Day 21 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

L. finally selects three black and white rugs…

11/10/21. Wednesday

6:00 – L. leaves for her 18-hour day at Otis.

7:00 –7:30 -  My alarm goes off but I simply cannot get out of bed. 

7:30-7:45 – Downstairs to greet the dog, but she is out of it and still asleep on the couch.  I don’t have time to coddle her – class starts in an hour and the course content and Discussion Board are NOT ready. I make a cup of coffee and the dog, seeing me move around the kitchen, staggers in because she thinks food is on the agenda. I cue her to go outside and we head to the backyard while I impatiently stand around.  Why does she take so long to go potty when I’m pressed for time? Return inside and cheese for her.  I already have my coffee so I immediately report to my office. The dog dutifully follows and jumps up on my office chair, behind my back as I’m sitting, so she can look out the window. 

7:45-8:30 – I ready course content and set up the Discussion board prompt for my highschoolers. 

8:30 – 9:40-Class is in session and, almost immediately, my two favorite students tell me that class will end early because they have [insert religious ceremony here]. Two of the assignments were due today, but there isn’t time for the students to complete them since class is ending early so I adjust the due dates for Friday, instead. My highschoolers are quiet today. 

I revert to my Asynchronous class and email those students who received a D or F on the video quiz (only two students this time) AND the chapter review quiz concerning last week’s module. This is College No. 2, so the deadline to withdraw with a W is rapidly approaching. I email all students who currently have a D or F in the class and tell them the last day to drop with a W is 11-19. I have to separate the chaff… 

9:40-11:00 – I take Attendance for both classes, then email the highschoolers who did not sign in on the Discussion Board informing them that they were marked absent and will receive a 0 on the chapter review quiz. A few students respond that they were actually present, but were locked out of the Discussion Board and unable to sign in. If you’re locked out of the Discussion Board, that means you’re late. They email me their responses to the Discussion Board prompt and I relent because these are good kids and I like this group. 

-Another student had an approved absence last week, so I email her the chapter review quiz that she missed. 

11:00-12:00 – Life Admin. 

-I order B.’s comforter (this is a Xmas gift) 

-By my count, there are three “stations” in the garage/art studio where L. can work. To “anchor” and define the stations, I told L., two weeks ago, to pick three rugs of her choice, for these specific areas. As usual, I’m paying for this expenditure.  L. seemed excited about this opportunity, and did…nothing. Last week, I asked L. if she had any ideas for the rugs…Color? Texture? Square? Circle? Anything?  L. wasn’t sure…she didn’t know…she couldn’t decide…etc…all L. could say was, “Ummm, black and white?”  Ok!  We’re getting somewhere. 

I researched several black and white rugs on, then sent L. the links for her approval. I put in the heading: TOTAL REVIEW TIME: 1 minute 

12:00-1:00 – I make scrambled eggs, split a portion of the croissant that B. gave me yesterday, add some cheese, and make an egg sandwich. I read The Paper Solution. 

1:00-2:00 – I continue reading The Paper Solution. 

2:00-6:00 – I go back to bed.  I know, I know…I should just push through but I’m exhausted today. 

6:30-7:15 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. 

8:00 – L. returns from Otis and proceeds to set up the kitchen for sugar cookies. I talk to L. about her classes, then ask her to take a quick look at the rugs I selected as it will only take one minute. L. balks and says she doesn’t have time right now, but I demand that she open the links. Recall that these are rugs I curated and selected for her approval.  All she has to say is “yay or nay.” As stated in the heading of the email, this endeavor really did take 1 minute. 

Additionally, L. refuses to select a chair for her drafting table, even though she knows she needs a chair.  It’s the same with an easel.  Instead of selecting an easel for me to order, L. continues to put her canvas on the aluminum chair rail that B. and Gus installed along the wall in September. This is both cumbersome and messy, as she keeps getting paint all over the chair rail.  Yes, I understand she’s an artist and artists are messy, but artists put their canvases on easels, NOT chair rails. I say nothing about the paint on the chair rail to L. because it’s her art studio, but I’ve been coming behind her, after she’s asleep, and rubbing the paint off the aluminum chair rail with steel wool.  

All of this is so frustrating…why won’t L. select an easel or a chair? Am I supposed to select these items, too?  I have no idea what kind of chair or easel an artist needs… 

9:00-10:30 – L. makes cookies and the kitchen exploded.  Seriously, there is actually cookie dough splattered on the backsplash. True to form, the cookies are amazing! 

-I watch the next 30-minute Insanity workout because I’m on Month No. 2 and still intimidated. After watching the work out, I give it a try. I do a 30-minute, Insanity – Tabata Power workout and make it through. 

10:30-12:30 – L. and I watch two more episodes of Squid Games and I eat my leftover fish and chips from…somewhere? L. has been asking me to help her paint her room (Translation: L. has been asking me to paint her room) and we agree that we will do it tomorrow. L. has a dentist appointment at 8:00 a.m. and work at 3:00 p.m. She says we can paint her room in the interim. 

12:30-2:00 – Downstairs and I clean the kitchen. 

2:00-3:00 – B. gave me an insert from the LA Times Top 20 Gifts for Xmas – and suggested that I circle any gifts I might be interested in.  I review the list and make my selections. 

3:00-4:00 – Bullet journal. 

4:00-4:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.





Day 22 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 20 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months