Day 22-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

L. and I work on our Curated Closets today…

6/2/22 - Thursday

4:30-L. leaves for her shift at The Club. She’s training a new hire today but when they both arrive at 4:30, the gate to The Club isn’t open and members are waiting around, ready to start working out. L. and the new hire hop the fence so they can enter the side door which is always unlocked…except it’s LOCKED today. L tries another door but her key won’t turn in the lock so she is forced to call J., the manager. What a disaster.

7:30-8:00-Downstairs, and I take the dog outside and stand around in the backyard, waiting for her to go potty. Return inside and coffee for me, cheese for her. I go upstairs.

8:00-9:30-I listen to AirTalk and write two Covid essays.

9:30-10:00-I read a few pages of How to Win Friends and eat pieces of Bs donut from yesterday.

10:00-11:00-Shower. Lotion. I put on LuLu Lemon leggings and a sports bra because I hope this outfit will motivate me to get a workout in earlier as opposed to later. I listen to Today Explained.

11:00-12:15-L. returns from her early morning shift. Membership at The Club is hiring and L. has decided to apply so we spend the next hour going over her resume. I tailor the resume to reflect her sales experience at the Art Studio. The resume is…fine on its own, but I make extensive edits and tighten it up. When we’re done, L. emails it to HR and we do a high five.

In light of “dog poop gate” [the letter I received from the HOA, accusing me of leaving dog shit behind when my dog took a dump, due to a false report from a nosy neighbor who can go f—k herself], I ask L. if she and T. left poop behind when they were walking the dog while I was in South Dakota? L. says no.

-Tuc, the Director of Membership at The Club, texts L. and asks if he can meet with her tomorrow regarding her Membership application. L. and I brainstorm about what she should say at the meeting as well as answers to possible questions Tuc might have.

L. leaves to pick up a painting from Fast Frame.

12:15-5:30-I spend the next 5 hours working on the yard. The crew did a standard clean-up but there are leaves and twigs in all the beds and multiple dead branches have to be sawed off the Banks rose bush. Cleaning out the beds takes forever. I don’t bother to change out of my workout gear, which is a mistake because my skin can’t breathe through the leggings. I listen to This is Uncomfortable, the Culture Gabfest, Fresh Air - Uncovering Abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention, the Political Gabfest, The New Yorker - Politics And More, The Deck, and PBS News segments.

At 2:00, I break to defrost something I cooked and froze a long time ago. It’s spaghetti squash lasagna and still holds up. After lunch, I go back to work, on my hands and knees cleaning out the beds - I filled two trash cans with debris. When I finish, I water all my plants. I listen to Marketplace and Citations Needed.

5:30-6:00-I change into yoga pants and a tank top, but make the executive decision NOT to go to my Striders walking group tonight. It’s hot and I’m tired and sun-burned.

6:00-6:45-I go to the 99-cent store for envelopes, rubber bands, and a Father’s Day card for B. L. requested Cheetos and Cheese Puffs. I listen to the New Yorker -Politics and More and NPR Politics.

6:45-7:45-I convince L. to take the dog for a walk with me on the paseo.

8:15-10:00-when we’re finished, L. and I go through my Nordstrom Rack shopping cart and she does a thumbs up-thumbs down for the 86 items I put in my cart, eventually narrowing it down to 12. I discuss the Curated Closet philosophy with L. and show her the actual book.

-I order the remaining 12 items.

10:00-11:00-L., energized by our conversation, goes upstairs and asks me to help her clean out her closet. We talk about the Curated Closet principles as we go. L. has a capsule wardrobe so she is done downsizing in about an hour.

11:00-11:30-I change back into workout clothes and eat apple slices and peanut butter in anticipation of my workout.

11:30-12:30-I do a 15-minute Insanity Ab workout and a 30-minute Insanity Cardio workout.

12:30-1:00-I accidentally fall asleep.

1:00-2:00-Kitchen duty. I dip a few mini marshmallows in peanut butter and eat for a snack, while listening to Radio Rental.

2:00-2:45-Nighttime routine. Bed. I listen to Dateline.


Day 23-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 21-BA2.12.1 is the current variant