the dog out.

2:45-5:00-I take a nap. Long Covid?

5:00-5:15-bullet journal

5:15-5:45-I read How to Win Friends and Influence People; then

5:45-7:00-I write two Covid essays.

7:00-8:10-I go to Kohl’s and buy hiking boots and socks with the birthday money B. gave me. I’m hemorrhaging Kohl’s cash from L. and my underwear and bra purchases so everything is only $80.

8:10-8:30-Return home.

8:30-9:10-I talk to B.

-L. Leaves for Salt and Straw with N., my surrogate son, and their female friend, D.

9:30-12:00-Blog posts

12:00-1:00 - Kitchen duty and I prepare my lunch bag and ready my coffee.

1:00-1:45-L surfaces and returns from Insomnia with cookies. I pack one for tomorrow. We discuss her day - the Membership Dept. at The Club is hiring and L. Is going to apply.

1:45-2:30-Nightime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 5:15.


Day 20-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 18 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant