Day 22 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

I paint L.’s bedroom today…

11/11/21. Thursday. Veteran’s Day [I’m off] 

7:50 – L. leaves for the dentist. 

8:30-9:00 – Up and I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. I’m not pressed for time today so I sit on the couch with her for kisses and cuddles. When she’s ready, she jumps off the couch, grabs her toy, and we go outside.  She pooped on the patio again (sigh). Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I go upstairs. 

9:00-10:00 – Shower. Lotion. I put on my painting clothes. 

10:00-11:30 – Although L. and I planned to paint her room between 10:00 and 2:00, she is still not home. I text L. regarding her whereabouts and she says she is trying out a new bagel place in Studio City. 

I prep L.’s room for painting.  I remove the curtain rods, tape off the ceiling and floor, move her furniture out of the way, and lay down a tarp. 

11:30-12:30 – L. returns with half of a hummus bagel for me – it tastes incredible! L. reports that she changed her mind and we’re not going to paint today.  This is after I just prepped her room. Uh, yes, we are, in fact, painting today. 

-L. cuts in near the ceiling and I tape off the last remaining section on the third wall. L. is not having it and says, “I thought we were only painting ONE wall, today.” But the paint is chipped on the other two walls and it doesn’t make sense to paint ONE wall and put everything away, only to turn around and pull the paint supplies out, yet again, for the remaining two walls.  We’re going to “batch-task” this project.  L. is irritated, but complies. 

12:30 – 1:00 – L. continues cutting in.  I excuse myself to put on make-up, change my light bulb, and straighten my bedroom. 

1:00-3:00 – B. arrives with the shoes I left at his house and we talk politics.  

L. leaves for work. 

B. leaves. 

I have one of L.’s sugar cookies. 

3:00-5:30 – L. finished cutting in so I roll out the three walls and finish painting her room. 

5:30 – 6:30 – I collect the dog and we drive to the dog park.  Once again, it doesn’t go well. A friendly dachshund keeps pursuing her until she finally snaps at him. The dog is only truly comfortable when she’s sitting on the bench with me, looking down at all the other dogs. We do manage to walk around the dog park for awhile, before eventually leaving and walking around the main park. She likes this and we make several loops before finally heading back to the car.  When she figures out where we’re going, she digs in, and wants to continue walking around the park, but I’m done.  All of this is so stressful for me…I just want to go home.  She will never acclimate to the dog park. 

6:30-8:00 – Return home and I check the paint in L.’s room. It’s almost dry so I carefully pull off the tape, wash the tarps (old sheets), replace the curtain rods, and move all of L.’s furniture back into the room. Then, I reinstall the electrical plates, her floating shelf, and hang two mirrors. 

-In the midst of this, L. returns from work only to start her 7:00-10:00 online class. She checks her room and says it looks good, then asks if I can come up with a solution to light her closet cubicles since she likes to store/feature glassware in the cubbies.  I have some ideas…  

8:00-8:30 – I finish the last bit of the clean-up, store the paint, and wash the paintbrush. 

8:30-9:30 – I have chips and dip for dinner [I know this is a terrible food choice] and read The Paper Solution. 

9:30-10:00 – For whatever reason, my Ipad stopped downloading the most recent podcasts so I spend time troubleshooting the issue and fix the problem. 

10:00-11:00 –Yet again,  I watch the next 30-minute Insanity workout because I’m on Month No. 2 and still intimidated. After watching the work out, I am horrified to see that Sean T., the epitome of fitness, can barely get through it!  I do a 10-minute Ab workout first, then I try the 30-minute, Insanity – Sweat workout. I have to pause a few times, but I make it through. 

11:00-11:30 – Continue reading The Paper Solution. 

11:30-12:00 – I order tickets for L. and I to attend a Camarata Pacifica concert at The Huntington. The venue is requiring proof of vaccination even though the vaccines are waning.  Does J&J even count as a vaccination these days? 

Everyone views the vaccines as a talisman, but people still get sick if they’re infected. The vaccines only seem to prevent death and hospitalization, and then only for approximately 6 months before you need a booster. As I’ve said in earlier posts, Operation Warp Speed appears to be an epic fail. I checked my Immunization Card that I’ve carried since I was a child and note that all of the vaccines I’ve received over my lifetime prevent the disease that I’m vaccinated against. The Covid vaccines don’t and people are still getting Long Haul Covid.  I’ve never heard of such a thing with regard to vaccination – vaccines are supposed to STOP the spread of a particular disease. Why are we touting these vaccines as “revolutionary” and “ground breaking” when we we’re still getting infected? 

12:00-12:30 – I go through my Ipad and delete downloaded podcasts to free up my storage limit. 

1:00-2:00 – I work on a blog post but accidentally fall asleep. 

2:00-3:30 – I complete the blog post. 

4:00-4:45 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 7:15, unfortunately.


Day 23 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 21 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months